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Behavioral Neurogenetics of Drosophila Larva

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Behavioral Neurogenetics of Drosophila Larva

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October 23 - 26, 2016
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To understand the circuit principles by which behavioral choices are made and the chosen behaviors executed, it is essential to determine the architecture of networks that mediate these functions with synaptic resolution, and determine the causal relationships between the structural motifs and function. The genetically tractable insect model system, the Drosophila larva, with a ca. 10,000-neuron nervous system and uniquely identifiable neurons is ideally suited for combining three levels of analysis: i) circuit mapping using electron microscopy (EM); ii) physiological measurements of neural activity and iii) neural manipulation in freely behaving animals to dissect the circuit principles of behavior selection and generation. Recent advances in electron microscopy techniques enable rapid reconstruction of larval circuits. Recently developed genetic toolkits enable selective manipulation and recording from uniquely identified neurons. At the same time recent behavior detection algorithms enable high resolution and high-throughput characterization of a range of larval behaviors. This high level of anatomical resolution, coupled with the genetic tools and fine-detail behavioral analysis, makes the fly larva an excellent model system for moving from neural circuits to behavior. This meeting will feature the most recent advances in the study of larval behavioral neurogenetics, with an emphasis on motivational and memory systems.

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Albert Cardona, Janelia Research Campus/HHMI
Bertram Gerber, Leibniz Institute for Neurobiology (LIN)
Akinao Nose, University of Tokyo
James Truman, University of Washington
Marta Zlatic, Janelia Research Campus/HHMI
Invited Participants
Claudio Alonso, University of Sussex
Richard Baines, University of Manchester
Akira Chiba, University of Miami
Barry Condron, University of Virginia
Chris Doe, HHMI/University of Oregon
Marc Gershow, New York University
Wesley Grueber, Columbia University
Volker Hartenstein, University of California, Los Angeles
Ellie Heckscher, University of Chicago
Yuh Nung Jan, HHMI/University of California, San Francisco
Philip Keller, Janelia Research Campus/HHMI
Markus Knaden, Max Planck Institute for Chemical Ecology, Jena
Hiroshi Kohsaka, University of Tokyo
Matthias Landgraf, University of Cambridge
Liria Masuda-Nakagawa, University of Cambridge
Brian McCabe, Columbia University
Christen Mirth, Monash University
Stefan Pulver, University of St. Andrews, Scotland
Aravinthan Samuel, Harvard University
Wolfram Schultz, University of Cambridge
Peter Soba, University of Hamburg
Simon Sprecher, University of Fribourg
David Stern, Janelia Research Campus/HHMI
Steve Stowers, Montana State University
Andreas Thum, University of Konstanz
Dan Tracey, Indiana University Bloomington
K. VijayRaghavan, National Centre for Biological Sciences
Barbara Webb, University of Edinburgh
Christian Wegener, University of Würzburg