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Electrical Synapses

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Electrical Synapses

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April 30 - May 3, 2017
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Research suggests that the prevalence and importance of electrical transmission in the vertebrate brain have been greatly underestimated; while renewed interest in invertebrate electrical synapses has revealed novel functions and highlighted the universal importance of this mode of synaptic transmission.  This meeting will address recent progress in the molecular, cellular, and circuit functions of gap junction transmission among neurons, with the goal of revealing differences and commonalities in the structure, function, and regulation of vertebrate and invertebrate electrical synapses. We look forward to gathering colleagues from traditionally non-overlapping fields in hopes of generating a sense of community that will stimulate new collaborations and attract new investigators.

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Barry Connors, Brown University
Marla Feller, University of California, Berkeley
Alberto Pereda, Albert Einstein College of Medicine
Nelson Spruston, Janelia Research Campus/HHMI

Invited Participants
Andrei Belousov, University of Kansas
Michael Bennett, Albert Einstein College of Medicine
Stewart Bloomfield, State University of New York

Julie Haas, Lehigh University
Espen Hartveit, University of Bergen
Michael Hausser, University College London
Carole Landisman,
Seattle Children's Research Institute
Luke Lavis, Janelia Research Campus/HHMI
Timothy Lewis, University of California, Davis
Eduardo Macagno, University of California, San Diego
Eve Marder, Brandeis University
Stephen Massey, University of Texas Health Science Center
Adam Miller, University of Oregon
James Nagy, University of Manitoba
John O'Brien, University of Texas Health Science Center
Atsunori Oshima, Nagoya University
John Rash, Colarado State University
Songhai Shi, Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center
Angus Silver, University College London
David Spray, Albert Einstein College of Medicine
Roger Traub, IBM TJ Watson Research Center
Larry Trussel, Oregon Health & Science University
Margaret Veruki, University of Bergen
John Welsh, Seattle Children's Research Institute
Yosef Yarom, Hebrew University of Jerusalem