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Structure of an endosomal signaling GPCR-G protein-β-arrestin megacomplex.

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Nature Structural and Molecular Biology. 2019 Dec 26;26(12):1123-1131. doi: 10.1038/s41594-019-0330-y
Structure of an endosomal signaling GPCR-G protein-β-arrestin megacomplex.
Nguyen AH, Thomsen AR, Cahill TJ, Huang R, Huang L, Marcink T, Clarke OB, Heissel S, Masoudi A, Ben-Hail D, Samaan F, Dandey VP, Tan YZ, Hong C, Mahoney JP, Triest S, Little J, Chen X, Sunahara R, Steyaert J, Molina H, Yu Z, Georges A, Lefkowitz RJ