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Mass Spectrometry

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Support Teams / Mass Spectrometry
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What We Do

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The Mass Spectrometry Shared Resource at Janelia provides on campus laboratories with a wide range of bioanalytical capabilities to support their research programs. We are equipped with state-of-the-art LC-MS/MS systems which enables the development and the application of highly sensitive, advanced mass spectrometry-based methods.  These methods are used to further our understanding of neuronal function, synaptic plasticity, and the function and communication of cells within and between organs and tissues.

Our newly installed Orbitrap Ascend mass spectrometer delivers unparalleled resolution, sensitivity, speed and multi-functionality, making it an invaluable tool for researchers delving into complex biological questions. By using mass spectrometry-based -omics approaches, we aim to unveil the intricate dance of molecules within the cellular landscape, revealing the secrets of their location and function and illuminating the path to understanding life's molecular choreography.

We will professionally help to 1) design the project; 2) prepare the samples; 3) adapt, develop, and optimize mass spectrometry-based methods; 4) acquire LC-MS/MS data; 5) perform data and statistical analysis.


  • Analyte extraction and protein proteolysis
  • Label free quantitative proteomics
  • Multiplexed quantitative proteomics (TMT, SILAC)
  • Intact protein / antibody characterization
  • PTM & chemical modification characterization
  • Small molecule HRMS analysis
  • Global metabolomics Analysis
  • Global lipidomiccs Analysis
  • Targeted metabolomics/lipidomics analysis


  • Orbitrap Fusion Lumos Tribrid mass spectrometer equipped with EASY-nLC and Vanquish Flex UHPLC.
  • Orbitrap Ascend Tribrid mass spectrometer equipped with Vanquish Neo UHPLC.