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jGCaMP8 transgenic mice
Transgenic mice expressing jGCaMP8s and jGCaMP8m
The GENIE Project Team at HHMI Janelia Research Campus have developed and characterized multiple transgenic mice expressing jGCaMP8s and jGCaMP8m (see and deposited the lines at The Jackson Laboratory (JAX). jGCaMP8s and jGCaMP8m are genetically encoded calcium indicators with fast kinetics (~5 fold shorter rise time) than jGCaMP7f and high sensitivity (2X higher 1AP SNR) than jGCaMP7s (see for details). The white paper/development report provides updates on developments in each transgenic mouse line, relevent data, and additional detail on how to obtain them.
The novel mouse lines include:
1) Tetracycline‐controlled transactivator protein (tTA)-dependent expression
JAX # | Line | Camk2a-tTA |
037717 | TetO‐jGCaMP8s | Histology |
2) Cre recombinase-dependent expression
JAX # | Line |
Slc17a7-Cre (Vglut1) |
Slc32a1-cre (Vgat) |
Slc17a7-cre/ Slc32a1-crea |
Snap25-cre |
037718 | TIGRE2‐jGCaMP8m‐IRES‐tTA2‐WPRE | N/A | N/A | N/A | |
037719 | TIGRE2‐jGCaMP8s‐IRES‐tTA2 | Histology | Histology | N/A | N/A |
037952 | TIGRE2-jGCaMP8s-IRES-tTA2-WPRE | Histology | Histology | N/A | N/A |
039267 | TIGRE2‐RiboL1-jGCaMP8s‐IRES‐tTA2 | Histologyb | Histology | Histology | Histologyc |
aDual cre drivers
bSome slices were only partially acquired.
cFor histology only, this cross displayed aberrant neural activity.
3) Thy1-jGCaMP8s
- Performance did not surpass GP5.17 (Thy1-GCaMP6f). GP5.17 is still recommended. (Histology for reference)