Main Menu (Mobile)- Block
- Overview
Support Teams
- Overview
- Anatomy and Histology
- Cryo-Electron Microscopy
- Electron Microscopy
- Flow Cytometry
- Gene Targeting and Transgenics
- Immortalized Cell Line Culture
- Integrative Imaging
- Invertebrate Shared Resource
- Janelia Experimental Technology
- Mass Spectrometry
- Media Prep
- Molecular Genomics
- Primary & iPS Cell Culture
- Project Pipeline Support
- Project Technical Resources
- Quantitative Genomics
- Scientific Computing Software
- Scientific Computing Systems
- Viral Tools
- Vivarium
- Open Science
- You + Janelia
- About Us
Project Teams:
Main Menu - Block
Project Teams:
- Overview
- Anatomy and Histology
- Cryo-Electron Microscopy
- Electron Microscopy
- Flow Cytometry
- Gene Targeting and Transgenics
- Immortalized Cell Line Culture
- Integrative Imaging
- Invertebrate Shared Resource
- Janelia Experimental Technology
- Mass Spectrometry
- Media Prep
- Molecular Genomics
- Primary & iPS Cell Culture
- Project Pipeline Support
- Project Technical Resources
- Quantitative Genomics
- Scientific Computing Software
- Scientific Computing Systems
- Viral Tools
- Vivarium
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Senior Group Leader
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Michael studied Electrical and Computer Engineering and even did a brief stint in industry. As a graduate student, Michael switched from robotics to neuroscience and has never looked back. He seeks to understand how brains transform sensory information and past experience into diverse behaviors. His lab uses behavioral, imaging, electrophysiological, and computational techniques to crack the neural circuits that support vision and navigation in Drosophila.
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BS, Electrical engineering, University of Florida
BS, Computer engineering, University of Florida
MS, Electrical engineering, University of California Berkeley
PhD, Computation and Neural Systems, California Insitute of Technology
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