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Shu-Hsien Sheu

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Shu-Hsien completed his Doctor of Medicine degree at National Taiwan University. This was followed by a PhD degree in basic biomedical sciences at Harvard University. Under the mentorship of Jeff Lichtman, Shu-Hsien employed Brainbow technique and serial section scanning electron microscopy to examine the synaptic rearrangement of the autonomic nervous system during development. Continuing his interest in imaging but with a clinical focus, Shu-Hsien pursued a residency/fellowship training in Anatomical Pathology/Neuropathology at Harvard-affiliated teaching hospitals, Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center and Brigham and Women’s Hospital, respectively. After becoming a board certified Neuropathologist in 2014, Shu-Hsien joined the Clapham Lab at Boston Children’s Hospital/Harvard Medical School. Since then, he has been studying the primary cilia in the brain to further his career as a physician scientist/research neuropathologist.