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Steven Sawtelle

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Steve Sawtelle leads the Electrical Engineering group in Instrument Design and Fabrication.  While studying environmental science, Steve found his interest focusing on how sensor data is collected and processed. This led to an EE degree and subsequent work in this area. He computerized instruments in an environmental lab at UVa, developed methods to detect flaws in pipes at AMF, designed oceanographic equipment at Sea-Link and EG&G, led a product flow sensor development team at Marsh-McBirney, and developed custom micro-electronics at MicroCube. The design challenges at Janelia pull from all of these experiences and also present new opportunities to learn and grow.Steve has a bachelors’ degree in Environmental Science and a masters’ degree in Electrical Engineering from the University of Virginia. He was an honorable mention winner in the Microchip Low Power Design Contest for developing a TTY cell-phone interface.