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BAK/BAX macropores facilitate mitochondrial herniation and mtDNA efflux during apoptosis.

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Science (New York, N.Y.). 2018 02 23;359(6378). doi: 10.1126/science.aao6047
BAK/BAX macropores facilitate mitochondrial herniation and mtDNA efflux during apoptosis.
McArthur K, Whitehead LW, Heddleston JM, Li L, Padman BS, Oorschot V, Geoghegan ND, Chappaz S, Davidson S, San Chin H, Lane RM, Dramicanin M, Saunders TL, Sugiana C, Lessene R, Osellame LD, Chew T, Dewson G, Lazarou M, Ramm G, Lessene G, Ryan MT, Rogers KL, van Delft MF, Kile BT