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Common fibrillar spines of amyloid-β and human Islet Amyloid Polypeptide revealed by Micro Electron Diffraction and inhibitors developed using structure-based design.

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The Journal of Biological Chemistry. 2017 Dec 27;293(8):2888-902. doi: 10.1074/jbc.M117.806109
Common fibrillar spines of amyloid-β and human Islet Amyloid Polypeptide revealed by Micro Electron Diffraction and inhibitors developed using structure-based design. Gonen Lab
Krotee P, Griner SL, Sawaya MR, Cascio D, Rodriguez JA, Shi D, Philipp S, Murray K, Saelices L, Lee J, Seidler P, Glabe CG, Jiang L, Gonen T, Eisenberg DS