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Comparative connectomics of the descending and ascending neurons of the Drosophila nervous system: stereotypy and sexual dimorphism

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bioRxiv. 2024 Jun 06;. doi: 10.1101/2024.06.04.596633
Comparative connectomics of the descending and ascending neurons of the Drosophila nervous system: stereotypy and sexual dimorphism Card LabCellMap Project Pipeline SupportProject Technical Resources
Stürner T, Brooks P, Capdevila L, Morris BJ, Javier A, Fang S, Gkantia M, Cachero S, Beckett IR, Champion AS, Moitra I, Richards A, Klemm F, Kugel L, Namiki S, Cheong HS, Kovalyak J, Tenshaw E, Parekh R, Schlegel P, Phelps JS, Mark B, Dorkenwald S, Bates AS, Matsliah A, Yu S, McKellar CE, Sterling A, Seung S, Murthy M, Tuthill J, Lee WA, Card GM, Costa M, Jefferis GS, Eichler K