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Induction of muscle thermogenesis by high-fat diet in mice: association with obesity-resistance.

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American Journal of Physiology. Endocrinology and Metabolism. 2008 Aug;295(2):E356-67. doi: 10.1523/JNEUROSCI.3773-10.2011
Induction of muscle thermogenesis by high-fat diet in mice: association with obesity-resistance. Pastalkova Lab
Kus V, Prazak T, Brauner P, Hensler M, Kuda O, Flachs P, Janovska P, Medrikova D, Rossmeisl M, Jilkova Z, Stefl B, Pastalkova E, Drahota Z, Houstek J, Kopecky J
Note: Research in this publication was not performed at Janelia.