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8 Janelia Publications
Showing 1-8 of 8 resultsGenetically encoded fluorescent calcium indicators allow cellular-resolution recording of physiology. However, bright, genetically targetable indicators that can be multiplexed with existing tools in vivo are needed for simultaneous imaging of multiple signals. Here we describe WHaloCaMP, a modular chemigenetic calcium indicator built from bright dye-ligands and protein sensor domains. Fluorescence change in WHaloCaMP results from reversible quenching of the bound dye via a strategically placed tryptophan. WHaloCaMP is compatible with rhodamine dye-ligands that fluoresce from green to near-infrared, including several that efficiently label the brain in animals. When bound to a near-infrared dye-ligand, WHaloCaMP shows a 7× increase in fluorescence intensity and a 2.1-ns increase in fluorescence lifetime upon calcium binding. We use WHaloCaMP1a to image Ca responses in vivo in flies and mice, to perform three-color multiplexed functional imaging of hundreds of neurons and astrocytes in zebrafish larvae and to quantify Ca concentration using fluorescence lifetime imaging microscopy (FLIM).
Fluorescent carbon nanomaterials have broadly useful chemical and photophysical attributes that are conducive to applications in biology. In this review, we focus on materials whose photophysics allow for the use of these materials in biomedical and environmental applications, with emphasis on imaging, biosensing, and cargo delivery. The review focuses primarily on graphitic carbon nanomaterials including graphene and its derivatives, carbon nanotubes, as well as carbon dots and carbon nanohoops. Recent advances in and future prospects of these fields are discussed at depth, and where appropriate, references to reviews pertaining to older literature are provided.
Most traditional optical biosensors operate through molecular recognition, where ligand binding causes conformational changes that lead to optical perturbations in the emitting motif. Optical sensors developed from single-stranded DNA-functionalized single-walled carbon nanotubes (ssDNA–SWCNTs) have started to make useful contributions to biological research. However, the mechanisms underlying their function have remained poorly understood. In this study, we combine experimental and computational approaches to show that ligand binding alone is not sufficient for optical modulation in this class of synthetic biosensors. Instead, the optical response that occurs after ligand binding is highly dependent on the chemical properties of the ligands, resembling mechanisms seen in activity-based biosensors. Specifically, we show that in ssDNA–SWCNT catecholamine sensors, the optical response correlates positively with the electron density on the aryl motif, even among ligands with similar ligand binding affinities. Importantly, despite the strong correlations with electrochemical properties, we find that catechol oxidation itself is not necessary to drive the sensor optical response. We discuss how these findings could serve as a framework for tuning the performance of existing sensors and guiding the development of new biosensors of this class.
Dopamine neuromodulation of neural synapses is a process implicated in a number of critical brain functions and diseases. Development of protocols to visualize this dynamic neurochemical process is essential to understanding how dopamine modulates brain function. We have developed a non-genetically encoded, near-IR (nIR) catecholamine nanosensor (nIRCat) capable of identifying ~2-µm dopamine release hotspots in dorsal striatal brain slices. nIRCat is readily synthesized through sonication of single walled carbon nanotubes with DNA oligos, can be readily introduced into both genetically tractable and intractable organisms and is compatible with a number of dopamine receptor agonists and antagonists. Here we describe the synthesis, characterization and implementation of nIRCat in acute mouse brain slices. We demonstrate how nIRCat can be used to image electrically or optogenetically stimulated dopamine release, and how these procedures can be leveraged to study the effects of dopamine receptor pharmacology. In addition, we provide suggestions for building or adapting wide-field microscopy to be compatible with nIRCat nIR fluorescence imaging. We discuss strategies for analyzing nIR video data to identify dopamine release hotspots and quantify their kinetics. This protocol can be adapted and implemented for imaging other neuromodulators by using probes of this class and can be used in a broad range of species without genetic manipulation. The synthesis and characterization protocols for nIRCat take ~5 h, and the preparation and fluorescence imaging of live brain slices by using nIRCats require ~6 h.
Oxytocin plays a critical role in regulating social behaviors, yet our understanding of its function in both neurological health and disease remains incomplete. Real-time oxytocin imaging probes with spatiotemporal resolution relevant to its endogenous signaling are required to fully elucidate oxytocin's role in the brain. Herein, we describe a near-infrared oxytocin nanosensor (nIROXT), a synthetic probe capable of imaging oxytocin in the brain without interference from its structural analogue, vasopressin. nIROXT leverages the inherent tissue-transparent fluorescence of single-walled carbon nanotubes (SWCNT) and the molecular recognition capacity of an oxytocin receptor peptide fragment to selectively and reversibly image oxytocin. We employ these nanosensors to monitor electrically stimulated oxytocin release in brain tissue, revealing oxytocin release sites with a median size of 3 µm in the paraventricular nucleus of C57BL/6 mice, which putatively represents the spatial diffusion of oxytocin from its point of release. These data demonstrate that covalent SWCNT constructs, such as nIROXT, are powerful optical tools that can be leveraged to measure neuropeptide release in brain tissue.
Dopamine is a key chemical neuromodulator that plays vital roles in various brain functions. Traditionally, neuromodulators like dopamine are believed to be released in a diffuse manner and are not commonly associated with synaptic structures where pre- and postsynaptic processes are closely aligned. Our findings challenge this conventional view. Using single-bouton optical measurements of dopamine release, we discovered that dopamine is predominantly released from varicosities that are juxtaposed against the processes of their target neurons. Dopamine axons specifically target neurons expressing dopamine receptors, forming synapses to release dopamine. Interestingly, varicosities that were not directly apposed to dopamine receptor-expressing processes or associated with neurons lacking dopamine receptors did not release dopamine, regardless of their vesicle content. The ultrastructure of dopamine release sites share common features of classical synapses. We further show that the dopamine released at these contact sites induces a precise, dopamine-gated biochemical response in the target processes. Our results indicate that dopamine release sites share key characteristics of conventional synapses that enable relatively precise and efficient neuromodulation of their targets.
Chemical neurotransmission constitutes one of the fundamental modalities of communication between neurons. Monitoring release of these chemicals has traditionally been difficult to carry out at spatial and temporal scales relevant to neuron function. To understand chemical neurotransmission more fully, we need to improve the spatial and temporal resolutions of measurements for neurotransmitter release. To address this, we engineered a chemi-sensitive, two-dimensional nanofilm that facilitates subcellular visualization of the release and diffusion of the neurochemical dopamine with synaptic resolution, quantal sensitivity, and simultaneously from hundreds of release sites. Using this technology, we were able to monitor the spatiotemporal dynamics of dopamine release in dendritic processes, a poorly understood phenomenon. We found that dopamine release is broadcast from a subset of dendritic processes as hotspots that have a mean spatial spread of ≈3.2 µm (full width at half maximum) and are observed with a mean spatial frequency of 1 hotspot per ≈7.5 µm of dendritic length. Major dendrites of dopamine neurons and fine dendritic processes, as well as dendritic arbors and dendrites with no apparent varicose morphology participated in dopamine release. Remarkably, these release hotspots colocalized with Bassoon, suggesting that Bassoon may contribute to organizing active zones in dendrites, similar to its role in axon terminals.