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3 Janelia Publications

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    08/12/24 | Cell-surface Milieu Remodeling in Human Dendritic Cell Activation.
    Udeshi ND, Xu C, Jiang Z, Gao SM, Yin Q, Luo W, Carr SA, Davis MM, Li J
    J Immunol. 2024 Aug 12:. doi: 10.4049/jimmunol.2400089

    Dendritic cells (DCs) are specialized sentinel and APCs coordinating innate and adaptive immunity. Through proteins on their cell surface, DCs sense changes in the environment, internalize pathogens, present processed Ags, and communicate with other immune cells. By combining chemical labeling and quantitative mass spectrometry, we systematically profiled and compared the cell-surface proteomes of human primary conventional DCs (cDCs) in their resting and activated states. TLR activation by a lipopeptide globally reshaped the cell-surface proteome of cDCs, with >100 proteins upregulated or downregulated. By simultaneously elevating positive regulators and reducing inhibitory signals across multiple protein families, the remodeling creates a cell-surface milieu promoting immune responses. Still, cDCs maintain the stimulatory-to-inhibitory balance by leveraging a distinct set of inhibitory molecules. This analysis thus uncovers the molecular complexity and plasticity of the cDC cell surface and provides a roadmap for understanding cDC activation and signaling.

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    07/11/24 | Molecular and cellular mechanisms of teneurin signaling in synaptic partner matching.
    Xu C, Li Z, Lyu C, Hu Y, McLaughlin CN, Wong KK, Xie Q, Luginbuhl DJ, Li H, Udeshi ND, Svinkina T, Mani DR, Han S, Li T, Li Y, Guajardo R, Ting AY, Carr SA, Li J, Luo L
    Cell. 2024 Jul 03:. doi: 10.1016/j.cell.2024.06.022

    In developing brains, axons exhibit remarkable precision in selecting synaptic partners among many non-partner cells. Evolutionarily conserved teneurins are transmembrane proteins that instruct synaptic partner matching. However, how intracellular signaling pathways execute teneurins' functions is unclear. Here, we use in situ proximity labeling to obtain the intracellular interactome of a teneurin (Ten-m) in the Drosophila brain. Genetic interaction studies using quantitative partner matching assays in both olfactory receptor neurons (ORNs) and projection neurons (PNs) reveal a common pathway: Ten-m binds to and negatively regulates a RhoGAP, thus activating the Rac1 small GTPases to promote synaptic partner matching. Developmental analyses with single-axon resolution identify the cellular mechanism of synaptic partner matching: Ten-m signaling promotes local F-actin levels and stabilizes ORN axon branches that contact partner PN dendrites. Combining spatial proteomics and high-resolution phenotypic analyses, this study advanced our understanding of both cellular and molecular mechanisms of synaptic partner matching.

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    04/25/23 | PEELing: an integrated and user-centric platform for cell-surface proteomics analysis
    Xi Peng , Jody Clements , Zuzhi Jiang , Stephan Preibisch , Jiefu Li
    bioRxiv. 2023 Apr 25:. doi: 10.1101/2023.04.21.537871

    Proteins localized at the cellular interface mediate cell-cell communication and thus control many aspects of physiology in multicellular organisms. Cell-surface proteomics allows biologists to comprehensively identify proteins on the cell surface and survey their dynamics in physiological and pathological conditions. PEELing provides an integrated package and user-centric web service for analyzing cell-surface proteomics data. With a streamlined and automated workflow, PEELing evaluates data quality using curated references, performs cutoff analysis to remove contaminants, connects to databases for functional annotation, and generates data visualizations. Together with chemical and transgenic tools, PEELing completes a pipeline making cell-surface proteomics analysis handy for every lab.

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