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2556 Janelia Publications

Showing 121-130 of 2556 results
10/27/16 | A mechanosensory circuit that mixes opponent channels to produce selectivity for complex stimulus features.
Chang AE, Vaughan AG, Wilson R
Neuron. 2016 Oct 27;92(4):888-901. doi: 10.1016/j.neuron.2016.09.059

Johnston’s organ is the largest mechanosensory organ in Drosophila; it analyzes movements of the antenna due to sound, wind, gravity, and touch. Different Johnston’s organ neurons (JONs) encode distinct stimulus features. Certain JONs respond in a sustained manner to steady displacements, and these JONs subdivide into opponent populations that prefer push or pull displacements. Here, we describe neurons in the brain (aPN3 neurons) that combine excitation and inhibition from push/pull JONs in different ratios. Consequently, different aPN3 neurons are sensitive to movement in different parts of the antenna’s range, at different frequencies, or at different amplitude modulation rates. We use a model to show how the tuning of aPN3 neurons can arise from rectification and temporal filtering in JONs, followed by mixing of JON signals in different proportions. These results illustrate how several canonical neural circuit components—rectification, opponency, and filtering—can combine to produce selectivity for complex stimulus features.

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Gonen Lab
06/21/17 | A method to minimize condenser lens-induced hysteresis effects in a JEOL JEM-3200FSC microscope to enable stable cryoEM low-dose operations.
de la Cruz MJ, Martynowycz M, Hattne J, Shi D, Gonen T
bioRxiv. 2017 Jun 21:. doi: 10.1101/153395

Low dose imaging procedures are key for a successful cryoEM experiment (whether by electron cryotomography, single particle analysis, electron crystallography, or MicroED). We present a method to minimize magnetic hysteresis of the condenser lens system in the JEOL JEM-3200FSC transmission electron microscope (TEM) in order to maintain a stable optical axis for the beam path of low-dose imaging. The simple procedure involves independent voltage ramping of the CL1 and CL2 lenses immediately before switching to the focusing and exposure beam settings for data collection.

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Svoboda Lab
03/17/22 | A midbrain-thalamus-cortex circuit reorganizes cortical dynamics to initiate movement.
Inagaki HK, Chen S, Ridder MC, Sah P, Li N, Yang Z, Hasanbegovic H, Gao Z, Gerfen CR, Svoboda K
Cell. 2022 Mar 17;185(8):1065. doi: 10.1016/j.cell.2022.02.006

Motor behaviors are often planned long before execution but only released after specific sensory events. Planning and execution are each associated with distinct patterns of motor cortex activity. Key questions are how these dynamic activity patterns are generated and how they relate to behavior. Here, we investigate the multi-regional neural circuits that link an auditory "Go cue" and the transition from planning to execution of directional licking. Ascending glutamatergic neurons in the midbrain reticular and pedunculopontine nuclei show short latency and phasic changes in spike rate that are selective for the Go cue. This signal is transmitted via the thalamus to the motor cortex, where it triggers a rapid reorganization of motor cortex state from planning-related activity to a motor command, which in turn drives appropriate movement. Our studies show how midbrain can control cortical dynamics via the thalamus for rapid and precise motor behavior.

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09/20/24 | A modular chemigenetic calcium indicator for multiplexed in vivo functional imaging.
Farrants H, Shuai Y, Lemon WC, Monroy Hernandez C, Zhang D, Yang S, Patel R, Qiao G, Frei MS, Plutkis SE, Grimm JB, Hanson TL, Tomaska F, Turner GC, Stringer C, Keller PJ, Beyene AG, Chen Y, Liang Y, Lavis LD, Schreiter ER
Nat Methods. 2024 Sep 20:. doi: 10.1038/s41592-024-02411-6

Genetically encoded fluorescent calcium indicators allow cellular-resolution recording of physiology. However, bright, genetically targetable indicators that can be multiplexed with existing tools in vivo are needed for simultaneous imaging of multiple signals. Here we describe WHaloCaMP, a modular chemigenetic calcium indicator built from bright dye-ligands and protein sensor domains. Fluorescence change in WHaloCaMP results from reversible quenching of the bound dye via a strategically placed tryptophan. WHaloCaMP is compatible with rhodamine dye-ligands that fluoresce from green to near-infrared, including several that efficiently label the brain in animals. When bound to a near-infrared dye-ligand, WHaloCaMP shows a 7× increase in fluorescence intensity and a 2.1-ns increase in fluorescence lifetime upon calcium binding. We use WHaloCaMP1a to image Ca responses in vivo in flies and mice, to perform three-color multiplexed functional imaging of hundreds of neurons and astrocytes in zebrafish larvae and to quantify Ca concentration using fluorescence lifetime imaging microscopy (FLIM).

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09/14/24 | A molecular switch for stress-induced activation of retrograde mitochondrial transport
Gladkova C, Paez-Segala MG, Grant WP, Myers SA, Wang Y, Vale RD
bioRxiv. 2024 Sep 14:. doi: 10.1101/2024.09.13.612963

The cellular distribution of mitochondria in response to stress and local energy needs is governed by the relative activities of kinesin and dynein. The mechanism for switching between these two opposite polarity microtubule motors remains unknown. Here, we coupled a novel cellular synthetic cargo transport assay with AlphaFold2-guided mutagenesis to identify a regulatory helix in the mitochondrial adaptor protein (TRAK) that mediates switching between kinesin- and dynein-driven transport. Differences in the helix sequence explain why two near-identical TRAK isoforms transport mitochondria in predominantly opposite directions. Phosphorylation of the regulatory helix by stress-activated kinases causes the activation of dynein and dissociation of kinesin. Our results reveal a molecular mechanism for coordinating the directional transport of mitochondria in response to intracellular signals.

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Riddiford LabTruman Lab
07/30/13 | A molt timer is involved in the metamorphic molt in Manduca sexta larvae.
Suzuki Y, Koyama T, Hiruma K, Riddiford LM, Truman JW
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 2013 Jul 30;110(31):12518-25. doi: 10.1073/pnas.1311405110

Manduca sexta larvae are a model for growth control in insects, particularly for the demonstration of critical weight, a threshold weight that the larva must surpass before it can enter metamorphosis on a normal schedule, and the inhibitory action of juvenile hormone on this checkpoint. We examined the effects of nutrition on allatectomized (CAX) larvae that lack juvenile hormone to impose the critical weight checkpoint. Normal larvae respond to prolonged starvation at the start of the last larval stage, by extending their subsequent feeding period to ensure that they begin metamorphosis above critical weight. CAX larvae, by contrast, show no homeostatic adjustment to starvation but start metamorphosis 4 d after feeding onset, regardless of larval size or the state of development of their imaginal discs. By feeding starved CAX larvae for various durations, we found that feeding for only 12-24 h was sufficient to result in metamorphosis on day 4, regardless of further feeding or body size. Manipulation of diet composition showed that protein was the critical macronutrient to initiate this timing. This constant period between the start of feeding and the onset of metamorphosis suggests that larvae possess a molt timer that establishes a minimal time to metamorphosis. Ligation experiments indicate that a portion of the timing may occur in the prothoracic glands. This positive system that promotes molting and the negative control via the critical weight checkpoint provide antagonistic pathways that evolution can modify to adapt growth to the ecological needs of different insects.

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Svoboda Lab
02/25/15 | A motor cortex circuit for motor planning and movement
Nuo Li , Tsai-Wen Chen , Zengcai V. Guo , Charles R. Gerfen , Karel Svoboda
Nature. 2015 Feb 25;519(7541):51-6. doi: 10.1038/nature14178

Activity in motor cortex predicts specific movements seconds before they occur, but how this preparatory activity relates to upcoming movements is obscure. We dissected the conversion of preparatory activity to movement within a structured motor cortex circuit. An anterior lateral region of the mouse cortex (a possible homologue of premotor cortex in primates) contains equal proportions of intermingled neurons predicting ipsi- or contralateral movements, yet unilateral inactivation of this cortical region during movement planning disrupts contralateral movements. Using cell-type-specific electrophysiology, cellular imaging and optogenetic perturbation, we show that layer 5 neurons projecting within the cortex have unbiased laterality. Activity with a contralateral population bias arises specifically in layer 5 neurons projecting to the brainstem, and only late during movement planning. These results reveal the transformation of distributed preparatory activity into movement commands within hierarchically organized cortical circuits.

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11/02/17 | A moving source of matrix components is essential for de novo basement membrane formation.
Matsubayashi Y, Louani A, Dragu A, Sánchez-Sánchez BJ, Serna-Morales E, Yolland L, Gyoergy A, Vizcay G, Fleck RA, Heddleston JM, Chew T, Siekhaus DE, Stramer BM
Current Biology : CB. 2017 Nov 02;27(22):3526-34. doi: 10.1016/j.cub.2017.10.001

The basement membrane (BM) is a thin layer of extracellular matrix (ECM) beneath nearly all epithelial cell types that is critical for cellular and tissue function. It is composed of numerous components conserved among all bilaterians [1]; however, it is unknown how all of these components are generated and subsequently constructed to form a fully mature BM in the living animal. Although BM formation is thought to simply involve a process of self-assembly [2], this concept suffers from a number of logistical issues when considering its construction in vivo. First, incorporation of BM components appears to be hierarchical [3-5], yet it is unclear whether their production during embryogenesis must also be regulated in a temporal fashion. Second, many BM proteins are produced not only by the cells residing on the BM but also by surrounding cell types [6-9], and it is unclear how large, possibly insoluble protein complexes [10] are delivered into the matrix. Here we exploit our ability to live image and genetically dissect de novo BM formation during Drosophila development. This reveals that there is a temporal hierarchy of BM protein production that is essential for proper component incorporation. Furthermore, we show that BM components require secretion by migrating macrophages (hemocytes) during their developmental dispersal, which is critical for embryogenesis. Indeed, hemocyte migration is essential to deliver a subset of ECM components evenly throughout the embryo. This reveals that de novo BM construction requires a combination of both production and distribution logistics allowing for the timely delivery of core components.

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04/07/15 | A multi-layered protein network stabilizes the Escherichia coli FtsZ-ring and modulates constriction dynamics.
Buss J, Coltharp C, Shtengel G, Yang X, Hess H, Xiao J
PLoS Genetics. 2015 Apr 07;11(4):e1005128. doi: 10.1371/journal.pgen.1005128

The prokaryotic tubulin homolog, FtsZ, forms a ring-like structure (FtsZ-ring) at midcell. The FtsZ-ring establishes the division plane and enables the assembly of the macromolecular division machinery (divisome). Although many molecular components of the divisome have been identified and their interactions extensively characterized, the spatial organization of these proteins within the divisome is unclear. Consequently, the physical mechanisms that drive divisome assembly, maintenance, and constriction remain elusive. Here we applied single-molecule based superresolution imaging, combined with genetic and biophysical investigations, to reveal the spatial organization of cellular structures formed by four important divisome proteins in E. coli: FtsZ, ZapA, ZapB and MatP. We show that these interacting proteins are arranged into a multi-layered protein network extending from the cell membrane to the chromosome, each with unique structural and dynamic properties. Further, we find that this protein network stabilizes the FtsZ-ring, and unexpectedly, slows down cell constriction, suggesting a new, unrecognized role for this network in bacterial cell division. Our results provide new insight into the structure and function of the divisome, and highlight the importance of coordinated cell constriction and chromosome segregation.

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12/23/19 | A multilayer circuit architecture for the generation of distinct locomotor behaviors in .
Zarin AA, Mark B, Cardona A, Litwin-Kumar A, Doe CQ
eLlife. 2019 Dec 23;8:. doi: 10.7554/eLife.51781

Animals generate diverse motor behaviors, yet how the same motor neurons (MNs) generate two distinct or antagonistic behaviors remains an open question. Here we characterize larval muscle activity patterns and premotor/motor circuits to understand how they generate forward and backward locomotion. We show that all body wall MNs are activated during both behaviors, but a subset of MNs change recruitment timing for each behavior. We used TEM to reconstruct a full segment of all 60 MNs and 236 premotor neurons (PMNs), including differentially-recruited MNs. Analysis of this comprehensive connectome identified PMN-MN 'labeled line' connectivity; PMN-MN combinatorial connectivity; asymmetric neuronal morphology; and PMN-MN circuit motifs that could all contribute to generating distinct behaviors. We generated a recurrent network model that reproduced the observed behaviors, and used functional optogenetics to validate selected model predictions. This PMN-MN connectome will provide a foundation for analyzing the full suite of larval behaviors.

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