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2531 Janelia Publications

Showing 2531-2531 of 2531 results
Looger Lab
03/28/13 | ß-synuclein aggregates and induces neurodegeneration in dopaminergic neurons.
Taschenberger G, Toloe J, Tereshchenko J, Akerboom J, Wales P, Benz R, Becker S, Outeiro T, Looger L, Bähr M, Zweckstetter M, Kügler S
Annals of Neurology. 2013 Mar 28;74(1):109-18. doi: 10.1002/ana.23905

Objective: While the contribution of α-Synuclein to neurodegeneration in Parkinson’s disease is well accepted, the putative impact of its close homologue, β-Synuclein, is enigmatic. β-Synuclein is widely expressed throughout the central nervous system as is α-Synuclein, but the physiological functions of both proteins remain unknown. Recent findings supported the view that β-Synuclein can act as an ameliorating regulator of α-Synuclein-induced neurotoxicity, having neuroprotective rather than neurodegenerative capabilities, and being non-aggregating due to absence of most part of the aggregation-promoting NAC domain. However, a mutation of β-Synuclein linked to dementia with Lewy bodies rendered the protein neurotoxic in transgenic mice and fibrillation of β-Synuclein has been demonstrated in vitro. Methods / Results: Supporting the hypothesis that β-Synuclein can act as a neurodegeneration-inducing factor we now demonstrate that wild-type β-Synuclein is neurotoxic for cultured primary neurons. Furthermore, β-Synuclein formed proteinase K resistant aggregates in dopaminergic neurons in vivo, leading to pronounced and progressive neurodegeneration in rats. Expression of β-Synuclein caused mitochondrial fragmentation, but this fragmentation did not render mitochondria non-functional in terms of ion handling and respiration even in late stages of neurodegeneration. A comparison of the neurodegenerative effects induced by α-, β-, and γ-Synuclein revealed that β-Synuclein was eventually as neurotoxic as α-Synuclein for nigral dopaminergic neurons, while γ-Synuclein proved to be non-toxic and had very low aggregation propensity. Interpretation: Our results suggest that the role of β-Synuclein as a putative modulator of neuropathology in aggregopathies like Parkinson’s disease and dementia with Lewy bodies needs to be revisited. ANN NEUROL 2013. © 2013 American Neurological Association.

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