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Computations in Neocortical Circuits: What Does the Cortex Do? 2011

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Computations in Neocortical Circuits: What Does the Cortex Do? 2011

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May 22 - 25, 2011
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This meeting was a follow-up to the first one held in spring of 2009. Through a series of talks, panel discussions and posters we heard the latest updates on the development, structure and function of the cortex.

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Mitya Chklovskii, Janelia Research Campus/HHMI
Tony Movshon, New York University
Alex Thomson, University of London
Rafael Yuste, HHMI/Columbia University

Invited Participants

Tobias Bonhoeffer, Max Planck Institute of Neurobiology
Ed Callaway, The Salk Institute
Matteo Carandini, University College London
Bruce Cumming, National Instutes of Health
Greg DeAngelis, University of Rochester
David Ferster, Northwestern University
Arthur Konnerth, Technical University Munich
Liqun Luo, HHMI/Stanford University
Ania Majewska, University of Rochester
John Maunsell, HHMI/Harvard Medical School
Anitha Pasupathy, University of Washington
Pasko Rakic, Yale University
Clay Reid, Harvard Medical School
Kathleen Rockland, RIKEN-MIT
John Rubenstein, University of California, San Francisco
Friedrich Sommer, University of California, Berkeley
Eero Simoncelli, HHMI/New York University
Charles Stevens, The Salk Institute
Michael Stryker, University of California, San Francisco
Karel Svoboda, Janelia Research Campus/HHMI
David Van Essen, Washington University in St. Louis