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Dynamics of Prey Capture and Escape

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Dynamics of Prey Capture and Escape

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March 6 - 9, 2013
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Predator-prey interaction is a zero-sum game wherein speed and accuracy determine the victor. While different species often have sensory and motor systems adapted to their particular ecological niche, the problems of prey capture and escape retain many common elements: detection, tracking, evasion, etc. To what extent do different organisms use the same algorithm to solve common behavioral problems? Are the strategies used by a predator- prey pair adapted to exploit each other¹s relative weaknesses?  This conference brought together researchers investigating prey capture and escape in a variety of animal models, together representing some of the most impressive and dynamic behaviors in nature. By exploring both commonalities and differences in behavioral strategy, neural circuitry, and sensory/motor mechanics, we were able to identify general principles that unify these diverse systems.

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Gwyneth Card, Janelia/HHMI
Anthony Leonardo, Janelia/HHMI
Bill Mowrey, Janelia/HHMI
Katie von Reyn, Janelia/HHMI
Ryan Williamson, Janelia/HHMI
Invited Participants

Mark Alkema, University of Massachusetts Medical School
Malcolm Burrows, University of Cambridge
Jérôme Casas, UMR CNRS
Kenneth Catania, Vanderbilt University
Stacey Combes, Harvard University
William Conner, Wake Forest University
Paolo Domenici, IAMC-CNR Oristano
Florian Engert, Harvard University
Fabrizio Gabbiani, Baylor College of Medicine
Cole Gilbert, Cornell University
Melina Hale, University of Chicago
Roger Hanlon, Marine Biological Laboratory
Jens Heberholtz, University of Maryland
Ron Hoy, Cornell University
Stephen Liberles, Harvard University
Frederic Libersat, Ben Gurion University of the Negev
John Miller, Montana State University
Cynthia Moss, University of Maryland
Kiisa Nishikawa, Northern Arizona University
Karin Nordström, Uppsala University
Robert Olberg, Union College
Sheila Patek, University of Massachusetts
Ronen Segev, Ben Gurion University
Daniel Tomsic, University of Buenos Aires