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Expanding the Genetic Toolkit for Drosophila

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Expanding the Genetic Toolkit for Drosophila

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October 7 - 10, 2007
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This meeting focused on new genetic methods that are needed to facilitate modern fly research and how these methods might be developed, including:

  • new ways to control gene expression in time and space;
  • new deletion/duplication collections;
  • new two element systems like Gal4/UAS;
  • new recombination systems like cre and flp; and
  • new genomic resources like ORF and antibody collections.


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Hugo Bellen, HHMI/Baylor College of Medicine
Sue Celniker, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
Lynn Cooley, Yale School of Medicine
Liqun Luo, HHMI/Stanford University
Gerald M. Rubin, Janelia Research Campus/HHMI

Invited Participants

David Anderson, California Institute of Technology
Spyros Artavanis-Tsakonas, Harvard Medical School
Michael Ashburner, University of Cambridge
Konrad Basler, Universitaet Zuerich
Andrea Brand, University of Cambridge
Dana Carroll, University of Utah
Richard Carthew, Northwestern University
Steve Cohen, EMBL Heidelberg
Kevin Cook, Indiana University
Stephen Crews, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill
Ron Davis, Baylor College of Medicine
Michael Eisen, University of California, Berkeley
Steven Henikoff, HHMI/Fred Hutchison Cancer Research Center
Roger Hoskins, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
Haig Keshishian, Yale University
Henry Krause, University of Toronto
Eric Lai, Sloan-Kettering Institute
Tzumin Lee, UMass Medical School
Suzanna Lewis, Lawrence Berkeley National Lab
Gos Micklem, University of Cambridge
Gero Miesenböck, Yale University School of Medicine
Brian Oliver, National Institutes of Health
Norbert Perrimon, HHMI/Harvard Medical School
Steven Russell, University of Cambridge
Jeff Sekelsky, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill
Julie Simpson, Janelia Research Campus/HHMI
Stephen Small, New York University
Allan Spradling, HHMI/Carnegie Institute
Gary Struhl, HHMI/Columbia University
Koen Venken, Baylor College of Medicine
Marc Vidal, Dana-Farber Cancer Institute
Barbara Wakimoto, University  of Washington
Benjamin White, National Institutes of Health
Chao-Ting Wu, Harvard Medical School
Kai Zinn, California Institute of Technology