Genetic Manipulation of Neuronal Activity II
This conference was a follow-up to the one held in 2008. At the first meeting, we highlighted the recent development of new genetic reagents for the exogenous control of neural circuit activity, including naturally evolved light-gated ion channels and pumps, mutagenized temperature-sensitive synaptic transmission components, rationally designed photo-switches, and "orthogonal" drug/receptor pairs, among others. In this meeting, we brought together leaders in the field to review progress in the design and use of current tools, and, even more importantly, to focus on the development of novel tools and their potential applications.
Loren Looger, Janelia Research Campus/HHMI
Julie Simpson, Janelia Research Campus/HHMI
Scott Sternson, Janelia Research Campus/HHMI
Invited Participants
David Anderson, HHMI/California Institute of Technology
Antonello Bonci, University of California, San Francisco
Edward Boyden, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Gyorgy Buzsaki, Rutgers University - Newark
Jean-Pierre Changeux, Institut Pasteur
Bruce Conklin, University of California, San Francisco
Ron Davis, Baylor College of Medicine
Luis de Lecea, Stanford University
Karl Deisseroth, Stanford University
Daniel Evanko, Nature Methods
Alexander Gottschalk, Johann Wolfgang Goethe University
Klaus Hahn, University of North Carolina
Peter Hegemann, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin
Stefan Herlitze, Case Western Reserve University
Thomas Hughes, Montana State University
Ines Ibañez-Tallon, Max Delbrück Center for Molecular Medicine
Ehud Isacoff, University of California, Berkeley
Anselm Levskaya, University of California San Francisco
Mark Mayford, The Scripps Research Institute
Christopher Moore, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Mani Ramaswami, Trinity College
Dima Rinberg, Janelia Research Campus/HHMI
Bryan Roth, University of North Carolina Chapel Hill Medical School
Massimo Scanziani, HHMI/University of California, San Diego
Karel Svoboda, Janelia Research Campus/HHMI
Dirk Trauner, Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München
Benjamin White, National Institutes of Health
Peer Wulff, University of Aberdeen
Claire Wyart, University of California, Berkeley
Hongkui Zeng, Allen Institute for Brain Science
Charles Gerfen, National Institutes of Health