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Molecular Mechanisms of Developmental Timing

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Molecular Mechanisms of Developmental Timing

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May 4 - 7, 2008
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A fundamental challenge in biology is to understand the reproducibility of developmental programs between individuals of the same species. This developmental precision reflects the integration of spatial and sexual patterning cues with temporal control mechanisms so that important developmental transitions occur at the appropriate time. Both intrinsic gene expression programs and extrinsic cues, such as nutrition, temperature and light cycles can affect timing events. This meeting focused on discussing the molecular mechanisms that control developmental timing in a wide range of species including, but not limited to, C. elegans, Drosophila, plants, and man.


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Mike O'Connor, HHMI/University of Minnesota
Anne Rougvie, University of Minnesota

Invited Participants

Richard Amasino, University of Wisconsin
Victor Ambros, Dartmouth College
Adam Antebi, Baylor College of Medicine
Donald Brown, Carnegie Institute of Washington
Chris Doe, HHMI/University of Oregon
Wayne Johnson, University of Iowa
Tzumin Lee, University of Massachusetts Medical School
M. Pierre Leopold, CNRS University of Nice
Peter McCourt, University of Toronto
H. Frederik Nijhout, Duke University
Patrick O'Farrell, University of California, San Francisco
David Parichy, University of Washington
Scott Poethig, University of Pennsylvania
Olivier Pourquie, HHMI/Stowers Institute for Medical Research
Martin Raff, University College London
Lynn Riddiford, Janelia Research Campus/HHMI
Gary Ruvkun, MGH/Harvard - Simches Research Center
Alexander Schier, Harvard University
Kathleen Smith, Duke University
Sally Temple, Albany Medical College
Carl Thummel, University of Utah