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Multiphoton Imaging: The Next 6X10^23 Femtoseconds

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Multiphoton Imaging: The Next 6X10^23 Femtoseconds

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April 3 - 6, 2011
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Twenty years have passed since multiphoton microscopy was first described as a way to image internal structure of living tissues at high resolution with minimal photodamage. This meeting brought together leaders in the field to discuss the progress that has been made over these first two decades, as well as conjecture on the direction of the field in the next 20 years, and beyond. The talks, posters and open discussions focused on topics including: novel in vivo applications, various imaging modalities, enhancing resolution and yield, molecular probes and adaptive optics.

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David Kleinfeld, University of California, San Diego
Na Ji, HHMI/Janelia
Karel Svoboda, HHMI/Janelia

Invited Participants

Emmanuel Beaurepaire, National Center for Scientific Research (CNRS)
Eric Betzig, Janelia Research Campus/HHMI
Martin Booth, University of Oxford
Ji-Xin Cheng, Purdue University
Daniel Cote, Centre de Recherche Universite Laval Robert Giffard
Meng Cui, California Institute of Technology
Winfried Denk, Max-Planck-Institute for Medical Research
Graham Ellis-Davies, Mount Sinai School of Medicine
Valentina Emiliani, University Paris Descartes
Daniel Evanko, Nature Methods
Charles Gilbert, The Rockefeller University
Fritjoff Helmchen, University of Zurich
Daniel Huber, Janelia Research Campus/HHMI
Jason Kerr, Max Planck Institute for Biological Cybernetics
Luke Lavis, Janelia Research Campus/HHMI
Mark Levoy, Stanford University
Loren Looger, Janelia Research Campus/HHMI
Seth Marder, Georgia Institute of Technology
Atsushi Miyawaki, RIKEN Brain Science Institute
Pavel Osten, Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory
Bernardo Sabatini, HHMI/Harvard University
Mark Schnitzer, HHMI/Stanford University
Charles Shank, Janelia Research Campus/HHMI
Yaron Silberberg, Weizmann Institute
Peter So, Massachusetts Insitute of Technology
Jeff Squier, Colorado School of Mines
David Tank, Princeton University
Philbert Tsai, University of California, San Diego
Alipasha Vaziri, Janelia Research Campus/HHMI
Ivo Vellekoop, California Institute of Technology
Chris Xu, Cornell University
Ryohei Yasuda, HHMI/Duke University Medical Center
Rafael Yuste, HHMI/Columbia University