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Neural Circuits Controlling Sexual Behavior

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Neural Circuits Controlling Sexual Behavior

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October 11 - 14, 2009
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The focus of this meeting is to discuss recent advances in the neural mechanisms controlling reproductive behaviors. Speakers will be invited to address the implications of these new findings across different model organisms in order to identify shared as well as unique organizational principles, and to initiate a discussion on outstanding technical and conceptual issues in the field.


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Bruce Baker, Janelia Research Campus/HHMI
Catherine Dulac, HHMI/Harvard University
Nirao Shah, University of California, San Francisco

Invited Participants

David Anderson, HHMI/California Institute of Technology
Arthur Arnold, University of California, Los Angeles
Marc Breedlove, Michigan State University
David Crews, University of Texas at Austin
Russell Fernald, Stanford University
Jean-Francois Ferveur, Université de Bourgogne
Nancy Forger, University of Massachusetts, Amherst
Leslie Griffith, Brandeis University
Melissa Hines, University of Cambridge
Timothy Holy, Washington University School of Medicine
Yuh-Nung Jan, HHMI/University of California, San Francisco
Tali Kimchi, Weizmann Institute of Science
Edward Kravitz, Harvard Medical School
Dev Manoli, University of California, San Francisco
Margaret McCarthy, University of Maryland School of Medicine
Michael McKeown, Brown University
Catherine Peichel, Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center
Doug Portman, University of Rochester Medical Center
Paul Sternberg, HHMI/California Institute of Technology
Lisa Stowers, The Scripps Research Institute
Daisuke Yamamoto, Tohoku University
C. Ron Yu, Stowers Institute for Medical Research
Harold Zakon, University of Texas at Austin