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Neuron Types in the Hippocampal Formation: Structure, Activity, and Molecular Genetics

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Neuron Types in the Hippocampal Formation: Structure, Activity, and Molecular Genetics

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November 11 - 14, 2012
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Neuronal classification is particularly complex in mammalian nervous systems. Although the extent of neuronal diversity is daunting at the whole-brain scale, the problem can be parceled by leveraging the considerable specificity among different regions. This conference focused on the cerebral cortex with a particular emphasis on the rodent hippocampus. Neurons are commonly phenotyped based on their observed properties, including morphology (axonal-dendritic shape, location, and connectivity), physiology (rhythms, spiking patterns, membrane properties, synaptic plasticity), and molecular identity (neurotransmitter, protein markers, gene expression, enzymatic cascades, transcription factors). The ultimate goal is to integrate neuronal classification with the rich evidence on computational processing in the hippocampus (memory storage and retrieval, spatial exploration and navigation, etc.) and related cortical areas. The foremost worldwide researchers in the field jointly reviewed the status of current knowledge, identify open scientific questions, discuss new directions of research, and germinate consensus towards a systematic organization of available information.

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Giorgio Ascoli, George Mason University
Thomas Klausberger, Medical University of Vienna
Massimo Scanziani, HHMI/University of California, San Diego
Peter Somogyi, Medical Research Council (MRC)

Invited Participants

Afia Ali, The School of Pharmacy, University of London
Marco Capogna, Medical Research Council (MRC)
Rosa Cossart, Université de la Méditerranée
Norbert Hájos, Institute of Experimental Medicine, Hungary
Michael Hasselmo, Boston University
Peter Jonas, Institute of Science and Technology Austria
Dimitri Kullmann, University College London
Karri Lamsa, Medical Research Council (MRC)
Albert Lee, Janelia Research Campus/HHMI
Ed Lein, Allen Institute for Brain Science
Attila Losonczy, Columbia University
Gianmaria Maccaferri, Northwestern University
Chris McBain, National Institutes of Health
Zoltan Nusser, Institute of Experimental Medicine, Hungary
Bernardo Rudy, NYU Langone Medical Center
Ivan Soltesz, University of California, Irvine
Nelson Spruston, Janelia Research Campus/HHMI
János Szabadics, Institute of Experimental Medicine, Hungary
Alex Thomson, UCL School of Pharmacy, University of London
Menno Witter, Norwegian University of Science and Technology