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Producing and Perceiving Complex Acoustic Signals: Songbirds and Mice as Model Systems

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Producing and Perceiving Complex Acoustic Signals: Songbirds and Mice as Model Systems

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March 20 - 23, 2011
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The study of the neural basis of birdsong has provided insight into a variety of issues central to neurobiology—neural coding, sensorimotor coordination, developmental plasticity, learning, and memory. Recently, interest in the mouse as a model system for vocal communication has been growing. Mice use ultrasonic vocalizations during social encounters, and there have been some suggestions that male mice produce a vocal signal that may be analogous to birdsong.

This conference focused on vocal production and perception in mice and songbirds, with input from other vertebrate vocal model systems. The aim was to bring together people that have similar practical and theoretical interests, to explore the differences and commonalities between avian and mammalian models of vocal communication, and to share tools, techniques and approaches.

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Allison Doupe, University of California, San Francisco
Roian Egnor, HHMI/Janelia
Christine Portfors, Washington State University

Invited Participants:

Andrew Bass, Cornell University
Sarah Bottjer, University of Southern California
Michael Brainard, University of California, San Francisco
David Clayton, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Michale Fee, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Tim Gentner, University of California, San Diego
Richard Hahnloser, ETH Zurich
Kurt Hammerschmidt, German Primate Center, Goettingen
Laura Hurley, Indiana University
Erich Jarvis, HHMI/Duke University Medical Center
Matina Kalcounis-Rueppell, University of North Carolina, Greensboro
Harvey Karten, University of California, San Diego
Garet Lahvis, Oregon Health & Science University
Anthony LeonardoJanelia Research Campus/HHMI
Robert Liu, Emory University
Daniel Margoliash, University of Chicago
Walter Metzner, University of California, Los Angeles
Marta Moita, Instituto Gulbenkian de Ciencia
Richard Mooney, Duke University
Kazuo Okanoya, RIKEN Brain Science Institute
David Perkel, University of Washington
George Pollak, University of Texas at Austin
Constance Scharff, Freie Universität Berlin
Marc Schmidt, University of Pennsylvania
Roderick Suthers, Indiana University
Ofer Tchernichovski, City University of New York
Frederic Theunissen, University of California, Berkeley
Nachum Ulanovsky, Weizmann Institute of Science
Clémentine Vignal, Universite Jean Monnet
Jeffrey Wenstrup, Northeastern Ohio Universities College of Medicine
Stephanie White, University of California, Los Angeles
Sarah Woolley, Columbia University