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Sensory Signaling in Model Organisms

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Sensory Signaling in Model Organisms

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April 21 - 24, 2013
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This meeting brought together leading investigators working on sensory systems in various genetically tractable models to clarify common themes, as well as distinctions, among the different organisms. Topics included mechanosensation, olfaction, magnetoreception, chemosensation, gustation, phototransduction and others.  There was a particular emphasis on animal behaviors driven by sensory signaling.

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Cori Bargmann, HHMI/Rockefeller University
Craig Montell, Johns Hopkins School of Medicine
Invited Participants

Diana Bautista, University of California, Berkeley
Yehuda Ben-Shahar, Washington University in St. Louis
Richard Benton, University of Lausanne
David Berson, Brown University
Michael Caterina, Johns Hopkins School of Medicine
Xinzhong Dong, HHMI/Johns Hopkins School of Medicine
Catherine Dulac, HHMI/Harvard University
Miriam Goodman, Stanford University
Elena Gracheva, Yale School of Medicine
Samer Hattar, Johns Hopkins University
Jeffrey Holt, Children's Hospital Boston
David Keays, Institute of Molecular Pathology
Ching Kung, University of Wisconsin - Madison
Gary Lewin, Max-Delbrück Center for Molecular Medicine
Emily Liman, University of Southern California
Patrick McGrath, Georgia Institute of Technology
Teresa Nicolson, HHMI/The Vollum Institute
Michael Nitabach, Yale School of Medicine
Ardem Patapoutian, The Scripps Research Institute
Steven Reppert, University of Massachusetts Medical School
Nicholas Ryba, National Institutes of Health
William Schafer, Medical Research Council
Piali Sengupta, Brandeis University
Greg Suh, New York University Langone Medical Center
Dan Tracey, Duke University
Leslie Vosshall, HHMI/The Rockefeller University
Shawn Xu, University of Michigan
Frank Zufall, University of Saarland
Laurence Zwiebel, Vanderbilt University