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Synaptic Vesicle Biogenesis

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Synaptic Vesicle Biogenesis

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October 13 - 16, 2013
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Synaptic vesicles, the secretory organelles that store and secrete non-peptide nuerotransmitters, have been extensively characterized. Yet, how these organelles are generated and regenerated during repeated cycles of exo-endocytosis remains poorly understood.  While strong evidence implicates clathrin-mediated budding in their formation after each cycle of exocytosis, the precise steps leading from a newly formed clathrin coated vesicle to a new, neurotransmitter filled, synaptic vesicle and the role of endosomal intermediates remain unclear. Clathrin-independent pathways of endocytosis are thought to operate in parallel with clathrin-mediated endocytosis. Mechanisms underlying the incorporation of key membrane proteins (in a roughly defined stoichiometry relative to each other) in synaptic vesicles and those that determine their very small and highly homogenous shape are largely unknown.  It was expected that an answer to these questions would not only advance knowledge of mechanisms in synaptic transmission, but also have broad implications in the field of membrane transport.  The goal of the workshop was to bring together investigators from different fields to foster discussion, interactions and potential collaborations.

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Pietro De Camilli, HHMI/Yale University
Volker Haucke, Leibniz Institute for Molecular Pharmacology, Berlin
Timothy Ryan, Weill Cornell Medical College

Invited Participants
Bruno Antonny, CNRS et Université de Nice
Juan Bonifacino, National Institutes of Health
Edwin Chapman, HHMI/University of Wisconsin
Oliver Daumke, Max-Delbrück-Center for Molecular Medicine
Robert Edwards, University of California, San Francisco
Adam Frost, University of Utah
Alexander Gottschalk, Johann Wolfgang Goethe University
Barth Grant, Rutgers University
John Heuser, Washington University School of Medicine
Reinhard Jahn, Max-Planck-Institute for Biophysical Chemistry
Yishi Jin, HHMI/University of California, San Diego
Erik Jörgensen, HHMI/University of Utah
Jürgen Klingauf, University of Muenster
Michael Kozlov, Tel Aviv University
Peter McPherson, McGill University
Silvio Rizzoli, European Neuroscience Institute (ENI) Göttingen
Margaret Robinson, University of Cambridge
Aurélien Roux, University of Geneva
Kang  Shen, HHMI/Stanford School of Medicine
Oleg Shupliakov, Karolinska Institutet
Shigeo Takamori, Doshisha University, Japan
Patrik Verstreken, VIB Center for the Biology of Disease
Mark von Zastrow, University of California, San Francisco
Beverly Wendland, Johns Hopkins University
Ling-Gang Wu, National Institutes of Health
Xiaowei Zhuang, HHMI/Harvard University
Joshua Zimmerberg, National Institutes of Health