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Thalamus and Corticothalamic Interactions

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Thalamus and Corticothalamic Interactions

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April 26 - 29, 2015
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Thalamus and cortex form a closely interacting functional unit. Continuous information transfer between thalamus and cortex underlies sensory, motor and cognitive function. Thalamus also controls the interactions of cortex with the cerebellum and basal ganglia. The flow of information through thalamus is adjusted to meet behavioral needs. Despite these facts, cortex and thalamus have mostly been studied in isolation and in behaviorally impoverished situations.  This meeting brought together researchers working on corticothalamic interactions at the level of synapses and circuits during behavior. We expected to arrive at a set of testable hypotheses about thalamic function, and perhaps even a hint of a unified view.

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László Acsády, Institute of Experimental Medicine, Hungary
Jesse Goldberg, Cornell University
Karel Svoboda, Janelia Research Campus/HHMI

Invited Participants
Jose-Manuel Alonso, SUNY College of Optometry
Michael Beierlein, University of Texas Medical School
Vivien Casagrande, Vanderbilt University
Barry Connors, Brown University
Vincenzo Crunelli, Cardiff School of Biosciences
Martin Deschênes, Centre de Recherche Universite Laval Robert-Giffard
Diego Gutnisky, Janelia Research Campus/HHMI
Michael Halassa, NYU Neuroscience Institute
Judith Hirsch, University of Southern California
John Huguenard, Stanford University
Dieter Jaeger, Emory University
Sabine Kastner, Princeton University
Minoru Kimura, Tamagawa University
David Kleinfeld, University of California, San Diego
Rodolfo Llinas, NYU Langone Medical Center
Andres Lozano, University of Toronto
Anita Luthi, University of Lausanne
David McCormick, Yale School of Medicine
Cristopher Niell, University of Oregon
Louise Parr-Brownlie, University of Otago
Jeanne Paz, University of California, San Francisco
Rasmus Petersen, University of Manchester
Clay Reid, Allen Institute for Brain Science
Massimo Scanziani, HHMI/University of California, San Diego
Nicholas Schiff, Weill Cornell Medical College
S. Murray Sherman, University of Chicago
Garrett Stanley, Georgia Institute of Technology
Karel Svoboda, Janelia Research Campus/HHMI
Harvey Swadlow, University of Connecticut
Masaki Tanaka, Hokkaido University School of Medicine
Martin Usrey, University of California, Davis
Xiao-Jing Wang, New York University
Robert Wurtz, National Institutes of Health