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Translation at the Synapse

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Translation at the Synapse

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October 21 - 24, 2007
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The meeting focused on recent advances in our understanding of the regulation of protein synthesis at the neuronal synapse. We are interested in your latest work and in understanding how this mechanism contributes to learning and memory.


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Mark F. Bear, HHMI/Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Kevin Moses, Janelia Research Campus/HHMI
Kelsey C. Martin, University of California, Los Angeles
Erin M. Schuman, HHMI/California Institute of Technology

Invited Participants

Claudia Bagni, University of Rome
Gary Bassell, Emory University School of Medicine
Clive Bramham, University of Bergen
Katie Clapp, FRAXA Research Foundation
Hollis Cline, Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory
Jennifer Darnell, Rockefeller University
Robert Darnell, HHMI/Rockefeller University
Jennifer Doudna, HHMI/University of California,Berkeley
James Eberwine, University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine
Justin Fallon, Brown University
Yue Feng, Emory University School of Medicine
Rachel Green, HHMI/Johns Hopkins School of Medicine
Michael Greenberg, Harvard Medical School
Kristen Harris, University of Texas at Austin
Nobutaka Hirokawa, University of Tokyo
Christine Holt, University of Cambridge
Kim Huber, UT Southwestern Medical Center, Dallas
Lily Jan, HHMI/University of California, San Francisco
Tom Jongens, University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine
Eric Kandel, HHMI/Columbia University
Ray Kelleher, Harvard Medical School
Michael Kiebler, Medical University of Vienna
Eric Klann, New York University
Ken Kosik, University of California, Santa Barbara
Sam Kunes, Harvard University
Melissa Moore, HHMI/University of Massachusetts
Mani Ramaswami, University of Arizona
Joel Richter, University of Massachusetts Worcester Campus
Michele Simonato, Università di Ferrara
Robert Singer, Albert Einstein College of Medicine
Nahum Sonenberg, McGill Cancer Center
Wayne Sossin, Université McGill
Oswald Steward, University of California, Irvine
Henri Tiedge, SUNY Downstate Medical Center
Michael Tranfaglia, FRAXA Research Foundation
Peter Vanderklish, Scripps Research Institute
David Wells, Yale University
Daniela Zarnescu, University of Arizona
Suzanne Zukin, Albert Einstein College of Medicine