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Using in vivo Physiology to Understand Neural Circuits in Genetic Systems

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Using in vivo Physiology to Understand Neural Circuits in Genetic Systems

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April 20 - 23, 2008
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Recent technical innovations have made identified neurons accessible to in vivo electrophysiology and imaging in Drosophila, zebrafish and C. elegans. In addition, ongoing miniaturization is allowing the mouse to be used in place of the rat in many studies. This meeting brought together scientists who use physiology and genetic tools in these organisms to understand neural circuit function. The focus of the meeting was on the design and interpretation of experiments rather than on technique development.


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Vivek Jayaraman, Janelia Research Campus/HHMI
Dmitry Rinberg, Janelia Research Campus/HHMI
Rachel Wilson, Harvard University

Invited Participants

Richard Axel, HHMI/Columbia University
Cori Bargmann, HHMI/Rockefeller University
Alexander Borst, Max Planck Institute of Neurobiology, Martinsried
Gyorgi Buzsaki, Rutgers University - Newark
Thomas Clandinin, Stanford University
Yang Dan, University of California, Berkeley
Michael Dickinson, California Institute of Technology
Michale Fee, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Rainer Friedrich, Friedrich Miescher Institute for Biomedical Research
Miriam Goodman, Stanford University
Gilles Laurent, California Institute of Technology
Shawn Lockery, University of Oregon
Eve Marder, Brandeis University
Markus Meister, Harvard University
Aravi Samuel, Harvard University
William Schafer, Medical Research Center
Karel Svoboda, Janelia Research Campus/HHMI
Glenn Turner, Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory
Matt Wachowiak, Boston University
Charles Zuker, HHMI/University of California San Diego