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Stern DL.  1995.  Phylogenetic evidence that aphids, rather than plants, determine gall morphology. Proceedings of the Royal Society of London. Series B: Biological Sciences. 260(1357):85-89.
Stuart G, Spruston N.  1995.  Probing dendritic function with patch pipettes.. Curr Opin Neurobiol. 5(3):389-94.
Betzig E.  1995.  Proposed method for molecular optical imaging. (With commentary). Optics Letters. 20:237-9.
Brown TA, Evangelista C, Trumpower BL.  1995.  Regulation of nuclear genes encoding mitochondrial proteins in Saccharomyces cerevisiae.. Journal of Bacteriology. 177(23):6836-43.
Chanut F, Heberlein U.  1995.  Role of the morphogenetic furrow in establishing polarity in the Drosophila eye.. Development. 121(12):4085-94.
Brown TA, Trumpower BL.  1995.  Strain-dependent variation in carbon source regulation of nucleus-encoded mitochondrial proteins of Saccharomyces cerevisiae.. Journal of Bacteriology. 177(5):1380-2.
Myers EW.  1995.  Toward simplifying and accurately formulating fragment assembly.. Journal of Computational Biology: A Journal of Computational Molecular Cell Biology. 2(2):275-90.
Smith JD, Schull J, Strote J, McGee K, Egnor R, Erb L.  1995.  The uncertain response in the bottlenosed dolphin (Tursiops truncatus).. Journal of Experimental Psychology. 124(4):391-408.
Rebay I, Rubin GM.  1995.  Yan functions as a general inhibitor of differentiation and is negatively regulated by activation of the Ras1/MAPK pathway.. Cell. 81(6):857-66.
Stern D.L, Moon A., C. del Rio M.  1996.  Caste allometries in the soldier-producing aphidPseudoregma alexanderi (Hormaphididae: Aphidoidea). Insectes sociaux. 43(2):137-147.
Baker B.S., Ryner L.C., Goodwin S.F., Castrillon D.H., Anand A, Villella A, Hall J.C., Taylor B.J., Wasserman S.A..  1996.  Control of male sexual behavior and sexual orientation in Drosophila by the fruitless gene.. Cell. 87(6):1079-89.
Marin I, Franke A, Bashaw GJ, Baker BS.  1996.  The dosage compensation system of Drosophila is co-opted by newly evolved X chromosomes.. Nature. 383(6596):160-3.
Stern DL, Foster WA.  1996.  The evolution of soldiers in aphids.. Biol Rev Camb Philos Soc. 71(1):27-79.
Straight AF, Belmont AS, Robinett CC, Murray AW.  1996.  GFP tagging of budding yeast chromosomes reveals that protein-protein interactions can mediate sister chromatid cohesion.. Current Biology. 6(12):1599-608.
Robinett CC, Straight A, Li G, Willhelm C, Sudlow G, Murray A, Belmont AS.  1996.  In vivo localization of DNA sequences and visualization of large-scale chromatin organization using lac operator/repressor recognition.. The Journal of Cell Biology. 135(6 Pt 2):1685-700.
Grober RD, Rutherford T, Harris TD.  1996.  Modal aproximation for the electromagnetic field of a near-field optical probe.. Applied Optics. 35(19):3488-95.
Truman JW, de Vente J, Ball EE.  1996.  Nitric oxide-sensitive guanylate cyclase activity is associated with the maturational phase of neuronal development in insects.. Development. 122(12):3949-58.
Rinberg D, Cherepanov V, Steinberg V.  1996.  Parametric generation of second sound by first sound in superfluid helium.. Physical Review Letters. 76(12):2105-8.
Stern DL, Grant PR.  1996.  A phylogenetic reanalysis of allozyme variation among populations of Galapagos finches. Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society. 118(2):119-134.