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Yoshioka J, Schreiter ER, Lee RT.  2006.  Role of thioredoxin in cell growth through interactions with signaling molecules.. Antioxidants and Redox Signaling. 8(11-12):2143-51.
McDermott CM, Hardy MN, Bazan NG, Magee JC.  2006.  Sleep deprivation-induced alterations in excitatory synaptic transmission in the CA1 region of the rat hippocampus.. The Journal of Physiology. 570(Pt 3):553-65.
Rinberg D, Koulakov A, Gelperin A.  2006.  Sparse odor coding in awake behaving mice.. The Journal of Neuroscience: The Official Journal of the Society for Neuroscience. 26(34):8857-65.
Rinberg D, Koulakov A, Gelperin A.  2006.  Speed-accuracy tradeoff in olfaction.. Neuron. 51(3):351-8.
Gasparini S, Magee JC.  2006.  State-dependent dendritic computation in hippocampal CA1 pyramidal neurons.. The Journal of Neuroscience: The Official Journal of the Society for Neuroscience. 26(7):2088-100.
Wysocki LM, Dodge MW, Voight EA, Burke SD.  2006.  Stereochemically general approach to adjacent bis(tetrahydrofuran) cores of annonaceous acetogenins.. Organic Letters. 8(24):5637-40.
Pastalkova E, Serrano P, Pinkhasova D, Wallace E, Fenton AAntonio, Sacktor TCharlton.  2006.  Storage of spatial information by the maintenance mechanism of LTP.. Science. 313(5790):1141-4.
Thaw P, Sedelnikova SE, Muranova T, Wiese S, Ayora S, Alonso JC, Brinkman AB, Akerboom J, van der Oost J, Rafferty JB.  2006.  Structural insight into gene transcriptional regulation and effector binding by the Lrp/AsnC family.. Nucleic Acids Research. 34(5):1439-49.
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Chang L-W, Nagarajan R, Magee JA, Milbrandt J, Stormo GD.  2006.  A systematic model to predict transcriptional regulatory mechanisms based on overrepresentation of transcription factor binding profiles.. Genome Research. 16(3):405-13.
Wright KJ, Marr MT, Tjian R.  2006.  TAF4 nucleates a core subcomplex of TFIID and mediates activated transcription from a TATA-less promoter.. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 103(33):12347-52.
Ji N, Zhang K, Yang H, Shen Y-R.  2006.  Three-dimensional chiral imaging by sum-frequency generation.. Journal of the American Chemical Society. 128(11):3482-3.
Ji N, Ostroverkhov V, Belkin M, Shiu Y-J, Shen Y-R.  2006.  Toward chiral sum-frequency spectroscopy.. Journal of the American Chemical Society. 128(27):8845-8.
Ponomarev I, Maiya R, Harnett MT, Schafer GL, Ryabinin AE, Blednov YA, Morikawa H, Boehm SL, Homanics GE, Berman AE et al..  2006.  Transcriptional signatures of cellular plasticity in mice lacking the alpha1 subunit of GABAA receptors.. The Journal of Neuroscience: The Official Journal of the Society for Neuroscience. 26(21):5673-83.
Zelhof AC, Hardy RW, Becker A, Zuker CS.  2006.  Transforming the architecture of compound eyes.. Nature. 443(7112):696-9.
Ding C, He X, Xiong H, Peng H, Holbrook SR.  2006.  Transitive closure and metric inequality of weighted graphs: detecting protein interaction modules using cliques.. International Journal of Data Mining and Bioinformatics. 1:162-77.
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Jenett A, Schindelin JE, Heisenberg M.  2006.  The virtual insect brain protocol: creating and comparing standardized neuroanatomy.. BMC Bioinformatics. 7:544.
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Tian L, Matouschek A.  2006.  Where to start and when to stop.. Nature Structural & Molecular Biology. 13(8):668-70.
Lee AK, Manns ID, Sakmann B, Brecht M.  2006.  Whole-cell recordings in freely moving rats.. Neuron. 51:399-407.
Braendle C, Davis GK, Brisson JA, Stern DL.  2006.  Wing dimorphism in aphids.. Heredity (Edinb). 97(3):192-9.
Chen BL, Hall DH, Chklovskii DB.  2006.  Wiring optimization can relate neuronal structure and function.. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 103(12):4723-8.
Hoopfer ED, McLaughlin T, Watts RJ, Schuldiner O, O’Leary DDM, Luo L.  2006.  Wlds protection distinguishes axon degeneration following injury from naturally occurring developmental pruning.. Neuron. 50(6):883-95.
Marvin JS, Lowman HB.  2005.  Antibody humanization and affinity maturation using phage display.. Phage Display in Biotechnology and Drug Discovery. :493-528.