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3920 Publications

Showing 1301-1310 of 3920 results
01/11/24 | Epigenetic priming of embryonic lineages in the mammalian epiblast
Miquel Sendra , Katie McDole , Daniel Jimenez-Carretero , Juan de Dios Hourcade , Susana Temiño , Léo Guignard , Philipp J Keller , Fátima Sánchez-Cabo , Jorge N. Domínguez , Miguel Torres
bioRxiv. 2024 Jan 11:. doi: 10.1101/2024.01.11.575188

Understanding the diversification of mammalian cell lineages is an essential to embryonic development, organ regeneration and tissue engineering. Shortly after implantation in the uterus, the pluripotent cells of the mammalian epiblast generate the three germ layers: ectoderm, mesoderm and endoderm1. Although clonal analyses suggest early specification of epiblast cells towards particular cell lineages24, single-cell transcriptomes do not identify lineage-specific markers in the epiblast511 and thus, the molecular regulation of such specification remains unknow. Here, we studied the epigenetic landscape of single epiblast cells, which revealed lineage priming towards endoderm, ectoderm or mesoderm. Unexpectedly, epiblast cells with mesodermal priming show a strong signature for the endothelial/endocardial fate, suggesting early specification of this lineage aside from other mesoderm. Through clonal analysis and live imaging, we show that endothelial precursors show early lineage divergence from the rest of mesodermal derivatives. In particular, cardiomyocytes and endocardial cells show limited lineage relationship, despite being temporally and spatially co-recruited during gastrulation. Furthermore, analysing the live tracks of single cells through unsupervised classification of cell migratory activity, we found early behavioral divergence of endothelial precursors shortly after the onset of mesoderm migration towards the cardiogenic area. These results provide a new model for the phenotypically silent specification of mammalian cell lineages in pluripotent cells of the epiblast and modify current knowledge on the sequence and timing of cardiovascular lineages diversification.

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02/21/24 | Epigenetic repression of cFos supports sequential formation of distinct spatial memories.
Andreas Franzelin , Paul J. Lamothe-Molina , Christine E. Gee , Andrey Formozov , Eric R Schreiter , Fabio Morellini , Thomas Glenn Oertner
bioRxiv. 2024 Feb 21:. doi: 10.1101/2024.02.16.580703

Expression of the immediate early gene cFos modifies the epigenetic landscape of activated neurons with downstream effects on synaptic plasticity. The production of cFos is inhibited by a long-lived isoform of another Fos family gene, ΔFosB. It has been speculated that this negative feedback mechanism may be critical for protecting episodic memories from being overwritten by new information. Here, we investigate the influence of ΔFosB inhibition on cFos expression and memory. Hippocampal neurons in slice culture produce more cFos on the first day of stimulation compared to identical stimulation on the following day. This downregulation affects all hippocampal subfields and requires histone deacetylation. Overexpression of ΔFosB in individual pyramidal neurons effectively suppresses cFos, indicating that accumulation of ΔFosB is the causal mechanism. Water maze training of mice over several days leads to accumulation of ΔFosB in granule cells of the dentate gyrus, but not in CA3 and CA1. Because the dentate gyrus is thought to support pattern separation and cognitive flexibility, we hypothesized that inhibiting the expression of ΔFosB would affect reversal learning, i.e., the ability to successively learn new platform locations in the water maze. The results indicate that pharmacological HDAC inhibition, which prevents cFos repression, impairs reversal learning, while learning and memory of the initial platform location remain unaffected. Our study supports the hypothesis that epigenetic mechanisms tightly regulate cFos expression in individual granule cells to orchestrate the formation of time-stamped memories.

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Eddy/Rivas Lab
03/07/16 | Epigenomic landscapes of retinal rods and cones.
Mo A, Luo C, Davis FP, Mukamel EA, Henry GL, Nery JR, Urich MA, Picard S, Lister R, Eddy SR, Beer MA, Ecker JR, Nathans J
eLife. 2016 Mar 07;5:. doi: 10.7554/eLife.11613

Rod and cone photoreceptors are highly similar in many respects but they have important functional and molecular differences. Here, we investigate genome-wide patterns of DNA methylation and chromatin accessibility in mouse rods and cones and correlate differences in these features with gene expression, histone marks, transcription factor binding, and DNA sequence motifs. Loss of NR2E3 in rods shifts their epigenomes to a more cone-like state. The data further reveal wide differences in DNA methylation between retinal photoreceptors and brain neurons. Surprisingly, we also find a substantial fraction of DNA hypo-methylated regions in adult rods that are not in active chromatin. Many of these regions exhibit hallmarks of regulatory regions that were active earlier in neuronal development, suggesting that these regions could remain undermethylated due to the highly compact chromatin in mature rods. This work defines the epigenomic landscapes of rods and cones, revealing features relevant to photoreceptor development and function.

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06/17/15 | Epigenomic signatures of neuronal diversity in the mammalian brain.
Mo A, Mukamel EA, Davis FP, Luo C, Henry GL, Picard S, Urich MA, Nery JR, Sejnowski TJ, Lister R, Eddy SR, Ecker JR, Nathans J
Neuron. 2015 Jun 17;86(6):1369-1384. doi: 10.1016/j.neuron.2015.05.018

Neuronal diversity is essential for mammalian brain function but poses a challenge to molecular profiling. To address the need for tools that facilitate cell-type-specific epigenomic studies, we developed the first affinity purification approach to isolate nuclei from genetically defined cell types in a mammal. We combine this technique with next-generation sequencing to show that three subtypes of neocortical neurons have highly distinctive epigenomic landscapes. Over 200,000 regions differ in chromatin accessibility and DNA methylation signatures characteristic of gene regulatory regions. By footprinting and motif analyses, these regions are predicted to bind distinct cohorts of neuron subtype-specific transcription factors. Neuronal epigenomes reflect both past and present gene expression, with DNA hyper-methylation at developmentally critical genes appearing as a novel epigenomic signature in mature neurons. Taken together, our findings link the functional and transcriptional complexity of neurons to their underlying epigenomic diversity.

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03/31/20 | ER membranes exhibit phase behavior at sites of organelle contact.
King C, Sengupta P, Seo AY, Lippincott-Schwartz J
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 2020 March 31;117(13):7225-7235. doi: 10.1073/pnas.1910854117

The endoplasmic reticulum (ER) is the site of synthesis of secretory and membrane proteins and contacts every organelle of the cell, exchanging lipids and metabolites in a highly regulated manner. How the ER spatially segregates its numerous and diverse functions, including positioning nanoscopic contact sites with other organelles, is unclear. We demonstrate that hypotonic swelling of cells converts the ER and other membrane-bound organelles into micrometer-scale large intracellular vesicles (LICVs) that retain luminal protein content and maintain contact sites with each other through localized organelle tethers. Upon cooling, ER-derived LICVs phase-partition into microscopic domains having different lipid-ordering characteristics, which is reversible upon warming. Ordered ER lipid domains mark contact sites with ER and mitochondria, lipid droplets, endosomes, or plasma membrane, whereas disordered ER lipid domains mark contact sites with lysosomes or peroxisomes. Tethering proteins concentrate at ER–organelle contact sites, allowing time-dependent behavior of lipids and proteins to be studied at these sites. These findings demonstrate that LICVs provide a useful model system for studying the phase behavior and interactive properties of organelles in intact cells.

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01/01/22 | ER proteins decipher the tubulin code to regulate organelle distribution.
Zheng P, Obara CJ, Szczesna E, Nixon-Abell J, Mahalingan KK, Roll-Mecak A, Lippincott-Schwartz J, Blackstone C
Nature. 2022 Jan 01;601(7891):132-138. doi: 10.1038/s41586-021-04204-9

Organelles move along differentially modified microtubules to establish and maintain their proper distributions and functions. However, how cells interpret these post-translational microtubule modification codes to selectively regulate organelle positioning remains largely unknown. The endoplasmic reticulum (ER) is an interconnected network of diverse morphologies that extends promiscuously throughout the cytoplasm, forming abundant contacts with other organelles. Dysregulation of endoplasmic reticulum morphology is tightly linked to neurologic disorders and cancer. Here we demonstrate that three membrane-bound endoplasmic reticulum proteins preferentially interact with different microtubule populations, with CLIMP63 binding centrosome microtubules, kinectin (KTN1) binding perinuclear polyglutamylated microtubules, and p180 binding glutamylated microtubules. Knockout of these proteins or manipulation of microtubule populations and glutamylation status results in marked changes in endoplasmic reticulum positioning, leading to similar redistributions of other organelles. During nutrient starvation, cells modulate CLIMP63 protein levels and p180-microtubule binding to bidirectionally move endoplasmic reticulum and lysosomes for proper autophagic responses.

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07/31/14 | ER stress-induced clearance of misfolded GPI-anchored proteins via the secretory pathway.
Satpute-Krishnan P, Ajinkya M, Bhat S, Itakura E, Hegde RS, Lippincott-Schwartz J
Cell. 2014 Jul 31;158(3):522-33. doi: 10.1016/j.cell.2014.06.026

Proteins destined for the cell surface are first assessed in the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) for proper folding before release into the secretory pathway. This ensures that defective proteins are normally prevented from entering the extracellular environment, where they could be disruptive. Here, we report that, when ER folding capacity is saturated during stress, misfolded glycosylphosphatidylinositol-anchored proteins dissociate from resident ER chaperones, engage export receptors, and quantitatively leave the ER via vesicular transport to the Golgi. Clearance from the ER commences within minutes of acute ER stress, before the transcriptional component of the unfolded protein response is activated. These aberrant proteins then access the cell surface transiently before destruction in lysosomes. Inhibiting this stress-induced pathway by depleting the ER-export receptors leads to aggregation of the ER-retained misfolded protein. Thus, this rapid response alleviates the elevated burden of misfolded proteins in the ER at the onset of ER stress, promoting protein homeostasis in the ER.

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04/29/21 | ER-to-Golgi protein delivery through an interwoven, tubular network extending from ER.
Weigel AV, Chang C, Shtengel G, Xu CS, Hoffman DP, Freeman M, Iyer N, Aaron J, Khuon S, Bogovic J, Qiu W, Hess HF, Lippincott-Schwartz J
Cell. 2021 Apr 29;184(9):2412. doi: 10.1016/j.cell.2021.03.035

Cellular versatility depends on accurate trafficking of diverse proteins to their organellar destinations. For the secretory pathway (followed by approximately 30% of all proteins), the physical nature of the vessel conducting the first portage (endoplasmic reticulum [ER] to Golgi apparatus) is unclear. We provide a dynamic 3D view of early secretory compartments in mammalian cells with isotropic resolution and precise protein localization using whole-cell, focused ion beam scanning electron microscopy with cryo-structured illumination microscopy and live-cell synchronized cargo release approaches. Rather than vesicles alone, the ER spawns an elaborate, interwoven tubular network of contiguous lipid bilayers (ER exit site) for protein export. This receptacle is capable of extending microns along microtubules while still connected to the ER by a thin neck. COPII localizes to this neck region and dynamically regulates cargo entry from the ER, while COPI acts more distally, escorting the detached, accelerating tubular entity on its way to joining the Golgi apparatus through microtubule-directed movement.

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09/15/20 | Erasable labeling of neuronal activity using a reversible calcium marker.
Sha F, Abdelfattah AS, Patel R, Schreiter ER
eLife. 2020 Sep 15;9:. doi: 10.7554/eLife.57249

Understanding how the brain encodes and processes information requires the recording of neural activity that underlies different behaviors. Recent efforts in fluorescent protein engineering have succeeded in developing powerful tools for visualizing neural activity, in general by coupling neural activity to different properties of a fluorescent protein scaffold. Here, we take advantage of a previously unexploited class of reversibly switchable fluorescent proteins to engineer a new type of calcium sensor. We introduce rsCaMPARI, a genetically encoded calcium marker engineered from a reversibly switchable fluorescent protein that enables spatiotemporally precise marking, erasing, and remarking of active neuron populations under brief, user-defined time windows of light exposure. rsCaMPARI photoswitching kinetics are modulated by calcium concentration when illuminating with blue light, and the fluorescence can be reset with violet light. We demonstrate the utility of rsCaMPARI for marking and remarking active neuron populations in freely swimming zebrafish.

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09/11/21 | Erratum: Label-free imaging of fibroblast membrane interfaces and protein signatures with vibrational infrared photothermal and phase signals: publisher's note.
Samolis PD, Langley D, O'Reilly BM, Oo Z, Hilzenrat G, Erramilli S, Sgro AE, McArthur S, Sander MY
Biomed Opt Express. 09/2021;12(9):5400. doi: 10.1364/BOE.438946

[This corrects the article on p. 303 in vol. 12, PMID: 33520386.].

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