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3920 Publications

Showing 3041-3050 of 3920 results
04/03/87 | Sevenless, a cell-specific homeotic gene of Drosophila, encodes a putative transmembrane receptor with a tyrosine kinase domain.
Hafen E, Basler K, Edstroem JE, Rubin GM
Science. 1987 Apr 3;236(4797):55-63. doi: 10.1186/gb-2007-8-7-r145

The determination of cell fates during the assembly of the ommatidia in the compound eye of Drosophila appears to be controlled by cell-cell interactions. In this process, the sevenless gene is essential for the development of a single type of photoreceptor cell. In the absence of proper sevenless function the cells that would normally become the R7 photoreceptors instead become nonneuronal cells. Previous morphological and genetic analysis has indicated that the product of the sevenless gene is involved in reading or interpreting the positional information that specifies this particular developmental pathway. The sevenless gene has now been isolated and characterized. The data indicate that sevenless encodes a transmembrane protein with a tyrosine kinase domain. This structural similarity between sevenless and certain hormone receptors suggests that similar mechanisms are involved in developmental decisions based on cell-cell interaction and physiological or developmental changes induced by diffusible factors.

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Grigorieff Lab
08/24/18 | Severing enzymes amplify microtubule arrays through lattice GTP-tubulin incorporation.
Vemu A, Szczesna E, Zehr EA, Spector JO, Grigorieff N, Deaconescu AM, Roll-Mecak A
Science (New York, N.Y.). 2018 Aug 24;361(6404):. doi: 10.1126/science.aau1504

Spastin and katanin sever and destabilize microtubules. Paradoxically, despite their destructive activity they increase microtubule mass in vivo. We combined single-molecule total internal reflection fluorescence microscopy and electron microscopy to show that the elemental step in microtubule severing is the generation of nanoscale damage throughout the microtubule by active extraction of tubulin heterodimers. These damage sites are repaired spontaneously by guanosine triphosphate (GTP)-tubulin incorporation, which rejuvenates and stabilizes the microtubule shaft. Consequently, spastin and katanin increase microtubule rescue rates. Furthermore, newly severed ends emerge with a high density of GTP-tubulin that protects them against depolymerization. The stabilization of the newly severed plus ends and the higher rescue frequency synergize to amplify microtubule number and mass. Thus, severing enzymes regulate microtubule architecture and dynamics by promoting GTP-tubulin incorporation within the microtubule shaft.

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01/01/07 | Sex and death in the male pea aphid, Acyrthosiphon pisum: The life-history effects of a wing dimorphism.
Sack C, Stern DL
J Insect Sci. 2007;7:1-9. doi: 10.1673/031.007.4501

Insect dispersal dimorphisms, in which both flight-capable and flightless individuals occur in the same species, are thought to reflect a balance between the benefits and costs of dispersal. Fitness costs and benefits associated with wing dimorphism were investigated in the male pea aphid, Acyrthosiphon pisum (Harris) (Hemiptera: Aphididae). In one-on-one mating competitions in small arenas between winged and wingless males, the winged aphids obtained most of the matings with virgin females. In contrast, during competition experiments in larger cages with multiple individuals of each morph, the winged males no longer had a clear mating advantage over wingless males. In the absence of competition, wingless males had marginally higher lifetime reproductive success than winged males, probably because mating winged males tended to die faster than wingless males. In the absence of females, winged males survived longer than wingless males and this difference disappeared under starvation conditions. Mating males of both morphs died significantly faster than males without access to females. There does not appear to be a direct tradeoff of dispersal ability with life history characteristics in pea aphid males, suggesting that the advantages of producing winged males may result from outbreeding.

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Baker Lab
05/01/10 | Sex and the single cell. II. There is a time and place for sex.
Robinett CC, Vaughan AG, Knapp J, Baker BS
PLoS Biology. 2010 May;8(5):e1000365. doi: 10.1371/journal.pbio.1000365

The Drosophila melanogaster sex hierarchy controls sexual differentiation of somatic cells via the activities of the terminal genes in the hierarchy, doublesex (dsx) and fruitless (fru). We have targeted an insertion of GAL4 into the dsx gene, allowing us to visualize dsx-expressing cells in both sexes. Developmentally and as adults, we find that both XX and XY individuals are fine mosaics of cells and tissues that express dsx and/or fruitless (fru(M)), and hence have the potential to sexually differentiate, and those that don’t. Evolutionary considerations suggest such a mosaic expression of sexuality is likely to be a property of other animal species having two sexes. These results have also led to a major revision of our view of how sex-specific functions are regulated by the sex hierarchy in flies. Rather than there being a single regulatory event that governs the activities of all downstream sex determination regulatory genes-turning on Sex lethal (Sxl) RNA splicing activity in females while leaving it turned off in males-there are, in addition, elaborate temporal and spatial transcriptional controls on the expression of the terminal regulatory genes, dsx and fru. Thus tissue-specific aspects of sexual development are jointly specified by post-transcriptional control by Sxl and by the transcriptional controls of dsx and fru expression.

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Baker Lab
12/01/83 | Sex determination and dosage compensation in melanogaster.
Baker B, Belote J
Annual Review of Genetics. 1983 Dec;17:345-93
Baker Lab
03/01/82 | Sex determination in Drosophila melanogaster: analysis of transformer-2 , a sex-transforming locus.
Baker B, Belote J
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 1982 Mar;79(5):1568-72

The transformer-2 (tra-2) locus is one of a set of regulatory loci that control sex determination in Drosophila melanogaster. Temperature-shift experiments with temperature-sensitive tra-2 mutants demonstrate that within single cell lineages tra-2+ function is required at several times, and probably continuously, during development for the occurrence of a series of determinative decisions necessary for female sexual differentiation. Analysis of the effects of tra-2 in the genital disc demonstrates that the tra-2+ function is necessary in females both to prevent male sexual differentiation and to permit female differentiation. These and other results support the model that the tra-2+ and tra+ loci act to control the expression of the bifunctional doublesex (dsx) locus.

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06/01/07 | Sex in flies: what ’body–mind’ dichotomy?
Shirangi TR, McKeown M
Developmental Biology. 2007 Jun 1;306(1):10-9. doi: 10.1016/j.ydbio.2007.03.022

Sexual behavior in Drosophila results from interactions of multiple neural and genetic pathways. Male-specific fruitless (fruM) is a major component inducing male behaviors, but recent work indicates key roles for other sex-specific and sex-non-specific components. Notably, male-like courtship by retained (retn) mutant females reveals an intrinsic pathway for male behavior independent of fruM, while behavioral differences between males and females with equal levels of fruM expression indicate involvement of another sex-specific component. Indeed, sex-specific products of doublesex (dsxF and dsxM), that control sexual differentiation of the body, also contribute to sexual behavior and neural development of both sexes. In addition, the single product of the dissatisfaction (dsf) gene is needed for appropriate behavior in both sexes, implying additional complexities and levels of control. The genetic mechanisms controlling sexual behavior are similar to those controlling body sexual development, suggesting biological advantages of modifying an intermediate intrinsic pathway in generation of two substantially different behavioral or morphological states.

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Baker Lab
11/01/93 | Sex-lethal, master and slave: the hierarchy of germline sex determination in Drosophila.
Baker B, Oliver B, Kim YJ
Development. 1993 Nov;119(3):897-908

Female sex determination in the germ line of Drosophila melanogaster is regulated by genes functioning in the soma as well as genes that function within the germ line. Genes known or suspected to be involved in germ-line sex determination in Drosophila melanogaster have been examined to determine if they are required upstream or downstream of Sex-lethal+, a known germ-line sex determination gene. Seven genes required for female-specific splicing of germ-line Sex-lethal+ pre-mRNA are identified. These results together with information about the tissues in which these genes function and whether they control sex determination and viability or just sex determination in the germ line have been used to deduce the genetic hierarchy regulating female germ-line sex determination. This hierarchy includes the somatic sex determination genes transformer+, transformer-2+ and doublesex+ (and by inference Sex-lethal+), which control a somatic signal required for female germ-line sex determination, and the germ-line ovarian tumor genes fused+, ovarian tumor+, ovo+, sans fille+, and Sex-lethal+, which are involved in either the reception or interpretation of this somatic sex determination signal. The fused+, ovarian tumor+, ovo+ and sans fille+ genes function upstream of Sex-lethal+ in the germ line.

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Baker Lab
02/16/16 | Sex-specific regulation of Lgr3 in Drosophila neurons.
Meissner GW, Luo SD, Dias BG, Texada MJ, Baker BS
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 2016 Feb 18:. doi: 10.1073/pnas.1600241113

The development of sexually dimorphic morphology and the potential for sexually dimorphic behavior in Drosophila are regulated by the Fruitless (Fru) and Doublesex (Dsx) transcription factors. Several direct targets of Dsx have been identified, but direct Fru targets have not been definitively identified. We show that Drosophila leucine-rich repeat G protein-coupled receptor 3 (Lgr3) is regulated by Fru and Dsx in separate populations of neurons. Lgr3 is a member of the relaxin-receptor family and a receptor for Dilp8, necessary for control of organ growth. Lgr3 expression in the anterior central brain of males is inhibited by the B isoform of Fru, whose DNA binding domain interacts with a short region of an Lgr3 intron. Fru A and C isoform mutants had no observed effect on Lgr3 expression. The female form of Dsx (Dsx(F)) separately up- and down-regulates Lgr3 expression in distinct neurons in the abdominal ganglion through female- and male-specific Lgr3 enhancers. Excitation of neural activity in the Dsx(F)-up-regulated abdominal ganglion neurons inhibits female receptivity, indicating the importance of these neurons for sexual behavior. Coordinated regulation of Lgr3 by Fru and Dsx marks a point of convergence of the two branches of the sex-determination hierarchy.

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Baker Lab
02/01/85 | Sex-specific regulation of yolk protein gene expression in Drosophila.
Baker B, Belote J, Handler A, Wolfner M, Livak K
Cell. 1985 Feb;40(2):339-48

Many of the genes in the regulatory hierarchy controlling sex determination in Drosophila melanogaster are known. Here we examine how this regulatory hierarchy controls the expression of the structural genes encoding the female-specific yolk polypeptides. Temperature shift experiments with a temperature-sensitive allele of the sex determination regulatory gene transformer-2 (tra-2) showed that tra-2+ function is required in the adult for both the sex-specific initiation and maintenance of YP synthesis. Control of the YP genes by this regulatory hierarchy is at the level of transcription, or transcript stability. The results of temperature shift experiments with abdomens isolated from tra-2ts homozygotes support the notion that the tra-2+ function acts in a cell-autonomous manner to control YP synthesis. These results provide a paradigm for the way this regulatory hierarchy controls the terminal differentiation functions for sexually dimorphic development.

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