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3920 Publications

Showing 781-790 of 3920 results
11/10/21 | Circuits for integrating learned and innate valences in the insect brain.
Eschbach C, Fushiki A, Winding M, Afonso B, Andrade IV, Cocanougher BT, Eichler K, Gepner R, Si G, Valdes-Aleman J, Fetter RD, Gershow M, Jefferis GS, Samuel AD, Truman JW, Cardona A, Zlatic M
eLife. 2021 Nov 10;10:. doi: 10.7554/eLife.62567

Animal behavior is shaped both by evolution and by individual experience. Parallel brain pathways encode innate and learned valences of cues, but the way in which they are integrated during action-selection is not well understood. We used electron microscopy to comprehensively map with synaptic resolution all neurons downstream of all Mushroom Body output neurons (encoding learned valences) and characterized their patterns of interaction with Lateral Horn neurons (encoding innate valences) in larva. The connectome revealed multiple types that receive convergent Mushroom Body and Lateral Horn inputs. A subset of these receives excitatory input from positive-valence MB and LH pathways and inhibitory input from negative-valence MB pathways. We confirmed functional connectivity from LH and MB pathways and behavioral roles of two of these neurons. These neurons encode integrated odor value and bidirectionally regulate turning. Based on this we speculate that learning could potentially skew the balance of excitation and inhibition onto these neurons and thereby modulate turning. Together, our study provides insights into the circuits that integrate learned and innate valences to modify behavior.

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Svoboda Lab
08/23/17 | Circuits in the rodent brainstem that control whisking in concert with other orofacial motor actions.
McElvain LE, Friedman B, Karten HJ, Svoboda K, Wang F, Deschênes M, Kleinfeld D
Neuroscience. 2017 Aug 23;368:152-70. doi: 10.1016/j.neuroscience.2017.08.034

The world view of rodents is largely determined by sensation on two length scales. One is within the animal's peri-personal space. Sensorimotor control on this scale involves active movements of the nose, tongue, head, and vibrissa, along with sniffing to determine olfactory clues. The second scale involves the detection of more distant space through vision and audition; these detection processes also impact repositioning of the head, eyes, and ears. Here we focus on orofacial motor actions, primarily vibrissa-based touch but including nose twitching, head bobbing, and licking, that control sensation at short, peri-personal distances. The orofacial nuclei for control of the motor plants, as well as primary and secondary sensory nuclei associated with these motor actions, lie within the hindbrain. The current data support three themes: First, the position of the sensors is determined by the summation of two drive signals, i.e., a fast rhythmic component and an evolving orienting component. Second, the rhythmic component is coordinated across all orofacial motor actions and is phase-locked to sniffing as the animal explores. Reverse engineering reveals that the preBötzinger inspiratory complex provides the reset to the relevant premotor oscillators. Third, direct feedback from somatosensory trigeminal nuclei can rapidly alter motion of the sensors. This feedback is disynaptic and can be tuned by high-level inputs. The elucidation of synergistic coordination of orofacial motor actions to form behaviors, beyond that of a common rhythmic component, represents a work in progress that encompasses feedback through the midbrain and forebrain as well as hindbrain areas.

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11/18/67 | Circular dimer and catenate forms of mitochondrial DNA in human leukaemic leucocytes.
Clayton DA, Vinograd J
Nature. 1967 Nov 18;216(5116):652-7. doi: 10.1101/gad.1352105
08/08/18 | Circularly Permuted Fluorogenic Proteins for the Design of Modular Biosensors.
Tebo AG, Pimenta FM, Zoumpoulaki M, Kikuti C, Sirkia H, Plamont M, Houdusse A, Gautier A
ACS Chemical Biology. 09/2018;13:2392 – 2397. doi: 10.1021/acschembio.8b00417

Fluorescent reporters are essential components for the design of optical biosensors that are able to image intracellular analytes in living cells. Herein, we describe the development of circularly permuted variants of Fluorescence-Activating and absorption-Shifting Tag (FAST) and demonstrate their potential as reporting module in biosensors. Circularly permutated FAST (cpFAST) variants allow one to condition the binding and activation of a fluorogenic ligand (and thus fluorescence) to analyte recognition by coupling them with analyte-binding domains. We demonstrated their use for biosensor design by generating multicolor plug-and-play fluorogenic biosensors for imaging the intracellular levels of Ca2+ in living mammalian cells in real time.

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12/14/20 | Cis-regulatory variation in the shavenbaby gene underlies intraspecific phenotypic variation, mirroring interspecific divergence in the same trait.
Soverna AF, Rodriguez NC, Korgaonkar A, Hasson E, Stern DL, Frankel N
Evolution. 2020 Dec 14:. doi: 10.1111/evo.14142

Despite considerable progress in recent decades in dissecting the genetic causes of natural morphological variation, there is limited understanding of how variation within species ultimately contributes to species differences. We have studied patterning of the non-sensory hairs, commonly known as "trichomes," on the dorsal cuticle of first-instar larvae of Drosophila. Most Drosophila species produce a dense lawn of dorsal trichomes, but a subset of these trichomes were lost in D. sechellia and D. ezoana due entirely to regulatory evolution of the shavenbaby (svb) gene. Here, we describe intraspecific variation in dorsal trichome patterns of first-instar larvae of D. virilis that is similar to the trichome pattern variation identified previously between species. We found that a single large effect QTL, which includes svb, explains most of the trichome number difference between two D. virilis strains and that svb expression correlates with the trichome difference between strains. This QTL does not explain the entire difference between strains, implying that additional loci contribute to variation in trichome numbers. Thus, the genetic architecture of intraspecific variation exhibits similarities and differences with interspecific variation that may reflect differences in long-term and short-term evolutionary processes.

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Grigorieff Lab
03/07/18 | cisTEM, User-friendly software for single-particle image processing.
Grant T, Rohou A, Grigorieff N
eLife. 2018 Mar 07;7:. doi: 10.7554/eLife.35383

We have developed new open-source software calledTEM (computational imaging system for transmission electron microscopy) for the processing of data for high-resolution electron cryo-microscopy and single-particle averaging.TEM features a graphical user interface that is used to submit jobs, monitor their progress, and display results. It implements a full processing pipeline including movie processing, image defocus determination, automatic particle picking, 2D classification, ab-initio 3D map generation from random parameters, 3D classification, and high-resolution refinement and reconstruction. Some of these steps implement newly-developed algorithms; others were adapted from previously published algorithms. The software is optimized to enable processing of typical datasets (2000 micrographs, 200k - 300k particles) on a high-end, CPU-based workstation in half a day or less, comparable to GPU-accelerated processing. Jobs can also be scheduled on large computer clusters using flexible run profiles that can be adapted for most computing environments.TEM is available for download from

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01/01/08 | CITRIC: A Low-bandwidth wireless camera network platform.
Chen P, Ahammad P
ACM/IEEE International Conference on Distributed Smart Cameras:2008

In this paper, we propose and demonstrate a novel wireless camera network system, called CITRIC. The core component of this system is a new hardware platform that integrates a camera, a frequency-scalable (up to 624 MHz) CPU, 16MB FLASH, and 64MB RAM onto a single device. The device then connects with a standard sensor network mote to form a camera mote. The design enables in-network processing of images to reduce communication requirements, which has traditionally been high in existing camera networks with centralized processing. We also propose a back-end client/server architecture to provide a user interface to the system and support further centralized processing for higher-level applications. Our camera mote enables a wider variety of distributed pattern recognition applications than traditional platforms because it provides more computing power and tighter integration of physical components while still consuming relatively little power. Furthermore, the mote easily integrates with existing low-bandwidth sensor networks because it can communicate over the IEEE 802.15.4 protocol with other sensor network platforms. We demonstrate our system on three applications: image compression, target tracking, and camera localization.

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05/30/19 | CLADES: a programmable sequence of reporters for lineage analysis
Garcia-Marques J, Yang C, Isabel Espinosa Medina , Koyama M, Lee T
bioRxiv. 2019 May 30:. doi:

We present CLADES (Cell Lineage Access Driven by an Edition Sequence), a technology for cell lineage studies based on CRISPR/Cas9. CLADES relies on a system of genetic switches to activate and inactivate reporter genes in a pre-determined order. Targeting CLADES to progenitor cells allows the progeny to inherit a sequential cascade of reporters, coupling birth order with reporter expression. This gives us temporal resolution of lineage development that can be used to deconstruct an extended cell lineage by tracking the reporters expressed in the progeny. When targeted to the germ line, the same cascade progresses across animal generations, marking each generation with the corresponding combination of reporters. CLADES thus offers an innovative strategy for making programmable cascades of genes that can be used for genetic manipulation or to record serial biological events.

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10/01/10 | Clarke’s column neurons as the focus of a corticospinal corollary circuit.
Hantman AW, Jessell TM
Nature Neuroscience. 2010 Oct;13(10):1233-9. doi: 10.1038/nn.2637

Proprioceptive sensory signals inform the CNS of the consequences of motor acts, but effective motor planning involves internal neural systems capable of anticipating actual sensory feedback. Just where and how predictive systems exert their influence remains poorly understood. We explored the possibility that spinocerebellar neurons that convey proprioceptive sensory information also integrate information from cortical command systems. Analysis of the circuitry and physiology of identified dorsal spinocerebellar tract neurons in mouse spinal cord revealed distinct populations of Clarke’s column neurons that received direct excitatory and/or indirect inhibitory inputs from descending corticospinal axons. The convergence of these descending inhibitory and excitatory inputs to Clarke’s column neurons established local spinal circuits with the capacity to mark or modulate incoming proprioceptive input. Together, our genetic, anatomical and physiological results indicate that Clarke’s column spinocerebellar neurons nucleate local spinal corollary circuits that are relevant to motor planning and evaluation.

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07/22/04 | Class-specific features of neuronal wiring.
Stepanyants A, Tamás G, Chklovskii DB
Neuron. 2004 Jul 22;43:251-9. doi: 10.1016/j.tins.2005.05.006

Brain function relies on specificity of synaptic connectivity patterns among different classes of neurons. Yet, the substrates of specificity in complex neuropil remain largely unknown. We search for imprints of specificity in the layout of axonal and dendritic arbors from the rat neocortex. An analysis of 3D reconstructions of pairs consisting of pyramidal cells (PCs) and GABAergic interneurons (GIs) revealed that the layout of GI axons is specific. This specificity is manifested in a relatively high tortuosity, small branch length of these axons, and correlations of their trajectories with the positions of postsynaptic neuron dendrites. Axons of PCs show no such specificity, usually taking a relatively straight course through neuropil. However, wiring patterns among PCs hold a large potential for circuit remodeling and specificity through growth and retraction of dendritic spines. Our results define distinct class-specific rules in establishing synaptic connectivity, which could be crucial in formulating a canonical cortical circuit.

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