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Hermundstad Lab / Publications
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22 Publications

Showing 1-10 of 22 results
06/28/24 | Exploration and exploitation are flexibly balanced during local search in flies
Goldschmidt D, Guo Y, Chitnis SS, Christoforou C, Turner-Evans D, Ribeiro C, Hermundstad AM, Jayaraman V, Haberkern H
bioRxiv. 2024 Jun 28:. doi: 10.1101/2024.06.26.600764

After finding food, a foraging animal must decide whether to continue feeding, or to explore the environment for potentially better options. One strategy to negotiate this tradeoff is to perform local searches around the food but repeatedly return to feed. We studied this behavior in flies and used genetic tools to uncover the underlying mechanisms. Over time, flies gradually expand their search, shifting from primarily exploiting food sources to exploring the environment, a change that is likely driven by increases in satiety. We found that flies’ search patterns preserve these dynamics even as the overall scale of the search is modulated by starvation-induced changes in metabolic state. In contrast, search induced by optogenetic activation of sugar sensing neurons does not show these dynamics. We asked what navigational strategies underlie local search. Using a generative model, we found that a change in locomotor pattern after food consumption could account for repeated returns to the food, but failed to capture relatively direct, long return trajectories. Alternative strategies, such as path integration or sensory taxis could allow flies to return from larger distances. We tested this by individually silencing the fly’s head direction system, olfaction and hygrosensation, and found that the only substantial effect was from perturbing hygrosensation, which reduced the number of long exploratory trips. Our study illustrates that local search is composed of multiple behavioral features that evolve over time based on both internal and external factors, providing a path towards uncovering the underlying neural mechanisms.

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05/23/24 | A neural circuit architecture for rapid learning in goal-directed navigation
Chuntao Dan , Brad K. Hulse , Ramya Kappagantula , Vivek Jayaraman , Ann M. Hermundstad
Neruron. 2024 May 23:. doi: 10.1016/j.neuron.2024.04.036

Anchoring goals to spatial representations enables flexible navigation but is challenging in novel environments when both representations must be acquired simultaneously. We propose a framework for how Drosophila uses internal representations of head direction (HD) to build goal representations upon selective thermal reinforcement. We show that flies use stochastically generated fixations and directed saccades to express heading preferences in an operant visual learning paradigm and that HD neurons are required to modify these preferences based on reinforcement. We used a symmetric visual setting to expose how flies' HD and goal representations co-evolve and how the reliability of these interacting representations impacts behavior. Finally, we describe how rapid learning of new goal headings may rest on a behavioral policy whose parameters are flexible but whose form is genetically encoded in circuit architecture. Such evolutionarily structured architectures, which enable rapidly adaptive behavior driven by internal representations, may be relevant across species.

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08/09/23 | Dynamics of cortical contrast adaptation predict perception of signals in noise.
Angeloni CF, Młynarski W, Piasini E, Williams AM, Wood KC, Garami L, Hermundstad AM, Geffen MN
Nature Communications. 2023 Aug 09;14(1):4817. doi: 10.1038/s41467-023-40477-6

Neurons throughout the sensory pathway adapt their responses depending on the statistical structure of the sensory environment. Contrast gain control is a form of adaptation in the auditory cortex, but it is unclear whether the dynamics of gain control reflect efficient adaptation, and whether they shape behavioral perception. Here, we trained mice to detect a target presented in background noise shortly after a change in the contrast of the background. The observed changes in cortical gain and behavioral detection followed the dynamics of a normative model of efficient contrast gain control; specifically, target detection and sensitivity improved slowly in low contrast, but degraded rapidly in high contrast. Auditory cortex was required for this task, and cortical responses were not only similarly affected by contrast but predicted variability in behavioral performance. Combined, our results demonstrate that dynamic gain adaptation supports efficient coding in auditory cortex and predicts the perception of sounds in noise.

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06/08/23 | Environmental dynamics shape perceptual decision bias.
Charlton JA, Młynarski WF, Bai YH, Hermundstad AM, Goris RL
PLoS Computational Biology. 2023 Jun 08;19(6):e1011104. doi: 10.1371/journal.pcbi.1011104

To interpret the sensory environment, the brain combines ambiguous sensory measurements with knowledge that reflects context-specific prior experience. But environmental contexts can change abruptly and unpredictably, resulting in uncertainty about the current context. Here we address two questions: how should context-specific prior knowledge optimally guide the interpretation of sensory stimuli in changing environments, and do human decision-making strategies resemble this optimum? We probe these questions with a task in which subjects report the orientation of ambiguous visual stimuli that were drawn from three dynamically switching distributions, representing different environmental contexts. We derive predictions for an ideal Bayesian observer that leverages knowledge about the statistical structure of the task to maximize decision accuracy, including knowledge about the dynamics of the environment. We show that its decisions are biased by the dynamically changing task context. The magnitude of this decision bias depends on the observer's continually evolving belief about the current context. The model therefore not only predicts that decision bias will grow as the context is indicated more reliably, but also as the stability of the environment increases, and as the number of trials since the last context switch grows. Analysis of human choice data validates all three predictions, suggesting that the brain leverages knowledge of the statistical structure of environmental change when interpreting ambiguous sensory signals.

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08/19/22 | Flexible control of behavioral variability mediated by an internal representation of head direction
Chuntao Dan , Brad K. Hulse , Vivek Jayaraman , Ann M. Hermundstad
bioRxiv. 2022 Aug 19:. doi: 10.1101/2021.08.18.456004

Internal representations are thought to support the generation of flexible, long-timescale behavioral patterns in both animals and artificial agents. Here, we present a novel conceptual framework for how Drosophila use their internal representation of head direction to maintain preferred headings in their surroundings, and how they learn to modify these preferences in the presence of selective thermal reinforcement. To develop the framework, we analyzed flies’ behavior in a classical operant visual learning paradigm and found that they use stochastically generated fixations and directed turns to express their heading preferences. Symmetries in the visual scene used in the paradigm allowed us to expose how flies’ probabilistic behavior in this setting is tethered to their head direction representation. We describe how flies’ ability to quickly adapt their behavior to the rules of their environment may rest on a behavioral policy whose parameters are flexible but whose form is genetically encoded in the structure of their circuits. Many of the mechanisms we outline may also be relevant for rapidly adaptive behavior driven by internal representations in other animals, including mammals.

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06/21/24 | A vast space of compact strategies for highly efficient decisions
Tzuhsuan Ma , Ann M Hermundstad
Sci. Adv.. 2024 Jun 21;10(25):. doi: 10.1101/2022.08.10.503471

Inference-based decision-making, which underlies a broad range of behavioral tasks, is typically studied using a small number of handcrafted models. We instead enumerate a complete ensemble of strategies that could be used to effectively, but not necessarily optimally, solve a dynamic foraging task. Each strategy is expressed as a behavioral "program" that uses a limited number of internal states to specify actions conditioned on past observations. We show that the ensemble of strategies is enormous-comprising a quarter million programs with up to five internal states-but can nevertheless be understood in terms of algorithmic "mutations" that alter the structure of individual programs. We devise embedding algorithms that reveal how mutations away from a Bayesian-like strategy can diversify behavior while preserving performance, and we construct a compositional description to link low-dimensional changes in algorithmic structure with high-dimensional changes in behavior. Together, this work provides an alternative approach for understanding individual variability in behavior across animals and tasks.

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08/08/22 | Disorder and the Neural Representation of Complex Odors.
Krishnamurthy K, Hermundstad AM, Mora T, Walczak AM, Balasubramanian V
Frontiers in Computational Neuroscience. 2022 Aug 08;16:917786. doi: 10.3389/fncom.2022.917786

Animals smelling in the real world use a small number of receptors to sense a vast number of natural molecular mixtures, and proceed to learn arbitrary associations between odors and valences. Here, we propose how the architecture of olfactory circuits leverages disorder, diffuse sensing and redundancy in representation to meet these immense complementary challenges. First, the diffuse and disordered binding of receptors to many molecules compresses a vast but sparsely-structured odor space into a small receptor space, yielding an odor code that preserves similarity in a precise sense. Introducing any order/structure in the sensing degrades similarity preservation. Next, lateral interactions further reduce the correlation present in the low-dimensional receptor code. Finally, expansive disordered projections from the periphery to the central brain reconfigure the densely packed information into a high-dimensional representation, which contains multiple redundant subsets from which downstream neurons can learn flexible associations and valences. Moreover, introducing any order in the expansive projections degrades the ability to recall the learned associations in the presence of noise. We test our theory empirically using data from . Our theory suggests that the neural processing of sparse but high-dimensional olfactory information differs from the other senses in its fundamental use of disorder.

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05/25/22 | Accurate angular integration with only a handful of neurons.
Marcella Noorman , Brad K Hulse , Vivek Jayaraman , Sandro Romani , Ann M Hermundstad
bioRxiv. 2022 May 25:. doi: 10.1101/2022.05.23.493052

To flexibly navigate, many animals rely on internal spatial representations that persist when the animal is standing still in darkness, and update accurately by integrating the animal's movements in the absence of localizing sensory cues. Theories of mammalian head direction cells have proposed that these dynamics can be realized in a special class of networks that maintain a localized bump of activity via structured recurrent connectivity, and that shift this bump of activity via angular velocity input. Although there are many different variants of these so-called ring attractor networks, they all rely on large numbers of neurons to generate representations that persist in the absence of input and accurately integrate angular velocity input. Surprisingly, in the fly, Drosophila melanogaster, a head direction representation is maintained by a much smaller number of neurons whose dynamics and connectivity resemble those of a ring attractor network. These findings challenge our understanding of ring attractors and their putative implementation in neural circuits. Here, we analyzed failures of angular velocity integration that emerge in small attractor networks with only a few computational units. Motivated by the peak performance of the fly head direction system in darkness, we mathematically derived conditions under which small networks, even with as few as 4 neurons, achieve the performance of much larger networks. The resulting description reveals that by appropriately tuning the network connectivity, the network can maintain persistent representations over the continuum of head directions, and it can accurately integrate angular velocity inputs. We then analytically determined how performance degrades as the connectivity deviates from this optimally-tuned setting, and we find a trade-off between network size and the tuning precision needed to achieve persistence and accurate integration. This work shows how even small networks can accurately track an animal's movements to guide navigation, and it informs our understanding of the functional capabilities of discrete systems more broadly.

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05/24/22 | Perceptual decisions exhibit hallmarks of dynamic Bayesian inference
Julie A. Charlton , Wiktor F. Młynarski , Yoon H. Bai , Ann M. Hermundstad , Robbe L. T. Goris
bioRxiv. 2022 May 24:. doi: 10.1101/2022.05.23.493109

To interpret the sensory environment, the brain combines ambiguous sensory measurements with context-specific prior experience. But environmental contexts can change abruptly and unpredictably, resulting in uncertainty about the current context. Here we address two questions: how should context-specific prior knowledge optimally guide the interpretation of sensory stimuli in changing environments, and do human decision-making strategies resemble this optimum? We probe these questions with a task in which subjects report the orientation of ambiguous visual stimuli that were drawn from three dynamically switching distributions, representing different environmental contexts. We derive predictions for an ideal Bayesian observer that leverages the statistical structure of the task to maximize decision accuracy and show that its decisions are biased by task context. The magnitude of this decision bias is not a fixed property of the sensory measurement but depends on the observer's belief about the current context. The model therefore predicts that decision bias will grow with the reliability of the context cue, the stability of the environment, and with the number of trials since the last context switch. Analysis of human choice data validates all three predictions, providing evidence that the brain continuously updates probabilistic representations of the environment to best interpret an uncertain, ever-changing world.

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05/18/22 | Maintaining a stable head direction representation in naturalistic visual environments
Hannah Haberkern , Shivam S Chitnis , Philip M Hubbard , Tobias Goulet , Ann M Hermundstad , Vivek Jayaraman
bioRxiv. 2022 May 18:. doi: 10.1101/2022.05.17.492284

Many animals rely on a representation of head direction for flexible, goal-directed navigation. In insects, a compass-like head direction representation is maintained in a conserved brain region called the central complex. This head direction representation is updated by self-motion information and by tethering to sensory cues in the surroundings through a plasticity mechanism. However, under natural settings, some of these sensory cues may temporarily disappear—for example, when clouds hide the sun—and prominent landmarks at different distances from the insect may move across the animal's field of view during translation, creating potential conflicts for a neural compass. We used two-photon calcium imaging in head-fixed Drosophila behaving in virtual reality to monitor the fly's compass during navigation in immersive naturalistic environments with approachable local landmarks. We found that the fly's compass remains stable even in these settings by tethering to available global cues, likely preserving the animal's ability to perform compass-driven behaviors such as maintaining a constant heading.

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