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3924 Publications

Showing 2811-2820 of 3924 results
Svoboda Lab
09/14/17 | Q&A: The brain under a mesoscope: the forest and the trees.
Sofroniew NJ
BMC Biology. 2017 Sep 14;15(1):82. doi: 10.1186/s12915-017-0426-y

Neurons relevant to a particular behavior are often widely dispersed across the brain. To record activity in groups of individual neurons that might be distributed across large distances, neuroscientists and optical engineers have been developing a new type of microscope called a mesoscope. Mesoscopes have high spatial resolution and a large field of view. This Q&A will discuss this exciting new technology, highlighting a particular instrument, the two-photon random access mesoscope (2pRAM).

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Singer Lab
05/01/11 | Qualification of a new and precise automatic tool for the assessment of hair diameters in phototrichograms.
Scheede S, Herpens A, Burmeister F, Oltrogge B, Saenger K, Schmidt-Rose T, Schreiner V, Wenck H, Knieps T, Berlage T
Skin Research & Technology. 2011 May;17(2):186-95. doi: 10.1111/j.1600-0846.2010.00482.x

BACKGROUND/PURPOSE: To automatically assess hair growth during cosmetic trials, incorporating parameters such as anagen-to-telogen rate, growth rate, and especially hair diameter.

METHODS: We designed and qualified a new and automatic phototrichogram system based on a high-resolution DSLR camera system (theoretical resolution of 2.557 μm/pixel) and modular macrolens system with fixed focus, combined with a trainable pattern recognition software for automated analysis.

RESULTS: We improved the standard routine for dermatological phototrichogram technique to overcome inaccuracy in thickness measurements due to hair swelling by using an alternative immersion fluid, and increased the effective resolution for hair size and thickness measurement to <4 μm. After having qualified manual measurements as gold standard for the determination of hair diameters, we established a new trainable automatic picture analysis software able to locate and measure individual hairs in length and thickness even in picture series taken from the same skin area at different time points. Comparisons between manual and automatic measurements of the same hairs showed a >90% correlation, and by comparing the automatic results with manual measurements of the same images without individual hair annotation, we could find a correlation of at least 80%.

CONCLUSION: According to the results and findings generated in this qualification study, we have a reliable tool now that enables us to test cosmetic products for hair treatment in a highly automated way with a sufficient degree of precision and accuracy to detect even small changes in hair diameter during cosmetic trials.

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12/01/14 | Quantifying histone and RNA polymerase II post-translational modification dynamics in mother and daughter cells.
Stasevich TJ, Sato Y, Nozaki N, Kimura H
Methods. 2014 Dec;70(2-3):77-88. doi: 10.1016/j.ymeth.2014.08.002

Post-translational histone modifications are highly correlated with transcriptional activity, but the relative timing of these marks and their dynamic interplay during gene regulation remains controversial. To shed light on this problem and clarify the connections between histone modifications and transcription, we demonstrate how FabLEM (Fab-based Live Endogenous Modification labeling) can be used to simultaneously track histone H3 Lysine 9 acetylation (H3K9ac) together with RNA polymerase II Serine 2 and Serine 5 phosphorylation (RNAP2 Ser2ph/Ser5ph) in single living cells and their progeny. We provide a detailed description of the FabLEM methodology, including helpful tips for preparing and loading fluorescently conjugated antigen binding fragments (Fab) into cells for optimal results. We also introduce simple procedures for analyzing and visualizing FabLEM data, including color-coded scatterplots to track correlations between modifications through the cell cycle and temporal cross-correlation analysis to dissect modification dynamics. Using these methods, we find significant correlations that span cell generations, with a relatively strong correlation between H3K9ac and Ser5ph that appears to peak a few hours before mitosis and may reflect the bookmarking of genes for efficient re-initiation following mitosis. The techniques we have developed are broadly applicable and should help clarify how histone modifications dynamically contribute to gene regulation.

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06/01/22 | Quantifying Molecular Dynamics within Complex Cellular Morphologies using LLSM-FRAP.
Colin-York H, Heddleston J, Wait E, Karedla N, DeSantis M, Khuon S, Chew T, Sbalzarini IF, Fritzsche M
Small Methods. 2022 Jun 01:e2200149. doi: 10.1002/smtd.202200149

Quantifying molecular dynamics within the context of complex cellular morphologies is essential toward understanding the inner workings and function of cells. Fluorescence recovery after photobleaching (FRAP) is one of the most broadly applied techniques to measure the reaction diffusion dynamics of molecules in living cells. FRAP measurements typically restrict themselves to single-plane image acquisition within a subcellular-sized region of interest due to the limited temporal resolution and undesirable photobleaching induced by 3D fluorescence confocal or widefield microscopy. Here, an experimental and computational pipeline combining lattice light sheet microscopy, FRAP, and numerical simulations, offering rapid and minimally invasive quantification of molecular dynamics with respect to 3D cell morphology is presented. Having the opportunity to accurately measure and interpret the dynamics of molecules in 3D with respect to cell morphology has the potential to reveal unprecedented insights into the function of living cells.

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02/08/13 | Quantifying spatial organization in point-localization superresolution images using pair correlation analysis.
Sengupta P, Jovanovic-Talisman T, Lippincott-Schwartz J
Nature protocols. 2013 Feb;8(2):345-54. doi: 10.1038/nprot.2013.005

The distinctive distributions of proteins within subcellular compartments both at steady state and during signaling events have essential roles in cell function. Here we describe a method for delineating the complex arrangement of proteins within subcellular structures visualized using point-localization superresolution (PL-SR) imaging. The approach, called pair correlation photoactivated localization microscopy (PC-PALM), uses a pair-correlation algorithm to precisely identify single molecules in PL-SR imaging data sets, and it is used to decipher quantitative features of protein organization within subcellular compartments, including the existence of protein clusters and the size, density and number of proteins in these clusters. We provide a step-by-step protocol for PC-PALM, illustrating its analysis capability for four plasma membrane proteins tagged with photoactivatable GFP (PAGFP). The experimental steps for PC-PALM can be carried out in 3 d and the analysis can be done in ∼6-8 h. Researchers need to have substantial experience in single-molecule imaging and statistical analysis to conduct the experiments and carry out this analysis.

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03/15/17 | Quantifying transcription factor binding dynamics at the single-molecule level in live cells.
Presman DM, Ball DA, Paakinaho V, Grimm JB, Lavis LD, Karpova TS, Hager GL
Methods (San Diego, Calif.). 2017 Mar 15:. doi: 10.1016/j.ymeth.2017.03.014

Progressive, technological achievements in the quantitative fluorescence microscopy field are allowing researches from many different areas to start unraveling the dynamic intricacies of biological processes inside living cells. From super-resolution microscopy techniques to tracking of individual proteins, fluorescence microscopy is changing our perspective on how the cell works. Fortunately, a growing number of research groups are exploring single-molecule studies in living cells. However, no clear consensus exists on several key aspects of the technique such as image acquisition conditions, or analysis of the obtained data. Here, we describe a detailed approach to perform single-molecule tracking (SMT) of transcription factors in living cells to obtain key binding characteristics, namely their residence time and bound fractions. We discuss different types of fluorophores, labeling density, microscope, cameras, data acquisition, and data analysis. Using the glucocorticoid receptor as a model transcription factor, we compared alternate tags (GFP, mEOS, HaloTag, SNAP-tag, CLIP-tag) for potential multicolor applications. We also examine different methods to extract the dissociation rates and compare them with simulated data. Finally, we discuss several challenges that this exciting technique still faces.

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03/23/12 | Quantitative analysis of photoactivated localization microscopy (PALM) datasets using pair-correlation analysis.
Sengupta P, Lippincott-Schwartz J
BioEssays : news and reviews in molecular, cellular and developmental biology. 2012 May;34(5):396-405. doi: 10.1002/bies.201200022

Pointillistic based super-resolution techniques, such as photoactivated localization microscopy (PALM), involve multiple cycles of sequential activation, imaging, and precise localization of single fluorescent molecules. A super-resolution image, having nanoscopic structural information, is then constructed by compiling all the image sequences. Because the final image resolution is determined by the localization precision of detected single molecules and their density, accurate image reconstruction requires imaging of biological structures labeled with fluorescent molecules at high density. In such image datasets, stochastic variations in photon emission and intervening dark states lead to uncertainties in identification of single molecules. This, in turn, prevents the proper utilization of the wealth of information on molecular distribution and quantity. A recent strategy for overcoming this problem is pair-correlation analysis applied to PALM. Using rigorous statistical algorithms to estimate the number of detected proteins, this approach allows the spatial organization of molecules to be quantitatively described.

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11/05/14 | Quantitative biology: where modern biology meets physical sciences.
Shekhar S, Zhu L, Mazutis L, Sgro AE, Fai TG, Podolski M
Mol Biol Cell. 11/2014;25(22):3482-5. doi: 10.1091/mbc.E14-08-1286

Quantitative methods and approaches have been playing an increasingly important role in cell biology in recent years. They involve making accurate measurements to test a predefined hypothesis in order to compare experimental data with predictions generated by theoretical models, an approach that has benefited physicists for decades. Building quantitative models in experimental biology not only has led to discoveries of counterintuitive phenomena but has also opened up novel research directions. To make the biological sciences more quantitative, we believe a two-pronged approach needs to be taken. First, graduate training needs to be revamped to ensure biology students are adequately trained in physical and mathematical sciences and vice versa. Second, students of both the biological and the physical sciences need to be provided adequate opportunities for hands-on engagement with the methods and approaches necessary to be able to work at the intersection of the biological and physical sciences. We present the annual Physiology Course organized at the Marine Biological Laboratory (Woods Hole, MA) as a case study for a hands-on training program that gives young scientists the opportunity not only to acquire the tools of quantitative biology but also to develop the necessary thought processes that will enable them to bridge the gap between these disciplines.

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11/05/14 | Quantitative cell biology: transforming the conceptual, theoretical, instrumental, and methodological approaches to cell biology.
Lippincott-Schwartz J
Molecular biology of the cell. 2014 Nov 5;25(22):3437. doi: 10.1091/mbc.E14-08-1297
Grigorieff Lab
12/01/13 | Quantitative characterization of electron detectors for transmission electron microscopy.
Ruskin RS, Yu Z, Grigorieff N
Journal of Structural Biology. 2013 Dec;184(3):385-93. doi: 10.1016/j.jsb.2013.10.016

A new generation of direct electron detectors for transmission electron microscopy (TEM) promises significant improvement over previous detectors in terms of their modulation transfer function (MTF) and detective quantum efficiency (DQE). However, the performance of these new detectors needs to be carefully monitored in order to optimize imaging conditions and check for degradation over time. We have developed an easy-to-use software tool, FindDQE, to measure MTF and DQE of electron detectors using images of a microscope’s built-in beam stop. Using this software, we have determined the DQE curves of four direct electron detectors currently available: the Gatan K2 Summit, the FEI Falcon I and II, and the Direct Electron DE-12, under a variety of total dose and dose rate conditions. We have additionally measured the curves for the Gatan US4000 and TVIPS TemCam-F416 scintillator-based cameras. We compare the results from our new method with published curves.

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