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3924 Publications

Showing 3651-3660 of 3924 results
10/01/15 | Three-dimensional tracking of plus-tips by lattice light-sheet microscopy permits the quantification of microtubule growth trajectories within the mitotic apparatus.
Yamashita N, Morita M, Legant WR, Chen B, Betzig E, Yokota H, Mimori-Kiyosue Y
Journal of Biomedical Optics. 2015 Oct 1;20(10):101206. doi: 10.1117/1.JBO.20.10.101206
Ji Lab
04/15/18 | Three-photon fluorescence microscopy with an axially elongated Bessel focus.
Rodriguez C, Liang Y, Lu R, Ji N
Optics Letters. 2018 Apr 15;43(8):1914-1917. doi: 10.1364/OL.43.001914

Volumetric imaging tools that are simple to adopt, flexible, and robust are in high demand in the field of neuroscience, where the ability to image neurons and their networks with high spatiotemporal resolution is essential. Using an axially elongated focus approximating a Bessel beam, in combination with two-photon fluorescence microscopy, has proven successful at such an endeavor. Here, we demonstrate three-photon fluorescence imaging with an axially extended Bessel focus. We use an axicon-based module that allowed for the generation of Bessel foci of varying numerical apertures and axial lengths, and apply this volumetric imaging tool to image mouse brain slices and for in vivo imaging of the mouse brain.

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Simpson LabDickson LabFitzgerald Lab
01/07/19 | Threshold-based ordering of sequential actions during Drosophila courtship.
McKellar CE, Lillvis JL, Bath DE, Fitzgerald JE, Cannon JG, Simpson JH, Dickson BJ
Current Biology : CB. 2019 Jan 07;29(3):426-34. doi: 10.1016/j.cub.2018.12.019

Goal-directed animal behaviors are typically composed of sequences of motor actions whose order and timing are critical for a successful outcome. Although numerous theoretical models for sequential action generation have been proposed, few have been supported by the identification of control neurons sufficient to elicit a sequence. Here, we identify a pair of descending neurons that coordinate a stereotyped sequence of engagement actions during Drosophila melanogaster male courtship behavior. These actions are initiated sequentially but persist cumulatively, a feature not explained by existing models of sequential behaviors. We find evidence consistent with a ramp-to-threshold mechanism, in which increasing neuronal activity elicits each action independently at successively higher activity thresholds.

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Looger LabSvoboda LabGENIE
01/01/14 | Thy1 - GCaMP6 transgenic mice for neuronal population imaging in vivo.
Dana H, Chen T, Hu A, Shields BC, Cui G, Looger L, Kim DS, Svoboda K
PLoS One. 2014;9(9):e108697. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0108697

Genetically-encoded calcium indicators (GECIs) facilitate imaging activity of genetically defined neuronal populations in vivo. The high intracellular GECI concentrations required for in vivo imaging are usually achieved by viral gene transfer using adeno-associated viruses. Transgenic expression of GECIs promises important advantages, including homogeneous, repeatable, and stable expression without the need for invasive virus injections. Here we present the generation and characterization of transgenic mice expressing the GECIs GCaMP6s or GCaMP6f under the Thy1 promoter. We quantified GCaMP6 expression across brain regions and neurons and compared to other transgenic mice and AAV-mediated expression. We tested three mouse lines for imaging in the visual cortex in vivo and compared their performance to mice injected with AAV expressing GCaMP6. Furthermore, we show that GCaMP6 Thy1 transgenic mice are useful for long-term, high-sensitivity imaging in behaving mice.

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10/11/18 | Thy1 transgenic mice expressing the red fluorescent calcium indicator jRGECO1a for neuronal population imaging in vivo.
Dana H, Novak O, Guardado-Montesino M, Fransen JW, Hu A, Borghuis BG, Guo C, Kim DS, Svoboda K
PloS One. 2018;13(10):e0205444. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0205444

Calcium imaging is commonly used to measure the neural activity of large groups of neurons in mice. Genetically encoded calcium indicators (GECIs) can be delivered for this purpose using non-invasive genetic methods. Compared to viral gene transfer, transgenic targeting of GECIs provides stable long-term expression and obviates the need for invasive viral injections. Transgenic mice expressing the green GECI GCaMP6 are already widely used. Here we present the generation and characterization of transgenic mice expressing the sensitive red GECI jRGECO1a, driven by the Thy1 promoter. Four transgenic lines with different expression patterns showed sufficiently high expression for cellular in vivo imaging. We used two-photon microscopy to characterize visual responses of individual neurons in the visual cortex in vivo. The signal-to-noise ratio in transgenic mice was comparable to, or better than, mice transduced with adeno-associated virus. In addition, we show that Thy1-jRGECO1a transgenic mice are useful for transcranial population imaging and functional mapping using widefield fluorescence microscopy. We also demonstrate imaging of visual responses in retinal ganglion cells in vitro. Thy1-jRGECO1a transgenic mice are therefore a useful addition to the toolbox for imaging activity in intact neural networks.

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01/11/20 | Tiled reconstruction improves structured illumination microscopy.
Hoffman DP, Betzig E
bioRxiv. 2020 Jan 11:. doi: 10.1101/2020.01.06.895318

Structured illumination microscopy (SIM) is widely used for fast, long-term, live-cell super-resolution imaging. However, SIM images can contain substantial artifacts if the sample does not conform to the underlying assumptions of the reconstruction algorithm. Here we describe a simple, easy to implement, process that can be combined with any reconstruction algorithm to alleviate many common SIM reconstruction artifacts and briefly discuss possible extensions.

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11/19/01 | Tiling of the body wall by multidendritic sensory neurons in Manduca sexta.
Grueber WB, Graubard K, Truman JW
The Journal of Comparative Neurology. 2001 Nov 19;440(3):271-83. doi: 10.1002/cne.1385

A plexus of multidendritic sensory neurons, the dendritic arborization (da) neurons, innervates the epidermis of soft-bodied insects. Previous studies have indicated that the plexus may comprise distinct subtypes of da neurons, which utilize diverse cyclic 3’,5’-guanosine monophosphate signaling pathways and could serve several functions. Here, we identify three distinct classes of da neurons in Manduca, which we term the alpha, beta, and gamma classes. These three classes differ in their sensory responses, branch complexity, peripheral dendritic fields, and axonal projections. The two identified alpha neurons branch over defined regions of the body wall, which in some cases correspond to specific natural folds of the cuticle. These cells project to an intermediate region of the neuropil and appear to function as proprioceptors. Three beta neurons are characterized by long, sinuous dendritic branches and axons that terminate in the ventral neuropil. The function of this group of neurons is unknown. Four neurons belonging to the gamma class have the most complex peripheral dendrites. A representative gamma neuron responds to forceful touch of the cuticle. Although the dendrites of da neurons of different classes may overlap extensively, cells belonging to the same class show minimal dendritic overlap. As a result, the body wall is independently tiled by the beta and gamma da neurons and partially innervated by the alpha neurons. These properties of the da system likely allow insects to discriminate the quality and location of several types of stimuli acting on the cuticle.

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Grigorieff Lab
11/11/11 | Tilt-pair analysis of images from a range of different specimens in single-particle electron cryomicroscopy.
Henderson R, Chen S, Chen JZ, Grigorieff N, Passmore LA, Ciccarelli L, Rubinstein JL, Crowther RA, Stewart PL, Rosenthal PB
Journal of Molecular Biology. 2011 Nov 11;413(5):1028-46. doi: 10.1016/j.jmb.2011.09.008

The comparison of a pair of electron microscope images recorded at different specimen tilt angles provides a powerful approach for evaluating the quality of images, image-processing procedures, or three-dimensional structures. Here, we analyze tilt-pair images recorded from a range of specimens with different symmetries and molecular masses and show how the analysis can produce valuable information not easily obtained otherwise. We show that the accuracy of orientation determination of individual single particles depends on molecular mass, as expected theoretically since the information in each particle image increases with molecular mass. The angular uncertainty is less than 1° for particles of high molecular mass ( 50 MDa), several degrees for particles in the range 1-5 MDa, and tens of degrees for particles below 1 MDa. Orientational uncertainty may be the major contributor to the effective temperature factor (B-factor) describing contrast loss and therefore the maximum resolution of a structure determination. We also made two unexpected observations. Single particles that are known to be flexible showed a wider spread in orientation accuracy, and the orientations of the largest particles examined changed by several degrees during typical low-dose exposures. Smaller particles presumably also reorient during the exposure; hence, specimen movement is a second major factor that limits resolution. Tilt pairs thus enable assessment of orientation accuracy, map quality, specimen motion, and conformational heterogeneity. A convincing tilt-pair parameter plot, where 60% of the particles show a single cluster around the expected tilt axis and tilt angle, provides confidence in a structure determined using electron cryomicroscopy.

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04/01/17 | Time-accuracy tradeoffs in kernel prediction: controlling prediction quality.
Kpotufe S, Verma N
Journal of Machine Learning Research. 2017 Apr 1 ;18(44):1-29

Kernel regression or classification (also referred to as weighted ε-NN methods in Machine Learning) are appealing for their simplicity and therefore ubiquitous in data analysis. How- ever, practical implementations of kernel regression or classification consist of quantizing or sub-sampling data for improving time efficiency, often at the cost of prediction quality. While such tradeoffs are necessary in practice, their statistical implications are generally not well understood, hence practical implementations come with few performance guaran- tees. In particular, it is unclear whether it is possible to maintain the statistical accuracy of kernel prediction—crucial in some applications—while improving prediction time.

The present work provides guiding principles for combining kernel prediction with data- quantization so as to guarantee good tradeoffs between prediction time and accuracy, and in particular so as to approximately maintain the good accuracy of vanilla kernel prediction.

Furthermore, our tradeoff guarantees are worked out explicitly in terms of a tuning parameter which acts as a knob that favors either time or accuracy depending on practical needs. On one end of the knob, prediction time is of the same order as that of single-nearest- neighbor prediction (which is statistically inconsistent) while maintaining consistency; on the other end of the knob, the prediction risk is nearly minimax-optimal (in terms of the original data size) while still reducing time complexity. The analysis thus reveals the interaction between the data-quantization approach and the kernel prediction method, and most importantly gives explicit control of the tradeoff to the practitioner rather than fixing the tradeoff in advance or leaving it opaque.

The theoretical results are validated on data from a range of real-world application domains; in particular we demonstrate that the theoretical knob performs as expected. 

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Singer Lab
01/01/13 | Time-integrated fluorescence cumulant analysis and its application in living cells.
Wu B, Singer RH, Mueller JD
Methods in Enzymology. 2013;518:99-119. doi: 10.1016/B978-0-12-388422-0.00005-4

Time-integrated fluorescence cumulant analysis (TIFCA) is a data analysis technique for fluorescence fluctuation spectroscopy (FFS) that extracts information from the cumulants of the integrated fluorescence intensity. It is the first exact theory that describes the effect of sampling time on FFS experiment. Rebinning of data to longer sampling times helps to increase the signal/noise ratio of the experimental cumulants of the photon counts. The sampling time dependence of the cumulants encodes both brightness and diffusion information of the sample. TIFCA analysis extracts this information by fitting the cumulants to model functions. Generalization of TIFCA to multicolor FFS experiment is straightforward. Here, we present an overview of the theory, its implementation, as well as the benefits and requirements of TIFCA. The questions of why, when, and how to use TIFCA will be discussed. We give several examples of practical applications of TIFCA, particularly focused on measuring molecular interaction in living cells.

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