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3972 Publications

Showing 3951-3960 of 3972 results
12/01/11 | Wiring economy and volume exclusion determine neuronal placement in the Drosophila brain.
Rivera-Alba M, Vitaladevuni SN, Mischenko Y, Lu Z, Takemura S, Scheffer L, Meinertzhagen I, Chklovskii D, Polavieja G
Current Biology. 2011 Dec;21(23):2000-5. doi: 10.1016/j.cub.2011.10.022

Wiring economy has successfully explained the individual placement of neurons in simple nervous systems like that of Caenorhabditis elegans [1-3] and the locations of coarser structures like cortical areas in complex vertebrate brains [4]. However, it remains unclear whether wiring economy can explain the placement of individual neurons in brains larger than that of C. elegans. Indeed, given the greater number of neuronal interconnections in larger brains, simply minimizing the length of connections results in unrealistic configurations, with multiple neurons occupying the same position in space. Avoiding such configurations, or volume exclusion, repels neurons from each other, thus counteracting wiring economy. Here we test whether wiring economy together with volume exclusion can explain the placement of neurons in a module of the Drosophila melanogaster brain known as lamina cartridge [5-13]. We used newly developed techniques for semiautomated reconstruction from serial electron microscopy (EM) [14] to obtain the shapes of neurons, the location of synapses, and the resultant synaptic connectivity. We show that wiring length minimization and volume exclusion together can explain the structure of the lamina microcircuit. Therefore, even in brains larger than that of C. elegans, at least for some circuits, optimization can play an important role in individual neuron placement.

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02/03/14 | Wiring economy can account for cell body placement across species and brain areas.
Rivera-Alba M, Peng H, de Polavieja GG, Chklovskii DB
Current biology : CB. 2014 Feb 3;24:R109-10. doi: 10.1016/j.cub.2013.12.012

The placement of neuronal cell bodies relative to the neuropile differs among species and brain areas. Cell bodies can be either embedded as in mammalian cortex or segregated as in invertebrates and some other vertebrate brain areas. Why are there such different arrangements? Here we suggest that the observed arrangements may simply be a reflection of wiring economy, a general principle that tends to reduce the total volume of the neuropile and hence the volume of the inclusions in it. Specifically, we suggest that the choice of embedded versus segregated arrangement is determined by which neuronal component - the cell body or the neurite connecting the cell body to the arbor - has a smaller volume. Our quantitative predictions are in agreement with existing and new measurements.

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03/21/06 | Wiring optimization can relate neuronal structure and function.
Chen BL, Hall DH, Chklovskii DB
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 2006 Mar 21;103(12):4723-8. doi: 10.1371/journal.pcbi.1001066

We pursue the hypothesis that neuronal placement in animals minimizes wiring costs for given functional constraints, as specified by synaptic connectivity. Using a newly compiled version of the Caenorhabditis elegans wiring diagram, we solve for the optimal layout of 279 nonpharyngeal neurons. In the optimal layout, most neurons are located close to their actual positions, suggesting that wiring minimization is an important factor. Yet some neurons exhibit strong deviations from "optimal" position. We propose that biological factors relating to axonal guidance and command neuron functions contribute to these deviations. We capture these factors by proposing a modified wiring cost function.

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04/25/02 | Wiring optimization in cortical circuits.
Chklovskii DB, Schikorski T, Stevens CF
Neuron. 2002 Apr 25;34(3):341-7. doi: 10.1016/j.tins.2005.05.006

Wiring a brain presents a formidable problem because neural circuits require an enormous number of fast and durable connections. We propose that evolution was likely to have optimized neural circuits to minimize conduction delays in axons, passive cable attenuation in dendrites, and the length of "wire" used to construct circuits, and to have maximized the density of synapses. Here we ask the question: "What fraction of the volume should be taken up by axons and dendrites (i.e., wire) when these variables are at their optimal values?" The biophysical properties of axons and dendrites dictate that wire should occupy 3/5 of the volume in an optimally wired gray matter. We have measured the fraction of the volume occupied by each cellular component and find that the volume of wire is close to the predicted optimal value.

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Card Lab
08/01/20 | Wiring patterns from auditory sensory neurons to the escape and song-relay pathways in fruit flies.
Kim H, Horigome M, Ishikawa Y, Li F, Lauritzen JS, Card G, Bock DD, Kamikouchi A
Journal of Comparative Neurology. 2020 Aug 01;528(12):2068. doi: 10.1002/cne.24877

Many animals rely on acoustic cues to decide what action to take next. Unraveling the wiring patterns of the auditory neural pathways is prerequisite for understanding such information processing. Here we reconstructed the first step of the auditory neural pathway in the fruit fly brain, from primary to secondary auditory neurons, at the resolution of transmission electron microscopy. By tracing axons of two major subgroups of auditory sensory neurons in fruit flies, low-frequency tuned Johnston's organ (JO)-B neurons and high-frequency tuned JO-A neurons, we observed extensive connections from JO-B neurons to the main second-order neurons in both the song-relay and escape pathways. In contrast, JO-A neurons connected strongly to a neuron in the escape pathway. Our findings suggest that heterogeneous JO neuronal populations could be recruited to modify escape behavior whereas only specific JO neurons contribute to courtship behavior. We also found that all JO neurons have postsynaptic sites at their axons. Presynaptic modulation at the output sites of JO neurons could affect information processing of the auditory neural pathway in flies. This article is protected by copyright. All rights reserved.

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01/23/17 | Wiring the Drosophila brain with individually tailored neural lineages.
Lee T
Current Biology : CB. 2017 Jan 23;27(2):R77-R82. doi: 10.1016/j.cub.2016.12.026

A complex brain consists of multiple intricate neural networks assembled from distinct sets of input and output neurons as well as region-specific local interneurons. Within a given anatomical set, there exist diverse neuronal types that can vary in morphology, neural physiology, and modes of neurotransmission. The genetic programs that guide specification of neuronal types during neurogenesis preconfigure the brain. This is best demonstrated in the Drosophila central brain, which is composed of ∼100 pairs of individually tailored neuronal lineages. Each neuronal lineage (the neurons/glia produced from a single stem cell) can contain multiple morphological classes of neurons that can consist of many analogous neuronal types. The detailed patterns of neuronal diversification are lineage-specific and can differ drastically even among neighboring neuronal lineages. Furthermore, the interrelationships between neuronal lineages and neural networks are complex. These phenomena underscore the importance of tracking all neuronal lineages in understanding brain development and evolution.

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06/15/06 | Wlds protection distinguishes axon degeneration following injury from naturally occurring developmental pruning.
Hoopfer ED, McLaughlin T, Watts RJ, Schuldiner O, O’Leary DD, Luo L
Neuron. 2006 Jun 15;50(6):883-95. doi: 10.1016/j.neuron.2006.05.013

Axon pruning by degeneration remodels exuberant axonal connections and is widely required for the development of proper circuitry in the nervous system from insects to mammals. Developmental axon degeneration morphologically resembles injury-induced Wallerian degeneration, suggesting similar underlying mechanisms. As previously reported for mice, we show that Wlds protein substantially delays Wallerian degeneration in flies. Surprisingly, Wlds has no effect on naturally occurring developmental axon degeneration in flies or mice, although it protects against injury-induced degeneration of the same axons at the same developmental age. By contrast, the ubiquitin-proteasome system is intrinsically required for both developmental and injury-induced axon degeneration. We also show that the glial cell surface receptor Draper is required for efficient clearance of axon fragments during developmental axon degeneration, similar to its function in injury-induced degeneration. Thus, mechanistically, naturally occurring developmental axon pruning by degeneration and injury-induced axon degeneration differ significantly in early steps, but may converge onto a common execution pathway.

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Tjian Lab
01/06/09 | Wnt signaling targets ETO coactivation domain of TAF4/TFIID in vivo.
Wright KJ, Tjian R
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 2009 Jan 6;106(1):55-60. doi: 10.1073/pnas.1100640108

Understanding the diverse activities of the multisubunit core promoter recognition complex TFIID in vivo requires knowledge of how individual subunits contribute to overall functions of this TATA box-binding protein (TBP)/TBP-associated factor (TAF) complex. By generating altered holo-TFIID complexes in Drosophila we identify the ETO domain of TAF4 as a coactivator domain likely targeted by Pygopus, a protein that is required for Wingless-induced transcription of naked cuticle. These results establish a coactivator function of TAF4 and provide a strategy to dissect mechanisms of TFIID function in vivo.

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Fetter Lab
11/01/09 | Wnt-Ror signaling to SIA and SIB neurons directs anterior axon guidance and nerve ring placement in C. elegans.
Kennerdell JR, Fetter RD, Bargmann CI
Development. 2009 Nov;136(22):3801-10. doi: 10.1242/dev.038109

Wnt signaling through Frizzled proteins guides posterior cells and axons in C. elegans into different spatial domains. Here we demonstrate an essential role for Wnt signaling through Ror tyrosine kinase homologs in the most prominent anterior neuropil, the nerve ring. A genetic screen uncovered cwn-2, the C. elegans homolog of Wnt5, as a regulator of nerve ring placement. In cwn-2 mutants, all neuronal structures in and around the nerve ring are shifted to an abnormal anterior position. cwn-2 is required at the time of nerve ring formation; it is expressed by cells posterior of the nerve ring, but its precise site of expression is not critical for its function. In nerve ring development, cwn-2 acts primarily through the Wnt receptor CAM-1 (Ror), together with the Frizzled protein MIG-1, with parallel roles for the Frizzled protein CFZ-2. The identification of CAM-1 as a CWN-2 receptor contrasts with CAM-1 action as a non-receptor in other C. elegans Wnt pathways. Cell-specific rescue of cam-1 and cell ablation experiments reveal a crucial role for the SIA and SIB neurons in positioning the nerve ring, linking Wnt signaling to specific cells that organize the anterior nervous system.

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10/14/14 | Word length effect in free recall of randomly assembled word lists.
Katkov M, Romani S, Tsodyks M
Frontiers in Computational Neuroscience. 2014 Oct 14;8:129. doi: 10.3389/fncom.2014.00129

In serial recall experiments, human subjects are requested to retrieve a list of words in the same order as they were presented. In a classical study, participants were reported to recall more words from study lists composed of short words compared to lists of long words, the word length effect. The world length effect was also observed in free recall experiments, where subjects can retrieve the words in any order. Here we analyzed a large dataset from free recall experiments of unrelated words, where short and long words were randomly mixed, and found a seemingly opposite effect: long words are recalled better than the short ones. We show that our recently proposed mechanism of associative retrieval can explain both these observations. Moreover, the direction of the effect depends solely on the way study lists are composed.

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