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144 Publications

Showing 111-120 of 144 results
05/05/16 | Real-time quantification of single RNA translation dynamics in living cells.
Morisaki T, Lyon K, DeLuca KF, DeLuca JG, English BP, Zhang Z, Lavis LD, Grimm JB, Viswanathan S, Looger LL
Science. 2016 May 05;352(6292):1425-9. doi: 10.1126/science.aaf0899

Although mRNA translation is a fundamental biological process, it has never been imaged in real-time with single molecule precision in vivo. To achieve this, we developed Nascent Chain Tracking (NCT), a technique that uses multi-epitope tags and antibody-based fluorescent probes to quantify single mRNA protein synthesis dynamics. NCT reveals an elongation rate of ~10 amino acids per second, with initiation occurring stochastically every ~30 s. Polysomes contain ~1 ribosome every 200-900 nucleotides and are globular rather than elongated in shape. By developing multi-color probes, we show most polysomes act independently; however, a small fraction (~5%) form complexes in which two distinct mRNAs can be translated simultaneously. The sensitivity and versatility of NCT make it a powerful new tool for quantifying mRNA translation kinetics.

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06/01/23 | Rejuvenating old fluorophores with new chemistry.
Schnermann MJ, Lavis LD
Current Opinions in Chemical Biology. 2023 Jun 01;75:102335. doi: 10.1016/j.cbpa.2023.102335

The field of organic chemistry began with 19th century scientists identifying and then expanding upon synthetic dye molecules for textiles. In the 20th century, dye chemistry continued with the aim of developing photographic sensitizers and laser dyes. Now, in the 21st century, the rapid evolution of biological imaging techniques provides a new driving force for dye chemistry. Of the extant collection of synthetic fluorescent dyes for biological imaging, two classes reign supreme: rhodamines and cyanines. Here, we provide an overview of recent examples where modern chemistry is used to build these old-but-venerable classes of optically responsive molecules. These new synthetic methods access new fluorophores, which then enable sophisticated imaging experiments leading to new biological insights.

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05/03/16 | RNA Polymerase II cluster dynamics predict mRNA output in living cells.
Cho W, Jayanth N, English BP, Inoue T, Andrews JO, Conway W, Grimm JB, Spille J, Lavis LD, Lionnet T, Cisse II
eLife. 2016 May 03;5:. doi: 10.7554/eLife.13617

Protein clustering is a hallmark of genome regulation in mammalian cells. However, the dynamic molecular processes involved make it difficult to correlate clustering with functional consequences in vivo. We developed a live-cell super-resolution approach to uncover the correlation between mRNA synthesis and the dynamics of RNA Polymerase II (Pol II) clusters at a gene locus. For endogenous β-actin genes in mouse embryonic fibroblasts, we observe that short-lived (~8 s) Pol II clusters correlate with basal mRNA output. During serum stimulation, a stereotyped increase in Pol II cluster lifetime correlates with a proportionate increase in the number of mRNAs synthesized. Our findings suggest that transient clustering of Pol II may constitute a pre-transcriptional regulatory event that predictably modulates nascent mRNA output.

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01/04/18 | Robust model-based analysis of single-particle tracking experiments with Spot-On.
Hansen AS, Woringer M, Grimm JB, Lavis LD, Tjian R, Darzacq X
eLife. 2018 Jan 04;7:. doi: 10.7554/eLife.33125

Single-particle tracking (SPT) has become an important method to bridge biochemistry and cell biology since it allows direct observation of protein binding and diffusion dynamics in live cells. However, accurately inferring information from SPT studies is challenging due to biases in both data analysis and experimental design. To address analysis bias, we introduce 'Spot-On', an intuitive web-interface. Spot-On implements a kinetic modeling framework that accounts for known biases, including molecules moving out-of-focus, and robustly infers diffusion constants and subpopulations from pooled single-molecule trajectories. To minimize inherent experimental biases, we implement and validate stroboscopic photo-activation SPT (spaSPT), which minimizes motion-blur bias and tracking errors. We validate Spot-On using experimentally realistic simulations and show that Spot-On outperforms other methods. We then apply Spot-On to spaSPT data from live mammalian cells spanning a wide range of nuclear dynamics and demonstrate that Spot-On consistently and robustly infers subpopulation fractions and diffusion constants.

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Sternson LabLooger LabLavis Lab
03/27/12 | Selective esterase-ester pair for targeting small molecules with cellular specificity.
Tian L, Yang Y, Wysocki LM, Arnold AC, Hu A, Ravichandran B, Sternson SM, Looger LL, Lavis LD
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 2012 Mar 27;109:4756-61. doi: 10.1073/pnas.1111943109

Small molecules are important tools to measure and modulate intracellular signaling pathways. A longstanding limitation for using chemical compounds in complex tissues has been the inability to target bioactive small molecules to a specific cell class. Here, we describe a generalizable esterase-ester pair capable of targeted delivery of small molecules to living cells and tissue with cellular specificity. We used fluorogenic molecules to rapidly identify a small ester masking motif that is stable to endogenous esterases, but is efficiently removed by an exogenous esterase. This strategy allows facile targeting of dyes and drugs in complex biological environments to label specific cell types, illuminate gap junction connectivity, and pharmacologically perturb distinct subsets of cells. We expect this approach to have general utility for the specific delivery of many small molecules to defined cellular populations.

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11/10/17 | Semisynthetic fluorescent pH sensors for imaging exocytosis and endocytosis.
Martineau M, Somasundaram A, Grimm JB, Gruber TD, Choquet D, Taraska JW, Lavis LD, Perrais D
Nature Communications. 2017 Nov 10;8(1):1412. doi: 10.1038/s41467-017-01752-5

The GFP-based superecliptic pHluorin (SEP) enables detection of exocytosis and endocytosis, but its performance has not been duplicated in red fluorescent protein scaffolds. Here we describe "semisynthetic" pH-sensitive protein conjugates with organic fluorophores, carbofluorescein, and Virginia Orange that match the properties of SEP. Conjugation to genetically encoded self-labeling tags or antibodies allows visualization of both exocytosis and endocytosis, constituting new bright sensors for these key steps of synaptic transmission.

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05/17/23 | Sensitivity optimization of a rhodopsin-based fluorescent voltage indicator
Abdelfattah AS, Zheng J, Singh A, Huang Y, Reep D, Tsegaye G, Tsang A, Arthur BJ, Rehorova M, Olson CV, Shuai Y, Zhang L, Fu T, Milkie DE, Moya MV, Weber TD, Lemire AL, Baker CA, Falco N, Zheng Q, Grimm JB, Yip MC, Walpita D, Chase M, Campagnola L, Murphy GJ, Wong AM, Forest CR, Mertz J, Economo MN, Turner GC, Koyama M, Lin B, Betzig E, Novak O, Lavis LD, Svoboda K, Korff W, Chen T, Schreiter ER, Hasseman JP, Kolb I
Neuron. 2023 May 17;111(10):1547-1563. doi: 10.1016/j.neuron.2023.03.009

The ability to optically image cellular transmembrane voltages at millisecond-timescale resolutions can offer unprecedented insight into the function of living brains in behaving animals. Here, we present a point mutation that increases the sensitivity of Ace2 opsin-based voltage indicators. We use the mutation to develop Voltron2, an improved chemigeneic voltage indicator that has a 65% higher sensitivity to single APs and 3-fold higher sensitivity to subthreshold potentials than Voltron. Voltron2 retained the sub-millisecond kinetics and photostability of its predecessor, although with lower baseline fluorescence. In multiple in vitro and in vivo comparisons with its predecessor across multiple species, we found Voltron2 to be more sensitive to APs and subthreshold fluctuations. Finally, we used Voltron2 to study and evaluate the possible mechanisms of interneuron synchronization in the mouse hippocampus. Overall, we have discovered a generalizable mutation that significantly increases the sensitivity of Ace2 rhodopsin-based sensors, improving their voltage reporting capability.

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03/30/23 | Sequence and Structural Motifs Controlling the Broad Substrate Specificity of the Mycobacterial Hormone-Sensitive Lipase LipN
Schemenauer DE, Pool EH, Raynor SN, Ruiz GP, Goehring LM, Koelper AJ, Wilson MA, Durand AJ, Kourtoglou EC, Larsen EM, Lavis LD, Esteb JJ, Hoops GC, Johnson RJ
ACS Omega. 2023 Mar 30;8(14):13252 - 13264. doi: 10.1021/acsomega.3c0053410.1021/acsomega.3c00534.s001

Mycobacterium tuberculosis has a complex life cycle transitioning between active and dormant growth states depending on environmental conditions. LipN (Rv2970c) is a conserved mycobacterial serine hydrolase with regulated catalytic activity at the interface between active and dormant growth conditions. LipN also catalyzes the xenobiotic degradation of a tertiary ester substrate and contains multiple conserved motifs connected with the ability to catalyze the hydrolysis of difficult tertiary ester substrates. Herein, we expanded a library of fluorogenic ester substrates to include more tertiary and constrained esters and screened 33 fluorogenic substrates for activation by LipN, identifying its unique substrate signature. LipN preferred short, unbranched ester substrates, but had its second highest activity against a heteroaromatic five-membered oxazole ester. Oxazole esters are present in multiple mycobacterial serine hydrolase inhibitors but have not been tested widely as ester substrates. Combined structural modeling, kinetic measurements, and substitutional analysis of LipN showcased a fairly rigid binding pocket preorganized for catalysis of short ester substrates. Substitution of diverse amino acids across the binding pocket significantly impacted the folded stability and catalytic activity of LipN with two conserved motifs (HGGGW and GDSAG) playing interconnected, multidimensional roles in regulating its substrate specificity. Together this detailed substrate specificity profile of LipN illustrates the complex interplay between structure and function in mycobacterial hormone-sensitive lipase homologues and indicates oxazole esters as promising inhibitor and substrate scaffolds for mycobacterial hydrolases.

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07/27/21 | Single-molecule imaging of chromatin remodelers reveals role of ATPase in promoting fast kinetics of target search and dissociation from chromatin.
Kim JM, Visanpattanasin P, Jou V, Liu S, Tang X, Zheng Q, Li KY, Snedeker J, Lavis LD, Lionnet T, Wu C
eLife. 2021 Jul 27;10:. doi: 10.7554/eLife.69387

Conserved ATP-dependent chromatin remodelers establish and maintain genome-wide chromatin architectures of regulatory DNA during cellular lifespan, but the temporal interactions between remodelers and chromatin targets have been obscure. We performed live-cell single-molecule tracking for RSC, SWI/SNF, CHD1, ISW1, ISW2, and INO80 remodeling complexes in budding yeast and detected hyperkinetic behaviors for chromatin-bound molecules that frequently transition to the free state for all complexes. Chromatin-bound remodelers display notably higher diffusion than nucleosomal histones, and strikingly fast dissociation kinetics with 4-7 s mean residence times. These enhanced dynamics require ATP binding or hydrolysis by the catalytic ATPase, uncovering an additional function to its established role in nucleosome remodeling. Kinetic simulations show that multiple remodelers can repeatedly occupy the same promoter region on a timescale of minutes, implicating an unending 'tug-of-war' that controls a temporally shifting window of accessibility for the transcription initiation machinery.

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01/28/14 | Single-molecule tracking of the transcription cycle by sub-second RNA detection.
Zhang Z, Revyakin A, Grimm JB, Lavis LD, Tjian R
eLife. 2014 Jan 28;3:e01775. doi: 10.7554/eLife.01775

Transcription is an inherently stochastic, noisy, and multi-step process, in which fluctuations at every step can cause variations in RNA synthesis, and affect physiology and differentiation decisions in otherwise identical cells. However, it has been an experimental challenge to directly link the stochastic events at the promoter to transcript production. Here we established a fast fluorescence in situ hybridization (fastFISH) method that takes advantage of intrinsically unstructured nucleic acid sequences to achieve exceptionally fast rates of specific hybridization (\~{}10e7 M(-1)s(-1)), and allows deterministic detection of single nascent transcripts. Using a prototypical RNA polymerase, we demonstrated the use of fastFISH to measure the kinetic rates of promoter escape, elongation, and termination in one assay at the single-molecule level, at sub-second temporal resolution. The principles of fastFISH design can be used to study stochasticity in gene regulation, to select targets for gene silencing, and to design nucleic acid nanostructures. DOI:

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