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144 Publications

Showing 1-10 of 144 results
02/12/25 | Stars by the Pocketful
Lavis L, Lavis C
ACS Central Science. 02/2025:. doi: 10.1021/acscentsci.5c00223

Fluorescence is magical. Shine one color of light on a fluorophore and it glows in another color. This property allows imaging of biological systems with high sensitivity─we can visualize individual fluorescent molecules in an ocean of nonfluorescent ones.

Fluorescence microscopy has long been used to study isolated cells, both living and dead, but the development of newer, tailored fluorophores is swiftly expanding the use of fluorescence imaging to more complicated systems such as intact animals. In the latest in a long string of transformative work, Sletten and co-workers introduce dyes shrouded with multiple polymer chains─effectively star polymers with a bright fluorophore at the center.

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02/13/25 | BPS2025 - Local cytoplasmic tradewinds direct soluble proteins to their targets
Galbraith CG, English BP, Boehm U, Galbraith J
Biophysical Journal. 02/2025;124(3):375a - 376a. doi: 10.1016/j.bpj.2024.11.2032

Inside the cell, proteins essential for signaling, morphogenesis, and migration navigate the complex, ever-changing environment through vesicular trafficking or microtubule-driven mechanisms. However, the mechanisms by which soluble proteins reach their target destinations remain unknown. Here, we show that soluble proteins are directed toward the cell’s advancing edge by advection, diffusion facilitated by fluid flow. The advective transport mechanism operates in a compartment at the front of the cell isolated from the rest of the cytoplasm by a semi-permeable actin-myosin barrier that restricts protein mixing between the compartment and the rest of the cytoplasm. Contraction at the barrier generates a molecularly non-specific fluid flow that propels treadmilling actin monomer, actin-binding, adhesion, and even inert proteins forward. Changes in the dynamic local curvature of the barrier direct the flow, targeting proteins toward the protruding regions of the leading edge, effectively coordinating the distribution of proteins needed for local changes in cellular dynamics. Outside the compartment, diffusion is the primary mode of soluble protein transport. Our findings suggest that cells possess previously unrecognized organizational strategies for managing soluble protein concentration and distributing them efficiently for activities such as protrusion and adhesion.

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02/04/25 | Dendritic excitations govern back-propagation via a spike-rate accelerometer
Park P, Wong-Campos D, Itkis DG, Lee BH, Qi Y, Davis H, Antin B, Pasarkar A, Grimm JB, Plutkis SE, Holland KL, Paninski L, Lavis LD, Cohen AE
Nature Communications. 02/2025;16(1):. doi: 10.1038/s41467-025-55819-9

Dendrites on neurons support nonlinear electrical excitations, but the computational significance of these events is not well understood. We developed molecular, optical, and analytical tools to map sub-millisecond voltage dynamics throughout the dendritic trees of CA1 pyramidal neurons under diverse optogenetic and synaptic stimulus patterns, in acute brain slices. We observed history-dependent spike back-propagation in distal dendrites, driven by locally generated Na+ spikes (dSpikes). Dendritic depolarization created a transient window for dSpike propagation, opened by A-type KV channel inactivation, and closed by slow NaV inactivation. Collisions of dSpikes with synaptic inputs triggered calcium channel and N-methyl-D-aspartate receptor (NMDAR)-dependent plateau potentials, with accompanying complex spikes at the soma. This hierarchical ion channel network acts as a spike-rate accelerometer, providing an intuitive picture of how dendritic excitations shape associative plasticity rules.

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01/11/25 | Collateral connectomes of Esr1-positive hypothalamic neurons modulate defensive behavior plasticity
Csillag V, Forastieri C, Szücs GM, Vidal IT, Bizzozzero MH, Lavis LD, Calvigioni D, Fuzik J
bioRxiv. 01/2025:. doi: 10.1101/2025.01.10.632334

The ventromedial hypothalamus (VMH) projects to the periaqueductal gray (PAG) and anterior hypothalamic nucleus (AHN), mediating freezing and escape behaviors, respectively. We investigated VMH collateral (VMH-coll) neurons, which innervate both PAG and AHN, to elucidate their role in postsynaptic processing and defensive behavior plasticity. Using all-optical voltage imaging of 22,151 postsynaptic neurons ex vivo, we found that VMH-coll neurons engage inhibitory mechanisms at both synaptic ends and can induce synaptic circuit plasticity. In vivo optogenetic activation of the VMH-coll somas induced escape behaviors. We identified an Esr1-expressing VMH-coll subpopulation with postsynaptic connectome resembling that of wild-type collaterals on the PAG side. Activation of Esr1+VMH-coll neurons evoked freezing and unexpected flattening behavior, previously not linked to the VMH. Neuropeptides such as PACAP and dynorphin modulated both Esr1+VMH-coll connectomes. In vivo κ-opioid receptor antagonism impaired Esr1+VMH-coll-mediated defensive behaviors. These findings unveiled the central role of VMH-coll pathways in innate defensive behavior plasticity.

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12/23/24 | In vivo multiplex imaging of dynamic neurochemical networks with designed far-red dopamine sensors
Zheng Y, Cai R, Wang K, Zhang J, Zhuo Y, Dong H, Zhang Y, Wang Y, Deng F, Ji E, Cui Y, Fang S, Zhang X, Zhang K, Wang J, Li G, Miao X, Wang Z, Yang Y, Li S, Grimm J, Johnsson K, Schreiter E, Lavis L, Chen Z, Mu Y, Li Y
bioRxiv. 12/2024:. doi: 10.1101/2024.12.22.629999

Neurochemical signals like dopamine (DA) play a crucial role in a variety of brain functions through intricate interactions with other neuromodulators and intracellular signaling pathways. However, studying these complex networks has been hindered by the challenge of detecting multiple neurochemicals in vivo simultaneously. To overcome this limitation, we developed a single-protein chemigenetic DA sensor, HaloDA1.0, which combines a cpHaloTag-chemical dye approach with the G protein-coupled receptor activation-based (GRAB) strategy, providing high sensitivity for DA, sub-second response kinetics, and an extensive spectral range from far-red to near-infrared. When used together with existing green and red fluorescent neuromodulator sensors, Ca2+ indicators, cAMP sensors, and optogenetic tools, HaloDA1.0 provides high versatility for multiplex imaging in cultured neurons, brain slices, and behaving animals, facilitating in-depth studies of dynamic neurochemical networks.Competing Interest StatementThe authors have declared no competing interest.

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10/15/24 | Back to the future - 20 years of progress and developments in photonic microscopy and biological imaging.
Erard M, Favard C, Lavis LD, Recher G, Rigneault H, Sage D
J Cell Sci. 2024 Oct 15;137(20):. doi: 10.1242/jcs.262344

In 2023, the ImaBio consortium (, an interdisciplinary life microscopy research group at the Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique, celebrated its 20th anniversary. ImaBio contributes to the biological imaging community through organization of MiFoBio conferences, which are interdisciplinary conferences featuring lectures and hands-on workshops that attract specialists from around the world. MiFoBio conferences provide the community with an opportunity to reflect on the evolution of the field, and the 2023 event offered retrospective talks discussing the past 20 years of topics in microscopy, including imaging of multicellular assemblies, image analysis, quantification of molecular motions and interactions within cells, advancements in fluorescent labels, and laser technology for multiphoton and label-free imaging of thick biological samples. In this Perspective, we compile summaries of these presentations overviewing 20 years of advancements in a specific area of microscopy, each of which concludes with a brief look towards the future. The full presentations are available on the ImaBio YouTube channel (

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10/04/24 | Mesoscale chromatin confinement facilitates target search of pioneer transcription factors in live cells
Wang Z, Wang B, Niu D, Yin C, Bi Y, Cattoglio C, Loh KM, Lavis LD, Ge H, Deng W
Nat. Struct. Mol. Biol.. 2024 Oct 04:. doi: 10.1038/s41594-024-01385-5

Pioneer transcription factors (PTFs) possess the unique capability to access closed chromatin regions and initiate cell fate changes, yet the underlying mechanisms remain elusive. Here, we characterized the single-molecule dynamics of PTFs targeting chromatin in living cells, revealing a notable 'confined target search' mechanism. PTFs such as FOXA1, FOXA2, SOX2, OCT4 and KLF4 sampled chromatin more frequently than non-PTF MYC, alternating between fast free diffusion in the nucleus and slower confined diffusion within mesoscale zones. Super-resolved microscopy showed closed chromatin organized as mesoscale nucleosome-dense domains, confining FOXA2 diffusion locally and enriching its binding. We pinpointed specific histone-interacting disordered regions, distinct from DNA-binding domains, crucial for confined target search kinetics and pioneer activity within closed chromatin. Fusion to other factors enhanced pioneer activity. Kinetic simulations suggested that transient confinement could increase target association rate by shortening search time and binding repeatedly. Our findings illuminate how PTFs recognize and exploit closed chromatin organization to access targets, revealing a pivotal aspect of gene regulation.

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09/20/24 | A modular chemigenetic calcium indicator for multiplexed in vivo functional imaging.
Farrants H, Shuai Y, Lemon WC, Monroy Hernandez C, Zhang D, Yang S, Patel R, Qiao G, Frei MS, Plutkis SE, Grimm JB, Hanson TL, Tomaska F, Turner GC, Stringer C, Keller PJ, Beyene AG, Chen Y, Liang Y, Lavis LD, Schreiter ER
Nat Methods. 2024 Sep 20:. doi: 10.1038/s41592-024-02411-6

Genetically encoded fluorescent calcium indicators allow cellular-resolution recording of physiology. However, bright, genetically targetable indicators that can be multiplexed with existing tools in vivo are needed for simultaneous imaging of multiple signals. Here we describe WHaloCaMP, a modular chemigenetic calcium indicator built from bright dye-ligands and protein sensor domains. Fluorescence change in WHaloCaMP results from reversible quenching of the bound dye via a strategically placed tryptophan. WHaloCaMP is compatible with rhodamine dye-ligands that fluoresce from green to near-infrared, including several that efficiently label the brain in animals. When bound to a near-infrared dye-ligand, WHaloCaMP shows a 7× increase in fluorescence intensity and a 2.1-ns increase in fluorescence lifetime upon calcium binding. We use WHaloCaMP1a to image Ca responses in vivo in flies and mice, to perform three-color multiplexed functional imaging of hundreds of neurons and astrocytes in zebrafish larvae and to quantify Ca concentration using fluorescence lifetime imaging microscopy (FLIM).

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07/18/24 | Elucidating and Optimizing the Photochemical Mechanism of Coumarin-Caged Tertiary Amines.
Banala S, Jin X, Dilan TL, Sheu S, Clapham DE, Drenan RM, Lavis LD
J Am Chem Soc. 2024 Jul 18:. doi: 10.1021/jacs.4c03092

Photoactivatable or "caged" pharmacological agents combine the high spatiotemporal specificity of light application with the molecular specificity of drugs. A key factor in all optopharmacology experiments is the mechanism of uncaging, which dictates the photochemical quantum yield and determines the byproducts produced by the light-driven chemical reaction. In previous work, we demonstrated that coumarin-based photolabile groups could be used to cage tertiary amine drugs as quaternary ammonium salts. Although stable, water-soluble, and useful for experiments in brain tissue, these first-generation compounds exhibit relatively low uncaging quantum yield (Φ < 1%) and release the toxic byproduct formaldehyde upon photolysis. Here, we elucidate the photochemical mechanisms of coumarin-caged tertiary amines and then optimize the major pathway using chemical modification. We discovered that the combination of 3,3-dicarboxyazetidine and bromine substituents shift the mechanism of release to heterolysis, eliminating the formaldehyde byproduct and giving photolabile tertiary amine drugs with Φ > 20%─a 35-fold increase in uncaging efficiency. This new "ABC" cage allows synthesis of improved photoactivatable derivatives of escitalopram and nicotine along with a novel caged agonist of the oxytocin receptor.

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06/02/24 | Dynamic assemblies of parvalbumin interneurons in brain oscillations.
Huang Y, Chen H, Lin Y, Lin S, Zheng Q, Abdelfattah AS, Lavis LD, Schreiter ER, Lin B, Chen T
Neuron. 2024 Jun 02:. doi: 10.1016/j.neuron.2024.05.015

Brain oscillations are crucial for perception, memory, and behavior. Parvalbumin-expressing (PV) interneurons are critical for these oscillations, but their population dynamics remain unclear. Using voltage imaging, we simultaneously recorded membrane potentials in up to 26 PV interneurons in vivo during hippocampal ripple oscillations in mice. We found that PV cells generate ripple-frequency rhythms by forming highly dynamic cell assemblies. These assemblies exhibit rapid and significant changes from cycle to cycle, varying greatly in both size and membership. Importantly, this variability is not just random spiking failures of individual neurons. Rather, the activities of other PV cells contain significant information about whether a PV cell spikes or not in a given cycle. This coordination persists without network oscillations, and it exists in subthreshold potentials even when the cells are not spiking. Dynamic assemblies of interneurons may provide a new mechanism to modulate postsynaptic dynamics and impact cognitive functions flexibly and rapidly.

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