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91 Publications

Showing 61-70 of 91 results
03/06/92 | Perforated patch-clamp analysis of the passive membrane properties of three classes of hippocampal neurons.
Spruston N, Johnston D
J Neurophysiol. 1992 Mar;67(3):508-29

1. Perforated patch-clamp recordings were made from the three major classes of hippocampal neurons in conventional in vitro slices prepared from adult guinea pigs. This technique provided experimental estimates of passive membrane properties (input resistance, RN, and membrane time constant, tau m) determined in the absence of the leak conductance associated with microelectrode impalement or the washout of cytoplasmic constituents associated with conventional whole-cell recordings. 2. To facilitate comparison of our data with previous results and to determine the passive membrane properties under conditions as physiological as possible, recordings were made at the resting potential, in physiological saline, and without any added blockers of voltage-dependent conductances. 3. Membrane-potential responses to current steps were analyzed, and four criteria were used to identify voltage responses that were the least affected by activation of voltage-dependent conductances. tau m was estimated from the slowest component (tau 0) of multiexponential fits of responses deemed passive by these criteria. RN was estimated from the slope of the linear region in the hyperpolarizing direction of the voltage-current relation. 4. It was not possible to measure purely passive membrane properties that were completely independent of membrane potential in any of the three classes of hippocampal neurons. Changing the membrane potential by constant current injection resulted in changes in RN and tau 0; subthreshold depolarization produced an increase, and hyperpolarization a decrease, in both RN and tau 0 for all three classes of hippocampal neurons. 5. Each of the three classes of hippocampal neurons also displayed a depolarizing "sag" during larger hyperpolarizing voltage transients. To evaluate the effect of the conductances underlying this sag on passive membrane properties, 2-5 mM Cs+ was added to the physiological saline. Extracellular Cs+ effectively blocked the sag in all three classes of hippocampal neurons, but the effect of Cs+ on RN, tau 0, and the voltage dependence of these parameters was unique for each class of neurons. 6. CA1 pyramidal neurons had an RN of 104 +/- 10 (SE) M omega and tau 0 of 28 +/- 2 ms at a resting potential of -64 +/- 2 mV (n = 12). RN and tau 0 were larger at more depolarized potentials in these neurons, but the addition of Cs+ to the physiological saline reversed this voltage dependence. 7. CA3 pyramidal neurons had an RN of 135 +/- 8 M omega and tau 0 of 66 +/- 4 ms at a resting potential of -64 +/- 1 mV (n = 14).(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 400 WORDS)

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06/05/18 | Persistent sodium current mediates the steep voltage dependence of spatial coding in hippocampal pyramidal neurons.
Hsu C, Zhao X, Milstein AD, Spruston N
Neuron. 2018 Jun 05:. doi: 10.1016/j.neuron.2018.05.025

The mammalian hippocampus forms a cognitive map using neurons that fire according to an animal's position ("place cells") and many other behavioral and cognitive variables. The responses of these neurons are shaped by their presynaptic inputs and the nature of their postsynaptic integration. In CA1 pyramidal neurons, spatial responses in vivo exhibit a strikingly supralinear dependence on baseline membrane potential. The biophysical mechanisms underlying this nonlinear cellular computation are unknown. Here, through a combination of in vitro, in vivo, and in silico approaches, we show that persistent sodium current mediates the strong membrane potential dependence of place cell activity. This current operates at membrane potentials below the action potential threshold and over seconds-long timescales, mediating a powerful and rapidly reversible amplification of synaptic responses, which drives place cell firing. Thus, we identify a biophysical mechanism that shapes the coding properties of neurons composing the hippocampal cognitive map.

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01/29/09 | Plasticity of burst firing induced by synergistic activation of metabotropic glutamate and acetylcholine receptors.
Moore SJ, Cooper DC, Spruston N
Neuron. 2009 Jan 29;61(2):287-300. doi: 10.1016/j.neuron.2008.12.013

Subiculum, the primary efferent pathway of hippocampus, participates in memory for spatial tasks, relapse to drug abuse, and temporal lobe seizures. Subicular pyramidal neurons exhibit low-threshold burst firing driven by a spike afterdepolarization. Here we report that burst firing can be regulated by stimulation of afferent projections to subiculum. Unlike synaptic plasticity, burst plasticity did not require synaptic depolarization, activation of AMPA or NMDA receptors, or action potential firing. Rather, enhancement of burst firing required synergistic activation of group I, subtype 1 metabotropic glutamate receptors (mGluRs) and muscarinic acetylcholine receptors (mAChR). When either of these receptors was blocked, a suppression of bursting was revealed, which in turn was blocked by antagonists of group I, subtype 5 mGluRs. These results indicate that the output of subiculum can be strongly and bidirectionally regulated by activation of glutamatergic inputs within the hippocampus and cholinergic afferents from the medial septum.

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07/08/05 | Postsynaptic depolarization requirements for LTP and LTD: a critique of spike timing-dependent plasticity.
Lisman J, Spruston N
Nat Neurosci. 2005 Jul;8(7):839-41

Long-term potentiation and long-term depression require postsynaptic depolarization, which many current models attribute to backpropagating action potentials. New experimental work suggests, however, that other mechanisms can lead to dendritic depolarization, and that backpropagating action potentials may be neither necessary nor sufficient for synaptic plasticity in vivo.

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06/05/95 | Probing dendritic function with patch pipettes.
Stuart G, Spruston N
Curr Opin Neurobiol. 1995 Jun;5(3):389-94

Most neurons in the CNS have complex, branching dendritic trees, which receive the majority of all synaptic input. As it is difficult to make electrical recordings from dendrites because of their small size, most of what is known about their electrical properties has been inferred from recordings made at the soma. By taking advantage of the higher resolution offered by improved optics, it is now possible to make patch-pipette recordings from the dendrites of neurons in brain slices under visual control. This new technique promises to provide valuable new information concerning dendritic function.

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09/01/97 | Prolonged sodium channel inactivation contributes to dendritic action potential attenuation in hippocampal pyramidal neurons.
Jung HY, Mickus T, Spruston N
J Neurosci. 1997 Sep 1;17(17):6639-46

During low-frequency firing, action potentials actively invade the dendrites of CA1 pyramidal neurons. At higher firing rates, however, activity-dependent processes result in the attenuation of back-propagating action potentials, and propagation failures occur at some dendritic branch points. We tested two major hypotheses related to this activity-dependent attenuation of back-propagating action potentials: (1) that it is mediated by a prolonged form of sodium channel inactivation and (2) that it is mediated by a persistent dendritic shunt activated by back-propagating action potentials. We found no evidence for a persistent shunt, but we did find that cumulative, prolonged inactivation of sodium channels develops during repetitive action potential firing. This inactivation is significant after a single action potential and continues to develop during several action potentials thereafter, until a steady-state sodium current is established. Recovery from this form of inactivation is much slower than its induction, but recovery can be accelerated by hyperpolarization. The similarity of these properties to the time and voltage dependence of attenuation and recovery of dendritic action potentials suggests that dendritic sodium channel inactivation contributes to the activity dependence of action potential back-propagation in CA1 neurons. Hence, the biophysical properties of dendritic sodium channels will be important determinants of action potential-mediated effects on synaptic integration and plasticity in hippocampal neurons.

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02/07/99 | Properties of slow, cumulative sodium channel inactivation in rat hippocampal CA1 pyramidal neurons.
Mickus T, Jung HY, Spruston N
Biophys J. 1999 Feb;76(2):846-60

Sodium channels in the somata and dendrites of hippocampal CA1 pyramidal neurons undergo a form of long-lasting, cumulative inactivation that is involved in regulating back-propagating action potential amplitude and can influence dendritic excitation. Using cell-attached patch-pipette recordings in the somata and apical dendrites of CA1 pyramidal neurons, we determined the properties of slow inactivation on response to trains of brief depolarizations. We find that the amount of slow inactivation gradually increases as a function of distance from the soma. Slow inactivation is also frequency and voltage dependent. Higher frequency depolarizations increase both the amount of slow inactivation and its rate of recovery. Hyperpolarized resting potentials and larger command potentials accelerate recovery from slow inactivation. We compare this form of slow inactivation to that reported in other cell types, using longer depolarizations, and construct a simplified biophysical model to examine the possible gating mechanisms underlying slow inactivation. Our results suggest that sodium channels can enter slow inactivation rapidly from the open state during brief depolarizations or slowly from a fast inactivation state during longer depolarizations. Because of these properties of slow inactivation, sodium channels will modulate neuronal excitability in a way that depends in a complicated manner on the resting potential and previous history of action potential firing.

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03/09/08 | Pyramidal neurons: dendritic structure and synaptic integration.
Spruston N
Nature Reviews Neuroscience. 2008 Mar;9(3):206-21. doi: 10.1038/nrn2286

Pyramidal neurons are characterized by their distinct apical and basal dendritic trees and the pyramidal shape of their soma. They are found in several regions of the CNS and, although the reasons for their abundance remain unclear, functional studies--especially of CA1 hippocampal and layer V neocortical pyramidal neurons--have offered insights into the functions of their unique cellular architecture. Pyramidal neurons are not all identical, but some shared functional principles can be identified. In particular, the existence of dendritic domains with distinct synaptic inputs, excitability, modulation and plasticity appears to be a common feature that allows synapses throughout the dendritic tree to contribute to action-potential generation. These properties support a variety of coincidence-detection mechanisms, which are likely to be crucial for synaptic integration and plasticity.

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01/01/10 | Questions about STDP as a general model of synaptic plasticity.
Lisman J, Spruston N
Frontiers in Synaptic Neuroscience. 2010;2:140. doi: 10.3389/fnsyn.2010.00140

According to spike-timing-dependent plasticity (STDP), the timing of the Na(+) spike relative to the EPSP determines whether LTP or LTD will occur. Here, we review our reservations about STDP. Most investigations of this process have been done under conditions in which the spike is evoked by postsynaptic current injection. Under more realistic conditions, in which the spike is evoked by the EPSP, the results do not generally support STDP. For instance, low-frequency stimulation of a group of synapses can cause LTD, not the LTP predicted by the pre-before-post sequence in STDP; this is true regardless of whether or not the EPSP is large enough to produce a Na(+) spike. With stronger or more frequent stimulation, LTP can be induced by the same pre-before-post timing, but in this case block of Na(+) spikes does not necessarily prevent LTP induction. Thus, Na(+) spikes may facilitate LTP and/or LTD under some conditions, but they are not necessary, a finding consistent with their small size relative to the EPSP in many parts of pyramidal cell dendrites. The nature of the dendritic depolarizing events that control bidirectional plasticity is of central importance to understanding neural function. There are several candidates, including backpropagating action potentials, but also dendritic Ca(2+) spikes, the AMPA receptor-mediated EPSP, and NMDA receptor-mediated EPSPs or spikes. These often appear to be more important than the Na(+) spike in providing the depolarization necessary for plasticity. We thus feel that it is premature to accept STDP-like processes as the major determinant of LTP/LTD.

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06/15/05 | R-type calcium channels contribute to afterdepolarization and bursting in hippocampal CA1 pyramidal neurons.
Metz AE, Jarsky T, Martina M, Spruston N
J Neurosci. 2005 Jun 15;25(24):5763-73. doi: 10.1523/JNEUROSCI.0624-05.2005

Action potentials in pyramidal neurons are typically followed by an afterdepolarization (ADP), which in many cells contributes to intrinsic burst firing. Despite the ubiquity of this common excitable property, the responsible ion channels have not been identified. Using current-clamp recordings in hippocampal slices, we find that the ADP in CA1 pyramidal neurons is mediated by an Ni2+-sensitive calcium tail current. Voltage-clamp experiments indicate that the Ni2+-sensitive current has a pharmacological and biophysical profile consistent with R-type calcium channels. These channels are available at the resting potential, are activated by the action potential, and remain open long enough to drive the ADP. Because the ADP correlates directly with burst firing in CA1 neurons, R-type calcium channels are crucial to this important cellular behavior, which is known to encode hippocampal place fields and enhance synaptic plasticity.

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