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Tools, Reagents, Data
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This page provides links to protocols, tools, reagents, and data that we have generated.
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MSG (Multiplexed Shotgun Genotyping)
Our Tn5-based protocol for library preparation:
Link to GitHub repository of the latest MSG code. (Read the User's Manual!)
GitHub Repo of shell script to analyze TagMap results
New non-melanogaster transgenic strains & attP-attB integration efficiencies
Updated July 5, 2017
Geneious files containing insertion sites of new transgenic strains
D. simulans and D. mauritiana insertions (38.1 Mb, updated Nov 8, 2016)
D. yakuba and D. santomea insertions (37.7 Mb, updated Nov 8, 2016)
D. virilis insertions (46.2 Mb, updated Nov 8, 2016)
Courtship song data from Stern 2014
Raw data from Stern, 2014. Reported Drosophila courtship song rhythms are artifacts of data analysis. BMC Biology
Click on the link below and a 20Gb tar file will download.
MD5 (rawData.tar) = b5d62a8082f1625494562a49acdc4970
Segmented inter-pulse interval data. (2.5Mb file)
MD5 ( = 3b0a4723083fc7fc21b4c55ec03fa5a6
Courtship song data from Stern et al. 2017
Raw data from Stern et al. 2017. Experimental and statistical re-evaluation provides no evidence for Drosophila courtship song rhythms. PNAS
Original song recordings from Oregon-R and perL flies
Click on link below to download 3.3Gb tar file.
MD5 (Stern2017recordings.tar.gz) = 41615770b6190d47fe88c80f51630fad
Segmented songs
Click on link below to download 3.0Gb file.
MD5 (Stern2017segmentations.tar) = 7d14650a3141b50eea4fe7f8d730cce5