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Modular LED Displays

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Modular LED Displays

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Modular Display System for Insect Behavioral Neuroscience

The Technology

LED-based systems offer a high level of control over the presentation of stimuli to model organisms. The authors of “A Modular Display System for Insect Behavioral Neuroscience” offer full documentation to recreate the described system and its derivatives at the repository presented here.

The Science

Flying insects exhibit stunning flight behaviors that are mediated by vision and visual stimuli. Presenting a controlled visual environment to tethered insects is a powerful tool to study the sensory control of those behaviors.

The study referenced here presents an LED-based display system for stimulating the fly visual system. Because LEDs can be rapidly refreshed, the displays can present apparent motion stimuli. The system presented here is a powerful, low-cost laboratory addition to the neurobiologist’s toolkit. The linked publication directly shows the usefulness of the tool with results from behavioral experiments with Drosophila.

The Offer

The linked repository holds documentation and step-by-step instructions to produce multiple generations of the modular LED system, including the widely-used Generation 3 derived from the mentioned publication and including the latest details.

Questions, inquiries, and submissions may be offered here

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Frank Loesche
Electromechanical Engineer, MCN-NET
Michael Reiser
Senior Group Leader
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