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122 Results

Showing 111-120 of 122 results
Tip-Tilt-Z Sample Positioner
The Tip-Tilt-Z Sample Positioner provides automated rotation of a head-fixed rodent specimen about the anterior-posterior and mediolateral axes for imaging or other purposes. The device also...
Unique Valve Stop
Automatic watering valves for ventilated cage racks come in various styles, such as cage-mounted valves, fixed rack-mounted valves, and rack-mounted valves with quick disconnects. During cage-...
Vibratome built for the Auto Slicer Imager Rig (MouseLight 2)
About the Innovation Visualization of the axonal structures of individual neurons is critical to understand how neural signals are organized and communicated in the brain. Janelia...
Voltron and Positron
Voltron 2.0 and Positron 2.0 are state-of-the-art genetically encoded voltage indicators (GEVIs) for use in vivo or in vitro. Developed and optimized at...
Researchers at the Janelia Research Campus have developed a cutting-edge electrophysiology data acquisition tool for recording signals from high-density silicon probes.  WHISPER is a cost-...
Whole-animal functional and developmental imaging with isotropic spatial resolution
Whole-animal functional and developmental imaging with isotropic spatial resolution Imaging fast cellular dynamics across large specimens requires high resolution in all dimensions,...
Whole-brain Functional Recordings
Image Processing and Analysis Brain function relies on communication between large populations of neurons across multiple brain areas, a full understanding of which would require knowledge...
Whole-embryo Mechanics Modeling
A Spherical Harmonics Framework We provide the following computer code and programs: Matlab classes and utility functions for calculating spherical harmonics basis functions and...
Wing Tachometer
Summary  These light sensor boards, or “wing tachometer”, combine to form a small electro-optical device that uses reflected infrared light from the fly’s wingbeats to generate an...
Zebrafish Variants ZIRC
Researchers at HHMI Janelia Research Campus make popular transgenic zebrafish lines available to the scientific community through the Zebrafish International...