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Daniel Flickinger

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I specialize in optical/lens design for custom microscopes at Janelia, while maintaining some moderate capabilities in general mechanical design.  I started in the field right after completing my graduate degree, working as a full-time instrumentation consultant for the Svoboda Lab at Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory in 2006.  I began working in ID&F/jET when the Svoboda lab moved to Janelia at its opening later that year. 

At Janelia, one of my early major projects was designing and installing the first MIMMS 1.0 (Modular in vivo Multiphoton Microscopy System) microscopes.  Later, I performed all the optical and the critical mechanical design for the 2 Photon Random Access Mesoscope (2p-RAM), which uses no commercially available optics (i.e. objective lenses).  This mesoscope was immediately replicated by 12 outside labs, with the help of an assembly workshop that we offered, and has been commercialized, largely as-is, by Thorlabs, with ~21 subsequent sales as of 2023.

From 2017-2022 I worked on the development of two light-sheet microscopes in the Keller Lab that push the state-of-the art for spatial and temporal optical throughput. 


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BS, Physics, Stanford University
MS, Scientific Instrumentation, Stony Brook University
Lens design course, College of Optical Sciences, University of Arizona