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51 Publications

Showing 51-51 of 51 results
Hess LabFetter LabFlyEM
02/16/15 | Ultrastructurally smooth thick partitioning and volume stitching for large-scale connectomics.
Hayworth KJ, Xu CS, Lu Z, Knott GW, Fetter RD, Tapia JC, Lichtman JW, Hess HF
Nature Methods. 2015 Feb 16;12(4):319-22. doi: 10.1038/nmeth.3292

Focused-ion-beam scanning electron microscopy (FIB-SEM) has become an essential tool for studying neural tissue at resolutions below 10 nm × 10 nm × 10 nm, producing data sets optimized for automatic connectome tracing. We present a technical advance, ultrathick sectioning, which reliably subdivides embedded tissue samples into chunks (20 μm thick) optimally sized and mounted for efficient, parallel FIB-SEM imaging. These chunks are imaged separately and then 'volume stitched' back together, producing a final three-dimensional data set suitable for connectome tracing.

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