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Data Release: High-Resolution Imaging and Segmentation of P7 Mouse Tissue Microarchitecture Using FIB-SEM and Machine Learning

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bioRxiv. 2024 Sep 07;. doi: 10.1101/2024.09.05.611438
Data Release: High-Resolution Imaging and Segmentation of P7 Mouse Tissue Microarchitecture Using FIB-SEM and Machine Learning CellMap
Ackerman D, Avetissian E, Bleck CK, Bogovic JA, Innerberger M, Korff W, Li W, Lu Z, Petruncio A, Preibisch S, Qiu W, Rhoades J, Saalfeld S, Silva M, Trautman ET, Vorimo R, Weigel A, Yu Z, Zubov Y,