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Bueno D, Fernàndez-Rodríguez J, Cardona A, Hernàndez-Hernàndez V, Romero R.  2002.  A novel invertebrate trophic factor related to invertebrate neurotrophins is involved in planarian body regional survival and asexual reproduction.. Developmental biology. 252:188-201.
Shirangi TR, Zaika A, Moll UM.  2002.  Nuclear degradation of p53 occurs during down-regulation of the p53 response after DNA damage.. The FASEB Journal: Official Publication of the Federation of American Societies for Experimental Biology. 16:420-2.
Perez-Orive J, Mazor O, Turner GC, Cassenaer S, Wilson RI, Laurent G.  2002.  Oscillations and sparsening of odor representations in the mushroom body.. Science (New York, N.Y.). 297(5580):359-65.
Gasparini S, Magee JC.  2002.  Phosphorylation-dependent differences in the activation properties of distal and proximal dendritic Na+ channels in rat CA1 hippocampal neurons.. The Journal of Physiology. 541(Pt 3):665-72.
Freiman RN, Albright SR, Chu LE, Zheng S, Liang H-E, Sha WC, Tjian R.  2002.  Redundant role of tissue-selective TAF(II)105 in B lymphocytes.. Molecular and Cellular Biology. 22(18):6564-72.
Brown TA, Clayton DA.  2002.  Release of replication termination controls mitochondrial DNA copy number after depletion with 2’,3’-dideoxycytidine.. Nucleic Acids Research. 30(9):2004-10.
Chanut F, Woo K, Pereira S, Donohoe TJ, Chang S-Y, Laverty TR, Jarman AP, Heberlein U.  2002.  Rough eye is a gain-of-function allele of amos that disrupts regulation of the proneural gene atonal during Drosophila retinal differentiation.. Genetics. 160(2):623-35.
Rinberg D, Davidowitz H.  2002.  A stimulus generating system for studying wind sensation in the American cockroach.. Journal of Neuroscience Methods. 121(1):1-11.
Taatjes DJ, Näär AM, Andel F, Nogales E, Tjian R.  2002.  Structure, function, and activator-induced conformations of the CRSP coactivator.. Science. 295(5557):1058-62.
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Chklovskii DB.  2002.  Theoretical neuroscience: state of the art.. Neuron. 34:863-4.
Hochheimer A, Zhou S, Zheng S, Holmes MC, Tjian R.  2002.  TRF2 associates with DREF and directs promoter-selective gene expression in Drosophila.. Nature. 420(6914):439-45.
Chklovskii DB, Schikorski T, Stevens CF.  2002.  Wiring optimization in cortical circuits.. Neuron. 34(3):341-7.
Watts RJ, Hoopfer ED, Luo L.  2003.  Axon pruning during Drosophila metamorphosis: evidence for local degeneration and requirement of the ubiquitin-proteasome system.. Neuron. 38(6):871-85.
Stepankova K, Pastalkova E, Kalova E, Kalina M, Bures J.  2003.  A battery of tests for quantitative examination of idiothetic and allothetic place navigation modes in humans.. Behavioural Brain Research. 147(1-2):95-105.
Stern D.  2003.  Body-size control: how an insect knows it has grown enough.. Curr Biol. 13(7):R267-9.
Ladurner AG, Inouye C, Jain R, Tjian R.  2003.  Bromodomains mediate an acetyl-histone encoded antisilencing function at heterochromatin boundaries.. Molecular Cell. 11(2):365-76.
Turaga SC, Auerbach SM.  2003.  Calculating free energies for diffusion in tight-fitting zeolite-guest systems: Local normal-mode Monte Carlo. Journal of Chemical Physics. 118(6512)
Zhang Y, Hoon MA, Chandrashekar J, Mueller KL, Cook B, Wu D, Zuker CS, Ryba NJP.  2003.  Coding of sweet, bitter, and umami tastes: different receptor cells sharing similar signaling pathways.. Cell. 112(3):293-301.
Miura T, Braendle C, Shingleton A, Sisk G, Kambhampati S, Stern DL.  2003.  A comparison of parthenogenetic and sexual embryogenesis of the pea aphid Acyrthosiphon pisum (Hemiptera: Aphidoidea).. J Exp Zool B Mol Dev Evol. 295(1):59-81.
Puig O, Marr MT, M Ruhf L, Tjian R.  2003.  Control of cell number by Drosophila FOXO: downstream and feedback regulation of the insulin receptor pathway.. Genes & Development. 17(16):2006-20.
Berrisford JM, Akerboom J, Turnbull AP, de Geus D, Sedelnikova SE, Staton I, McLeod CW, Verhees CH, van der Oost J, Rice DW et al..  2003.  Crystal structure of Pyrococcus furiosus phosphoglucose isomerase. Implications for substrate binding and catalysis.. The Journal of Biological Chemistry. 278(35):33290-7.
Schreiter ER, Sintchak MD, Guo Y, Chivers PT, Sauer RT, Drennan CL.  2003.  Crystal structure of the nickel-responsive transcription factor NikR.. Nature Structural Biology. 10(10):794-9.
Grimm JB, Stables JP, Brown ML.  2003.  Design, synthesis, and development of novel caprolactam anticonvulsants.. Bioorganic & Medicinal Chemistry. 11(18):4133-41.
Braendle C, Miura T, Bickel R, Shingleton AW, Kambhampati S, Stern DL.  2003.  Developmental origin and evolution of bacteriocytes in the aphid-Buchnera symbiosis.. PLoS Biol. 1(1):E21.