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Marvin JS, Lowman HB.  2005.  Antibody humanization and affinity maturation using phage display.. Phage Display in Biotechnology and Drug Discovery. :493-528.
MacDonald ML, Eaton ME, Dudman JT, Konradi C.  2005.  Antipsychotic drugs elevate mRNA levels of presynaptic proteins in the frontal cortex of the rat.. Biological Psychiatry. 57(9):1041-51.
Warrick JM, Morabito LM, Bilen J, Gordesky-Gold B, Faust LZ, Paulson HL, Bonini NM.  2005.  Ataxin-3 suppresses polyglutamine neurodegeneration in Drosophila by a ubiquitin-associated mechanism.. Molecular Cell. 18(1):37-48.
Williams DW, Truman JW.  2005.  Cellular mechanisms of dendrite pruning in Drosophila: insights from in vivo time-lapse of remodeling dendritic arborizing sensory neurons.. Development. 132(16):3631-42.
Marvin JS, Zhu Z.  2005.  Computation-based engineering of protein and antibody therapeutics.. Drug Design Reviews Online. 2:419-25.
Jarsky T, Roxin A, Kath WL, Spruston N.  2005.  Conditional dendritic spike propagation following distal synaptic activation of hippocampal CA1 pyramidal neurons.. Nat Neurosci. 8(12):1667-76.
Tian L, Holmgren RA, Matouschek A.  2005.  A conserved processing mechanism regulates the activity of transcription factors Cubitus interruptus and NF-kappaB.. Nature Structural & Molecular Biology. 12(12):1045-53.
Leonardo A.  2005.  Degenerate coding in neural systems.. Journal of Comparative Physiology. A, Neuroethology, Sensory, Neural, and Behavioral Physiology. 191(11):995-1010.
Bilen J, Bonini NM.  2005.  Drosophila and C. elegans models of human age-associated neurodegeneratiove diseases.. Protein Misfolding, Aggregation and Conformational Diseases.
Bilen J, Bonini NM.  2005.  Drosophila as a model for human neurodegenerative disease.. Annual Review of Genetics. 39:153-71.
Ditch LM, Shirangi T, Pitman JL, Latham KL, Finley KD, Edeen PT, Taylor BJ, McKeown M.  2005.  Drosophila retained/dead ringer is necessary for neuronal pathfinding, female receptivity and repression of fruitless independent male courtship behaviors.. Development. 132:155-64.
Ji N, Shen Y-R.  2005.  A dynamic coupling model for sum frequency chiral response from liquids composed of molecules with a chiral side chain and an achiral chromophore.. Journal of the American Chemical Society. 127(37):12933-42.
Cardona A, Hartenstein V, Romero R.  2005.  The embryonic development of the triclad Schmidtea polychroa.. Development Genes & Evolution. 215(3):109-31.
Broome BM, Jayaraman V, Laurent G.  2005.  Encoding and decoding of overlapping odor sequences.. Neuron. 51(4):467-82.
Brouns SJJ, Wu H, Akerboom J, Turnbull AP, de Vos WM, van der Oost J.  2005.  Engineering a selectable marker for hyperthermophiles.. The Journal of Biological Chemistry. 280(12):11422-31.
Leonardo A, Fee MS.  2005.  Ensemble coding of vocal control in birdsong.. The Journal of Neuroscience: The Official Journal of the Society for Neuroscience. 25(3):652-61.
Pavlopoulos A, Averof M.  2005.  Establishing genetic transformation for comparative developmental studies in the crustacean Parhyale hawaiensis.. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 102(22):7888-93.
Golding NL, Mickus TJ, Katz Y, Kath WL, Spruston N.  2005.  Factors mediating powerful voltage attenuation along CA1 pyramidal neuron dendrites.. J Physiol. 568(Pt 1):69-82.
Peng H, Long F, Ding C.  2005.  Feature selection based on mutual information: criteria of max-dependency, max-relevance, and min-redundancy.. IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence. 27(8):1226-38.
Braendle C, Caillaud MC, Stern DL.  2005.  Genetic mapping of aphicarus -- a sex-linked locus controlling a wing polymorphism in the pea aphid (Acyrthosiphon pisum).. Heredity (Edinb). 94(4):435-42.
Braendle C, Friebe I, Caillaud MC, Stern DL.  2005.  Genetic variation for an aphid wing polyphenism is genetically linked to a naturally occurring wing polymorphism.. Proc Biol Sci. 272(1563):657-64.
Shepherd GMG, Stepanyants A, Bureau I, Chklovskii D, Svoboda K.  2005.  Geometric and functional organization of cortical circuits.. Nature Neuroscience. 8(6):782-90.